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Thai girl trying to charge me a baby (I think)


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Google why condoms break will help you in the future, Expired, left near heat source, No water based lube used, Oil based lube used, applied wrong all can cause condoms to break.  Sex 101, if woman is not aroused and producing her own lubrication, you need to provide it 

These are the things you need to be concerned about for your future to prevent pregnancy and STD's .

The woman hooks up with guys for one night stands, you provided support for her after condom broke, the rest is moot . 

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I see 3 options: 


She forgets you and leaves you alone (best option). 


She scams you. I would not pay anything before the baby is born. 


She is really pregnant. When the baby is born insist on a DNA test. Perhaps you haven't been the only customer... If it is your child you will have to accept it. 

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even if OP decides to travel aback anyways... and there is no more communication... 

how will she be able to know where and when he is when he arrives? 

on top of that; there is the question as to how about does she know?

telephone number?

address at home?

passport details? 


just stay a needle in the haystack...

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The OP should think in terms of probabilities. 1/ Probability of getting the girl pregnant after one night of sex. 2/ Probability she did not take the pill. 3/ Probability of a scammer blocking contact. 4/ Probability of her carrying any child to full term. 5/ Probability DNA testing will show any child is his.

Multiply those probabilities. The end result will be very small.

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20 hours ago, AdolfoSa said:

I had many condons but It broked when I cum... She told me that she went to take the pill.

Really, you do not have to worry too much. You just met and had sex together. In my opinion, if there is a child that is yours, you should qwn up and take care as well be a part of that ones life. Let´s say that is the punishment for your foolishness.

However, you are not married, never lived together as husband and wife, which means you have no parental rights regarding the child. The same goes for her possibility to demand anything from you. The fact is that even with a DNA-test proving you are the father, there is not going to be any court room in Thailand that will judge in her favor regarding any alimoney.

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On 10/28/2019 at 11:36 PM, steven100 said:

you played up …. she got pregnant ….. your the father ….. and now you don't wanna own up.

But you don't know that at all.


Yes it could be his baby and it could be somebody complete different.


A DNA test should give an answer.

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On 10/28/2019 at 4:17 PM, AdolfoSa said:

Should I be worried for a real, actual possibility of being ripped off? Or to be in troubles with police and court when I arrive in BKK next week? I mean, could her claim me a pension based in the night we stayed together, even if I paid for her pill and she assured me that she ate it?

Edited Monday at 04:18 PM by AdolfoSa

Ah, the good old "keep a nigga baby" scam. I'm afraid you're screwed, excuse the pun.


Will you be detained at the airport because of this?


Of course you will. They have a special division in the police force for this. They will be standing there with the ultrasound pictures, TV cameras, and someone will be pointing at you. Sorry to inform you, but you will have to re-enact the crime to be broadcasted on a breakfast TV channel.


I believe the courts recently changed their policy to handing this from rock, paper, scissors to "last one on's the daddy." I expect they changed this policy due to rock, paper, scissors getting a bit complicated when there are a few dozen players involved.






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On 10/28/2019 at 10:49 PM, Beggar said:



Perhaps you haven't been the only customer... If it is your child you will have to accept it. 


He wasn't a customer. He got laid using tinder. Very easy in Thailand. 


Unless you are over 60 I suggest you try it. 

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On 10/28/2019 at 11:17 PM, AdolfoSa said:

Today I told her I'm going to visit BKK again and she started to ask suspicious questions: "when did we stay together? Did we went to your room?"

She doesn't know the OP from Adam.


Pick another Tinder partner.


...in Vietnam.

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