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Thais Giving Thais A Bad Name


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This morning I caught a taxi from Suk Soi 15 to Suvannabhumi Airport, using meter and paying tolls of 65 baht. About 300 meters from airport terminal building, the taxi conks out on highway. Luckily we got onto shoulder lane, out of main traffic, and a motorcycle policeman came by to help. Taxi driver couldn't get motor restarted. So I hopped out of taxi, paid driver baht 200 for the 185 showing on the meter. And began trying to flag any empty taxi on way to terminal.

Luckily, or so I thought, a private car with single driver stops, and offers me a ride. I hop in and off we go. First thing, driver says is, "This is limousine service." I said, "Thank you for picking me up." 15 seconds later, we reach the departure level of the terminal, and the driver pulls out this card, and wants baht 600 for picking me up. I said, "Jing jing? Only song roi meter (200 meters)" and offer him baht 40 for what a taxi would have cost to go the 2 - 300 meters.

Then I just got out of the cab, extended the two 20 baht notes to him, and of course he took them.

I can understand Thais wanting to earn a living, but something like what the driver wanted shows to me, a lack of human decency. I think it's indicative of Thais who are trying to make a living off of foreigners and visitors to Thailand.

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In Pattaya my rented motor cycle got a puncture so I parked it and set off on foot to the hirer who was just at the end of the soi. A friendly Thai on a battered motor cycle (not a taxi) stopped and offered me a lift. When we got there I bought him a beer while my bike was being fixed, then a second beer when he asked. Then I got up to leave and he said "Ten baht for taxi ride". That was my introduction to LOS capitalism.

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Of course it will happen....but think where you are.....Bangkok and Pattaya.....the two places where many rip-off merchants live...and try to fleece the farang....it does not happen up here in the north....well.......not as much!

And anyway....you are RICH!!!!

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Once I got a taxi to Samut Songram from Wireless road. At first he said 600 baht. Then agreed to the meter(usually 300 baht). Halfway there he said he was adding more onto the fare for some ridiculous reason. I said stop the car, got out and gave him 35 baht less than the shown fare and jumped into another taxi.

A case of โลภมากลาภหาย a saying which means something like being greedy will lead to misfortune. Very relevant to Toxin and his cronies.

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This morning I caught a taxi from Suk Soi 15 to Suvannabhumi Airport, using meter and paying tolls of 65 baht. About 300 meters from airport terminal building, the taxi conks out on highway. Luckily we got onto shoulder lane, out of main traffic, and a motorcycle policeman came by to help. Taxi driver couldn't get motor restarted. So I hopped out of taxi, paid driver baht 200 for the 185 showing on the meter. And began trying to flag any empty taxi on way to terminal.

Luckily, or so I thought, a private car with single driver stops, and offers me a ride. I hop in and off we go. First thing, driver says is, "This is limousine service." I said, "Thank you for picking me up." 15 seconds later, we reach the departure level of the terminal, and the driver pulls out this card, and wants baht 600 for picking me up. I said, "Jing jing? Only song roi meter (200 meters)" and offer him baht 40 for what a taxi would have cost to go the 2 - 300 meters.

Then I just got out of the cab, extended the two 20 baht notes to him, and of course he took them.

I can understand Thais wanting to earn a living, but something like what the driver wanted shows to me, a lack of human decency. I think it's indicative of Thais who are trying to make a living off of foreigners and visitors to Thailand.

dont worry about it mate as he did not try and kill you. :D

just think how much the dude earns ( which is bugger all ) and he was just testing you to see if you were silly enough to give him the coin. :o

not a problem, and just have a little giggle to yourself. :D

thank you very much.

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Let me guess: is this topic a reaction against the lady complaining about all the weird farang retirees?

Search me, PB, pass the spliff please. :D

excuse me mr qwertz,

you are a bit too mature to be smoking that wacky tabbaccy stuff arn't you. :D

and just to stay on topic,

i think you should pass the dutchie on the left hand side to the OP. :D

i think he could use it after his brush with death. :o

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Let me guess: is this topic a reaction against the lady complaining about all the weird farang retirees?

Search me, PB, pass the spliff please. :D

excuse me mr qwertz,

you are a bit too mature to be smoking that wacky tabbaccy stuff arn't you. :D

and just to stay on topic,

i think you should pass the dutchie on the left hand side to the OP. :D

i think he could use it after his brush with death. :o

So sorry to to have departed from the topic, Mr T, but you too will learn soon that you're never too old to sin. It's good to see you on form as usual.

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Let me guess: is this topic a reaction against the lady complaining about all the weird farang retirees?

Search me, PB, pass the spliff please. :bah:

excuse me mr qwertz,

you are a bit too mature to be smoking that wacky tabbaccy stuff arn't you. :bah:

and just to stay on topic,

i think you should pass the dutchie on the left hand side to the OP. :D

i think he could use it after his brush with death. :o

So sorry to to have departed from the topic, Mr T, but you too will learn soon that you're never too old to sin. It's good to see you on form as usual.

thank you very much MR qwertz,

and i appreciate that you appreciate my literary genious. :o

and just to stay on topic,

if the OP smoked some of MR qwertz's gunja before he headed to the airport im sure he would of given that taxi driver the 600 baht, plus a bleeding great tip. :D :D :D

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Our motorbike broke down on a quiet strech of road at 3am in Samui, my husband called a freind who woke up, drove to where we were & took me home, all for free, whilst hubby started the long walk to the house pushing the bike. After 10 minutes a songtaew passed him (the only car in this time) & stopped, helped him load the bike in the back & drove him to our house, hubby offered him money for the help but he waved it off & went on his way. Point, well not a major one except that some poeple are nice & some people are not. :o

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Yesterday, while shopping, a lady loaded with bags from the supermarket started following me and yelling "mistel, mistel!" and I "<deleted>?", "money mistel" and she gave me back a 100 baht note i lost somewhere in the mall TIT.

edit: actually happened 3 days ago

Edited by KhunMarco
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After 15+ years in LOS, I can recall to have been helped countless times by Thai people and free of charge ....

I of course remember a couple of times when I have been cheated or ripped off hundreds of bahts, but I am still alive ...

Thai people are friendly and LOS is safe, but there are like everywhere a couple of bad eggs in the basket ...

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Thais only give other Thais a bad name if farang are foolish enough to believe that the actions of individual Thai people represent the entire 60 million Thai people in this country.

thats a very nice bit of 145% strait up information maddy, and how true is your statement. :o

i salute you my friend. :D

considering there is 60 million people in the mighty los there not doing too bad are they?

ive been coming here for a long time and i dont get this sort of stuff happenning to me except for thais wanting to give me 2 baht change back. :D

go figure. :D

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This morning I caught a taxi from Suk Soi 15 to Suvannabhumi Airport, using meter and paying tolls of 65 baht. About 300 meters from airport terminal building, the taxi conks out on highway. Luckily we got onto shoulder lane, out of main traffic, and a motorcycle policeman came by to help. Taxi driver couldn't get motor restarted. So I hopped out of taxi, paid driver baht 200 for the 185 showing on the meter. And began trying to flag any empty taxi on way to terminal.

Luckily, or so I thought, a private car with single driver stops, and offers me a ride. I hop in and off we go. First thing, driver says is, "This is limousine service." I said, "Thank you for picking me up." 15 seconds later, we reach the departure level of the terminal, and the driver pulls out this card, and wants baht 600 for picking me up. I said, "Jing jing? Only song roi meter (200 meters)" and offer him baht 40 for what a taxi would have cost to go the 2 - 300 meters.

Then I just got out of the cab, extended the two 20 baht notes to him, and of course he took them.

I can understand Thais wanting to earn a living, but something like what the driver wanted shows to me, a lack of human decency. I think it's indicative of Thais who are trying to make a living off of foreigners and visitors to Thailand.

Something like this, quite similar, happened to me in ... you will never guess ... yes ... Switzerland, Geneva.

Obviously not a Thai specialty.

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you should look for --- Meter Taxi ---

why ?

nothing happens without a reason

About a year ago I was getting a taxi from sukhumvit soi 11 to silom. A little while into the journey I realised that the meter was overcharging at an exponential rate. We were on witayoo Rd coming up on lumpini police station. By this time the meter was reading about 200B for a journey of 4 km's. I asked the taxi to park in front of the police station as I had to see my "friend". He obliged, I opened the door & stepped out of the taxi. He asked for the fare 258B. I told him to "GF" in very sweet thai language & if he wanted to argue about come & see the police with me. He drove off.

Avoid the taxi's near Q Bar.



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Yesterday, while shopping, a lady loaded with bags from the supermarket started following me and yelling "mistel, mistel!" and I "<deleted>?", "money mistel" and she gave me back a 100 baht note i lost somewhere in the mall TIT.

edit: actually happened 3 days ago

Yes similar thing happened to me. At a BTS station I cashed a 1,000 baht note and took the 60 baht coins and 40 baht notes and went off to buy the tickets. We went through the barriers and started to walk for the stairs, when the cashier rushed up to me to give me the 900 baht - that I forgot.

I've also been helped numerous times. Like the Thai woman who took me under her umbrella on a rainy day on my way to an office building in Silom to the young person who held my grocery shopping because he had a seat - and I didn't - on a red bangkok bus.

When I first moved here (quite a few years ago now), I figured one out of every three taxi drivers was an as+h+le. Now I figure it's only 1-in-5 :o

Anyway, I think the Thai establishment are fair game to flame long and hard for their greed and contempt for the rest of their countrymen. I hope they get their cumuppance one day. As for the rest of the Thai people - well I love the place - largely because of them.

The rip-off merchants I just laugh at..works every time. It's kind of like a fight at a hockey game - make sure you laugh at the other guy..even if you lose.

Edited by thaigene2
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I paid for EMS postal service a few days ago, which includes my phone number on both copies of the receipt. I paid over 900 baht and didn't have the nerve or the Thai to ask the lady why so much. Within 24 hours her boss called me to say my 350 baht refund was waiting for me at the counter. I seldom get phone calls from Thai businesses when I want them to call me!

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I'm thinking about starting a turn-key sweat shop franchise. We supply the general use labor, logos, t-shirt uniforms... you provide the business plan.


No probs.

i've got the cid (or is it csi??) sown up. just for keeping the L/E off your back I'll take 25% gross. easy easy!


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