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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I do wonder what would happen if a professional armed force was to invade Thailand. IMO the grunts would be running for the hills, and the brass would be commandeering the air force to fly to Switzerland.

Yeah Switzerland would be their choice. Have bank account-will travel!

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1 minute ago, geronimo said:

Right, well first off, you're alive and presumably are in good health, and if you don't like NZ, find somewhere else to live.


And as for 'good stuff is only for rich people', I feel sorry for you that you have reached that level of despair.

I wanted to live in Thailand, but a bad choice in a woman put paid to that. If I don't have the money to live in LOS, how the <deleted> would I be expected to move elsewhere that I can't get a pension?


Good health? I wish. Cancer, hypertension, gout, other things I'm not going to say on here.

Yes, I can get out of bed every day if I want to, but that's not the same as being healthy. I mow the lawn for a friend, but even that wears me out, and it's not a big lawn.


Not to say it's all bad. Every day I wake up and nothing hurts is a blessing, every day I don't get evicted is a good day, I get to look at sunsets for free, and if I shop at the supermarket on Tuesdays I get the oldies discount.

When I say that the highlight of my life now is coming on TVF, you may understand just how low I've sunk.

Not to say that I'm overtly un happy- I just don't have much to be happy about. 

Life just is- pigs don't stress about their life as long as they get fed and have mud to wallow in. Like I said a while ago, I'd like to be a happy pig.



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12 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I've moved on from the wrong people in my life. Dwelling on them is a waste of time.

If my Thai GF was to walk away, I'd have mild regret. We've had great times together. Still do.  If she was to become a harpy, she'd be out the door. Quite unlikely scenarios IMO. You see, I have only put into Thailand what I can afford to lose.

You are a lucky guy. I envy you. 

I learned the lesson, but too late. My doom was that I loved too much, but the object of my love was unworthy of it.

A common tale though. The divorce threads are full of guys that also made bad choices with bad women. I am by no means the first or the last man to go down that path in LOS.

I do have hope though, that some guy that was going down the path will read our tales of woe and stop in time. I write not so much just to complain, but also to inform and to warn such as our OP.

Thailand can be the most wonderful place on earth, but it can turn into a hell hole for the unwary.

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14 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I do wonder what would happen if a professional armed force was to invade Thailand. IMO the grunts would be running for the hills, and the brass would be commandeering the air force to fly to Switzerland.

There is probably only one country that would want to invade, and they have no need to use force.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Not in my book. You are simply stating we are all responsible for our individual choices in life. Can't disagree with that.

The bitter posters lamenting a Thai woman did me wrong, lose sight of the truth they chose to go down that path. Nobody twisted their arm.

Choosing to abstain from women for life isn't something most men find acceptable ....... better dead at birth IMHO.

Those men who do walk that road are generally viewed with suspicion and mistrust by western society.

Edited by BritManToo
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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

Choosing to abstain from women for life isn't something most men find acceptable ....... better dead at birth IMHO.

Those men who do walk that road are generally viewed with suspicion and mistrust by western society.

Very true. However, the road to perversion from abstinence is something that is statistically almost certain for a percentage of men who embrace it, and was originated by the desire of an institution to protect its property from inheritance claims.

Heaven forbid I should advocate abstinence from women. The real dilemma is choosing one that is compatible with your desires and values.

I am viewed with suspicion and mistrust by Western women. That's because they rightly fear comparison.

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7 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

The real dilemma is choosing one that is compatible with your desires and values.

None exist, l they are all opportunists under the influence of socialist media.

The only reason the divorce rape never happened to many of our ancestors was the laws were different.

A woman who left her husband before the 1960s walked with nothing (not the house, not the children, not his pension).

A woman who left her husband in the 2000s, took everything (mainly due to law changes in the 80s/90s).


The world has become a strange place where those who contribute nothing to civilisation, are entitled to everything.

Edited by BritManToo
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17 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Choosing to abstain from women for life isn't something most men find acceptable ....... better dead at birth IMHO.

Those men who do walk that road are generally viewed with suspicion and mistrust by western society.

This might sound strange, but I outgrew sex .....

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

None exist, l they are all opportunists under the influence of socialist media.

The only reason the divorce rape never happened to many of our ancestors was the laws were different.

A woman who left her husband before the 1960s walked with nothing (not the house, not the children, not his pension).

A woman who left her husband in the 2000s, took everything (mainly due to law changes in the 80s/90s).

That is why I think the Thai family laws are much more sensible. Defacto relationships do not come under the umbrella. Property before the marriage is not split. 50:50 for assets accumulated during the marriage, which to me is fair enough.

I'd be about 800,000 AUD better off if both my failed relationships in Oz had been divided up according to Thai law.

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19 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Mate, show me how to grow three sugar crops a year and I will make you a millionaire overnight. I've been in sugar for over 25 years and do know a little about it.

They dont grow it high or thick - it is about 30mm thick when they cut it. Check out the trucks carrying the sugar cane, it is not very thick.  Thai wife's family are farmers as are my mates in Isaan - they said they get 2-3 crops a year by cutting it early. Apparently the equipment needed to cut and transport and process sugar cane that is as big and thick as it is here in Qld is not there in most places in Thailand. Correct me if I am wrong - but I saw them cutting and transporting sugar cane that was about 3 feet high. 

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20 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Lets get some perspective on this.

If you go away somewhere and they report you, you MAY need to do a new report. Many posters are indicating that their Imm Office do not require this unless leaving the country. If you go and visit friends and stay a few days Immigration will never know and there will be no need to do any report. Worst comes to worst plead ignorance and cop a smallish fine.

Apparently with the TM30 app its a piece of cake, but I wouldn't know.

I've been visiting the wife monthly for 5 years and haven't done any TM30 report at all. And nothing for the 4 years before that when we both visited Thailand from Oz.

It's not the show stopper some people make it out to be.

Similar approach as myself. Whenever we stay at hotels they are booked and paid in the wife's name only, and she tells them that they dont need to report me (please do not).  Not an issue now, as we only stay for 1-2 months at a time, but in the future when we are living there again, we will do that same. Like you said - only a small fine. We we travel around a bit and use local/small hotels or stay at friends, so it makes sense.  Expat I know was always doing 'the right thing' until at his last extension he was required to pay a fine. They 'caught' him because his wife reported him back at home, but the hotel had not reported him - that is how they knew he was away - but there was no hotel 'computer entry'.  Any attempt to state that the hotel made the mistake, or the computer system may be wrong, was ignored.  Now he does the same as I always did.  Stupidity and Corruption - like a hand in a glove.


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11 hours ago, geronimo said:

It's really a question of perception. The negs on the forum have got into the habit of looking for the bad, and don't let them deter you if you are planning to retire here. For every expat moaner, there is one who is very happy with the life they have created here.

But really, what about this thread then? It's an open question and invite to get all opinions, starting with a negative thread title.


Naturally, this triggers and you then get to read yet another series of neg responses. Of course ... in between positive & negative, you get it all.


Why don't the "I love everything Thailand regardless of anything negative" people don't stop posting these kind of threads if they can't handle the negatives? Or the people who can't take the negatives, stop reading these kind of threads?


The one main thing I thought which distinguishes western people from Thai people, is the ability to speak out and put it all on the table for discussion.


You can't do this with Thai people. At least, I never had any serious deep discussion with a Thai on the street.


You always have to be careful that they don't lose their face, you offend them or the nation, don't step on their toes etc. etc. etc.

From early years starting at school, they don't get taught how to discuss or openly speak their mind & opinions in public.

Freedom of speech? Nada.


I for one are happy that I was brought up in a country with free speech, whether it's negative or positive, I can put it all out there and discuss.


And to the Farangs who live with rose tinted glasses on and don't want to accept the negatives and real issues in this country, sorry ... you just have to cope with it or don't read forums, simple as that ????





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1 minute ago, AussieBob18 said:

Mate - you hit the nail on the head there buddy.  It is becausae they know they can take most of it, that they decide to get a divorce and 'free and find' themselves.  The system was meant to help those who were being abused get away and be financially OK.  By like all good iententions they paved the way to Hell - for Aussie men.  And that is why so many olderr Aussie males go overseas to places like Thailand - those that have the guts to give it a try.  I am sure it is the same for Yanks, Poms and EUs too - although a pre-nup in USA is legally binding, unlike in Aust where they are ignored, and I believe they are also ignored in UK and EU.  Women's equality has meant a huge inequality for men when it comes to seperations that is for sure - we are all paying the price for the aholes of the past. 


The pendulum swings ...... one way then the other ....


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11 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

"outgrew" = has so many physical problems due to ill health and/or old age that it doesn't work any more.

Actually, it does work, but the urge isn't there. Maybe I came out in support of the wife who went through the menopause 5 years ago lol

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1 hour ago, geronimo said:

Actually, it does work, but the urge isn't there. Maybe I came out in support of the wife who went through the menopause 5 years ago lol

My GF went through menopause about the same time. As we both still enjoy sex, we see no reason to stop.

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6 hours ago, Lacessit said:

You are starting to sound like a helicopter, why why why.

Your blatant attempts at trolling are getting tiresome.

I understand you have gone back to the UK. Why anyone would want to live in that godforsaken cold hole in preference to Thailand is beyond my understanding, unless you have health issues that are only affordable in your home country. Perhaps that explains some of the bitterness you exhibit on this and other threads to people who are enjoying their lives.

You are entitled to your opinions. Please don't confuse entitlement with the proposition they have any merit.

Sorry for asking .

I just wondered why you like being noticed and feel the need for females to be attracted to you .

  I hate all that attention and I prefer the anonymity of being among my own people in my own Country .

  I dislike Females who notice me as their next job/payday , young ladies looking and smiling at me and thinking "New iphone 5" .

  I am not bitter at ball, I dislike all that attention and I just wondered why you liked it, anyway, sorry for asking 




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13 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Even if what you say is true, at my age, why would they even give me any attention? Here, I am still a prospect, even though I have a Thai GF.

I can't think of any of your purported Gold Coast stunners who would consider a male 24 years older than them.

Ask yourself why you are a prospect?


Desperation is not love.

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