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Britain set for December 12 election to break the Brexit deadlock


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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

Johnson taking a huge gamble, although the bookmakers have him down for a majority ... but that will depend on getting traditional Labour voters in the North of England voting for him to make up for losses in Scotland to SNP and in England to the Lib Dem’s. 


I think the bookies are wrong ... we’re heading for a hung parliament followed by a second referendum. Still life in the old Brexit dog yet!

AlexRich, you will be AlexPoor if you go against the bookies....

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3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:



I truly feel sad for my British friends if your choices are either Johnson or Corbyn.


Future historians will promote this era in UK politics as a warning to politicians on the dangers of incompetent government, a lack of a genuine Democracy, and the folly of implementing huge public policy decisions without the populace behind the government.


I have said it before and will say it again;


Never before have I seen a country do utterly determined to shoot itself in the crotch

Has your own country not just returned Trudeau...?

Edited by evadgib
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2 hours ago, JAG said:

A General Election.


 Hmm, I know, we could call it "the peoples vote!"


Of course, if it produces the "wrong result" no doubt it will be claimed that it was " only advisory"...


A specific "quality" of a GE is that it is the only time at which the public are not advisors and are, quite determinedly, participants.


All this time and yet so many have taken no opportunity to familiarise themselves with UK Constitution, Convention, Precedent/Law.


Pure ignorance.



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24 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

300m is pennies in the grand scheme of things.

If you didn't yet realise it, people bet for and against things all the time on the stock market, based on information available!

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1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

Commie Corbyn must be desperate as he tried to give 16 year olds and EU nationals the vote. Giving foreigners the vote, how insane is that? Labour suporters will still vote back loonies like Abbott and perverts like Vaz, if they put a labour sticker on a donkey some would still vote for it

I do not see it anymore insane than Commonwealth citizens having the vote

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Just now, DannyCarlton said:

In what way. Remain might win it? The fear of howling brexiteers is palpable.

In this way; if remain won, the leave would demand best of three and it would go on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on on and on and on ....................... and on

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2 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

It seems that the " left " has an immense power in that area.



I read  also regularly the same in the U.S.A.; also there does it seems that the majority of the university professors are "left" minded.


It also seems that the "right" don't think it is necessary to  do something about it,  or for one or another reason not be able to do something  about it.  



 People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching. They tend to be 99% lefties

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2 minutes ago, Sticky Wicket said:

 People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching. They tend to be 99% lefties

Sorry, I don't get it.


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7 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

One of several. Mogg stands to make a killing from his hedge fund which has also bet against british businesses.




"Funds betting against British businesses:

Dispatches also reveals how some hedge funds have built up huge bets against British business and hoping to make big profits if the economy hits the rocks after Brexit."


All project fear according to howling Brexiteers. They should read and learn the truth.

Yep, clearly JRM is destroying the UK economy deliberately so he can make a few quid shorting the pound.



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