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And They Call Us Crazy?


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Here is a video that was published on www.youtube.com of us preaching the word of God in Soi Nana and Soi Cowboy:

. Much of the video films the response that we get from the preaching. And they call us crazy? I would rather be crazy for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ than the devil. I am a fool for Christ; whose fool are you?
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Here is a video that was published on www.youtube.com of us preaching the word of God in Soi Nana and Soi Cowboy:
. Much of the video films the response that we get from the preaching. And they call us crazy? I would rather be crazy for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ than the devil. I am a fool for Christ; whose fool are you?

A few questions/comments, Bro.

What visa are you on?

Do you think you are desirable farangs in Thailand, making a big public DISTURBANCE pushing your religion in a BUDDHIST nation?

Why doesn't Bangkok Bank go after real weirdos, like you?

They call you crazy because you are. People try to have an intelligent conversation with you, and all you can do is revert to rote praying. You don't think. You believe. Is it any wonder fundamentalists of different religions, like you, are the root cause of international world conflict?

Edited by Jingthing
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There is another good thing about living in Thailand .... you are very rarely subjected to tirades like in this video - by people that just don't understand their own religion - on more than a rare occassion!

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The Lord Jesus Christ says: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14). Thanks for both watching and hearing; you have been witnessed to. Glory to God!

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Brother Tony,

May I suggest that rather than posting this obvious trolling feature on TV, then as deep as your religous convictions may well be, your should go to Saudi Arabia where you will be looked after more appropriately than you appear to be doing in Thailand.

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I'm trying to unload the youtube video, which make take two hours at my connection's speed.

We have a saying when we teach in Thailand: if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

Maybe there's another saying in Thailand: if you act crazy, you'll get crazy reactions.

Without having seen the movie, I seriously doubt that's the most effective form of evangelism, but I'll try to see the entire video.

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I think brother Tony is fairly harmless. As far as I know is meant to be an entertainment district. I am far more worried by the the missionaries who bribe local children to attend their services.

Edited by garro
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How embarrassing, completely pathetic and a public nuisance, I look forward to the day I see you in cuffs for disturbing the peace.

According to his previous posts he is on a NON O, do you have a work permit for this stuff Tony? Or is your excuse the same as soom other nuts I have come accross, "im not working, this is my passion"?

Edited by madjbs
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Tony, there's more than one kind of crazy, or fool. Your video shows you as the worst type. It is not what Jesus told us to do. Your quotations are gibberish to native speakers of English. Shouting is culturally inappropriate in Thailand. Whom are you trying to convert? I've taught methods of evangelism; yours is not effective, in my opinion.

It will be hard for moderators to draw the line here, when you begin a topic asking us if we think you resembled a crazy man. Yes, you did.

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You actually should quite admire Brother Tony. He has just got 140 people, so far, to listen to his ramblings. I hope that one of the people watching is connected to Thai immigration and that they can send him back on the next plane to the Bible Belt.

Edited by garro
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Here is a video that was published on www.youtube.com of us preaching the word of God in Soi Nana and Soi Cowboy:
. Much of the video films the response that we get from the preaching. And they call us crazy? I would rather be crazy for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ than the devil. I am a fool for Christ; whose fool are you?

A few questions/comments, Bro.

What visa are you on?

Do you think you are desirable farangs in Thailand, making a big public DISTURBANCE pushing your religion in a BUDDHIST nation?

Why doesn't Bangkok Bank go after real weirdos, like you?

They call you crazy because you are. People try to have an intelligent conversation with you, and all you can do is revert to rote praying. You don't think. You believe. Is it any wonder fundamentalists of different religions, like you, are the root cause of international world conflict?

You are entitled to your view and opinions brother tony BUT you do not have any right to cast those views/opinions on anyone else that does not agree with you. You remind me of those Jehova Witness 'devotee's' that continually try and convert the unwilling. Really you are are loser. It was once said to me that 'religion is a crutch for weak people', so true.... and before you go off preaching some gospel to me ... blah blah blah yeah yeah yeah be pre-advised that I'm not interested, like the majority of others I suspect. Get a life!!!!.....................Oh and btw, I don't even frequent nana or soi cowboy....

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On the immigration point, if memory serves there is a specific 'missionary' visa, no giggling in the back there about positions, but I don't have the data to hand here. Welcome to be confirmed or denied.


PS There is a symmetry here to the 'weird retirees' thread, in that the consensus was that they were being penalised for doing something in public which the equivalent Thai preferred to do 'behind closed doors'. Perhaps BT would think upon this.

/edit typo //

Edited by A_Traveller
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ahh..... brother tony, the same brother tony that wanted to start a church in Phuket.

heres a tip, learn the language as it seems the powers of god havent helped you get your point across. :o

I can only imagine what the Thais were thinking.

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Far be it from me to criticize of a man of God, do whatever you feel is right, but please hear my comments as a bit of a critique. Truly the field you have chosen is rather stony ground.

First it might be a benefit for you to meditate a bit on Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

And also Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Also don’t cast your pearls before swine.

I have trouble imagining that when you bring this video to your supporters you have much success in getting them fired up about your technique. ( they might however think you are quite brave, if that’s what your trying to show) For one thing, the sound quality is atrocious. I know I can hear someone hollering out the Gospel, but I really can’t make out what is being said. So all I, and all the viewers of youtube see, is some guy in crowd yelling, and a bunch of people getting quite offended. If you’re going to use video, then learn how to use it. Bad audio is the death of any media project. Start off by getting a handheld mike with low gain.

Has this been a successful tactic for you? Do you see people convicted of their sins, or do you see what we are reading here, a bunch of folks who feel even more justified in their hatred of the Christian message. Not by the message mind you, because no one can hear it; but by what appears to them as complete arrogance and insensitivity.

When Christ went to the bars, he sat with the people, got to know their names and shared his heart with them. This is exactly what drove the Pharisees nuts; they thought he should be yelling at them from the street like you were.

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I don't think Tony is the sort of person to listen to other people's opinions. He strikes me as the type of person who would brand those in any way opposed to his view as evil.

The world must be a very evil and frightening place for him and this is probably what drives him to act in such an outrageous manner. I am not a Christian but feel sure that Tony is doing that religion much more harm then good. Mind you if it Tony was born in an Islamic country he would like have a bomb tied to him instead of a bible. So as I say he is fairly harmless.

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I can't believe the kind of people that are on this board. It is outrageous. The man is just trying to help. I guess you people don't mind these young girls selling their flesh. I have a problem with it and commend Brother Tony for doing something about it. It may not be the best way, but there are probably some people at those places who heard him and then heard from their consciences and left. At least he is trying to make a positive difference in the world and not feeding the problems.

There is a visa for missionary purposes in Thailand. The country has no problem with people coming for religious purposes.

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I can't believe the kind of people that are on this board. It is outrageous. The man is just trying to help. I guess you people don't mind these young girls selling their flesh. I have a problem with it and commend Brother Tony for doing something about it. It may not be the best way, but there are probably some people at those places who heard him and then heard from their consciences and left. At least he is trying to make a positive difference in the world and not feeding the problems.

There is a visa for missionary purposes in Thailand. The country has no problem with people coming for religious purposes.

If everyone started shouting at the top of their lungs their belief in the middle of the road.... yeah there are better ways, still better than a kamikaze though.

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