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House infested with ticks! Help!

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I have 3 dogs (2 of 3 years old and 1 of 19 years old) The young ones have been given Bravecto 2 weeks ago and the old one Spot on with additional daily Spot On spray  ... However these have not helped at all..! ... where the ticks were only on the dogs at the time = 2 weeks later my house in infested and they are everywhere ... including coming on me!!! Can anybody recommend a good Company to come and get rid of them? Don't know what to do for the dogs except bathe them everyday and take the ticks off by hand ..


Try this in places that you think they may have congregated. If they can't get on the dogs they will soon disappear and they seem to hate this powder so it keeps them out of the places they might hide. You can just clean up the powder after a few weeks.



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5 hours ago, steven100 said:



as for the house ….  


Ok so this would be to spray around the house... not on the dogs.... thanks ! That could possibly work ...

I've tried the vinegar solution but didn't work... I use pure vinegar all the time to clean the kitchen counters and floors to deter ants...works works well for that but didn't help with the tick invasion


4 hours ago, cmsally said:

Try this in places that you think they may have congregated. If they can't get on the dogs they will soon disappear and they seem to hate this powder so it keeps them out of the places they might hide. You can just clean up the powder after a few weeks.



I find this one does not work, also its 35 baht from the markets or pet shops


It worked initially for me, but i am guessing ticks got immuned to it.

7 hours ago, annabel said:

Ok so this would be to spray around the house... not on the dogs.... thanks ! That could possibly work ...

I've tried the vinegar solution but didn't work... I use pure vinegar all the time to clean the kitchen counters and floors to deter ants...works works well for that but didn't help with the tick invasion


hmmmm …. sounds like they are pretty tough ticks....  I can only suggest go to one of the pet shops and buy some powder and give them a good powdering all over,  the chaindrite is kinda a surface spray to kill anything that crawls.  however, be careful using it … wear a paper mask if you can and have the dogs outside ..... then spray every nook and cranny … every corner where you think ticks will be. Then close the house up and go out for at least 4 hours.  Come home and open up and air out the house for a while before entering to allow the smell to dissipate.   Then all should be good.  Bit of a hassle but you have to do.

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20 hours ago, fishtank said:

Nexgard Spectra will sort out the dogs.

As for the house? Hopefully they will die without a host.

Not that easy especially if they have got everywhere. The dogs are the easier bit. From memory the ticks can live for 3-6 months without a host.

There used to be some really good threads in the Plants, Pet section about 3-5 years ago about getting rid of ticks. The common theme was that different treatments worked/didn't work for different people/dogs.

In most cases where people had ticks in the furniture/curtains etc it took a while to get rid of them all using various methods. Certainly a recommended pest control company can help. 


I used to have 2 GSDs and ended up getting the govt. vet to inject them every month to keep the tick levels down. Unfortunately they can pick up ticks just by walking in grass/brushing against trees etc.


Once the dogs were gone and even with monthly pest control I was still finding the odd tick 3 months later.



Physically picking up ticks as odious as that sounds is the
swiftest way to get rid of them. House got invested with
ticks once when a friend's dog came to stay for a few days
and turned out to be covered in them. 

Took the dog to be bathed and had the ticks removed from
him. Then spent days picking the ticks up off the floor. Use
a piece of scotch tape, pat it onto the mess of ticks and
trap them, they stick to the tape and die. 

The pesticide sprays are pretty toxic, make sure you leave
the house and don't let the dogs stay inside while you're
spraying. You'll have to clean all surfaces when you come
back 'cause hey! They are covered in pesticide. 

Some people swear by Apple Cider Vinegar, you can lightly 
spray it on the dogs too to repel ticks. 

If you vacuum daily the floor, sofa and any likely hiding
places you'll cut down on both fleas and ticks. Also note
that ticks liketo climb, so check wall and vertical surfaces

It's a good idea to check the dogs when they come in from
being outside, check between toes, around the neck and
quickly over the body, remove any ticks immediately, put
them in a jar of oil or flush them. 


do not smash them, you will send thousand of eggs everywhere that you can't see. and you can use Listerine mouthwash will kill ticks, and best if you get them in a pile burn them, do not smash them

  • Thanks 1

treat your dogs with nextguard every month, use anti tick and flea powder after bathing them. Hoover your fabric furniture and rugs. 


Burn any live ticks you find - dont get bit.


For the ticks on the dogs I found the best solution is by pill such as nexgard. My 2dogs were badly coveted by ticks about 2 years ago and nothing else helped. They were tick free for about 18 month after only 1 pill. Then I noticed 2-3 ticks on 1 of the dogs, 1 more pill per dog and clean for more than a year already. It's important to give correct dosage according to dog's size.

for the ticks in the house that's a bit harder... You probably have a tick or maybe more that laid eggs in the house. You MUST find where and get rid of the eggs (1 lay can be thousands of eggs). Only after finding the source you can get rid of the ticks. Look in dark places, corners, I found a bunch inside a book...

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For me and 3 dogs it worked, and still work, manually check them and remove ticks, keep house very clean – especially were the dogs are, like pillows and carpets – preferably vacuum clean.


I use a natural "anti bug" balsam from Thai "Oriental Care" – available from pharmacies with a assortment of natural products – based on citronella, eucalyptus and peppermint; the ticks don't like the smell, but it's all-right for humans. Rub a but onto skin and fur of the dogs (be careful not to get into their eyes). Might also keep mosquitoes away, at least the label claim so, so it might have a good side-effect for humans. Other brands with similar ingredients should have same effect...????


Billedresultat for oriental nature anti-bug treatment"


Pine oil or eaucalyptus oil, mixed with your water in the mop bucket, to mop the floors.

Camphor powder, mixed in equal portions with regular talcum powder, rubbed into dogs' fur all over, except face.

Both above tried and tested remedies, cheap, harmless, and recommended by our family vet.


Don't overdo the Bravecto. It can cause many problems for your dogs. However it does over-excite the ticks for a while. All powders I use did Jack. I found that a lower re-dose after 2 months cleared my issues.


If you need to clear the surrounding areas that they inhabit, There're many sprays, but they can retain toxicity for up to 2 weeks in the areas sprayed. Wash the bedding in Dettol.


Takes a while, but the ticks should disappear without spraying.

  • Thanks 1

Bayticol to fix the current problem (used as a dip and you can wash floors and dog bedding with it as well) and Kiltix tick and flea collars to prevent this from happening again.  Good luck. 


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you could also get a small net and go outside at night to any lights.  Catch as many geckos as you can and release them inside.  They will happily take care of any ticks that have jumped off your dogs and are wondering around your home.


Although don't try this if you have sprayed with poison as we wouldn't want to harm the little fellows.

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2 hours ago, womble said:

you could also get a small net and go outside at night to any lights.  Catch as many geckos as you can and release them inside.  They will happily take care of any ticks that have jumped off your dogs and are wondering around your home.


Although don't try this if you have sprayed with poison as we wouldn't want to harm the little fellows.

Luv this idea !! Unfortunately can't do it now as have already sprayed inside ... Pew!! so if that doen't solve the problem will definitely try this... Thanks !!!

On 10/25/2019 at 4:40 AM, cmsally said:

Try this in places that you think they may have congregated. If they can't get on the dogs they will soon disappear and they seem to hate this powder so it keeps them out of the places they might hide. You can just clean up the powder after a few weeks.



I favor tick powder for the pooches.  Some tick collars work pretty well, but on my long haired husky back home, the ticks would die and dry up and fall off in no time after one application of the Tick powder.  Never had to repeat it and the dog didn't seem to mind it at all.  

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