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How is it so many THAI People Survive in America When You Cannot


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2 hours ago, RedPill said:

Because they have more options 'by law' ... like legally being able to work, own property and get residency status, maybe even a passport etc!


In Thailand, you either bring your own money from the outside or you can leave again. That's it ... it's a very short story. 



You can legally work in Thailand, 10's if not 100's of thousands do. If you have skills companies need there are loads of jobs going, if you dont have any needed skills, well then of course you wont get a job.


Of course you can also own property, get permanent residency and a passport if you really want.


In short every single point in your post is wrong.

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On 11/5/2019 at 7:18 PM, sirineou said:

No argument , that the immigration system in the US is a lot more fair than in Thailand.

That is without a doubt the most misinformed statement I have read on immigration. Everyday hundreds of Thais are applying for an American visa at $180 a whack and getting refused in droves.

On the other hand, all you have to do is have an American passport, no visa, no proof of funds, to be granted a 30 day visa. On the other hand, USA has a policy/premise that everyone who intends to visa is planning to stay and you have to prove you have assets, property, a business, etc. to be granted a visa to the USA. 

When my girl friend went to the Consulate to apply she was denied as well as the 5 people before her. Flatly rejected. Where and when does that apply in Thailand. Of course if you have money you can buy a visa in either country, it just happens to cost a lot more to buy a US visa.

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"On the other hand, all you have to do is have an American passport, no visa, no proof of funds, to be granted a 30 day visa.", mate either you are just ignorant or cant read very well, you need 20,000 baht in funds to enter Thailand and if you have used the 30 day visa a few times they can refuse to let you enter. If you move here to live you have to notify immigration every time you stay in a different place for the night, cant own land, in many cases cant just get any ordinary jobs because they are reserved for thais only, cant start up a business without hiring thais to way outnumber non thais or you as the owner, have to have thais owing 51% of your business, need I go on. In the US while it is harder to get there once you live there you  can work in any job, own land, own a business 100%, not have to notify anyone if you stay away from your house for the night, not be hassled by immigration and the police because you are not a citizen and you can also get citizenship easily, the US is far easier on foreign people than Thailand is. As for the premise we live here because its cheaper, what a load of BS, I live here because I love the country and my wife, living costs dont come into it but they are cheaper, this is just another bitch session for appologists(strangely enough they are all recent members as well, not long term ones, hmmmm) to try to rag out non thais and it is failing miserably because those of us that have been here for a while know the truth, you get out what you put in, it applies in every country

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1 hour ago, Onrai said:

That is without a doubt the most misinformed statement I have read on immigration. Everyday hundreds of Thais are applying for an American visa at $180 a whack and getting refused in droves.

On the other hand, all you have to do is have an American passport, no visa, no proof of funds, to be granted a 30 day visa. On the other hand, USA has a policy/premise that everyone who intends to visa is planning to stay and you have to prove you have assets, property, a business, etc. to be granted a visa to the USA. 

When my girl friend went to the Consulate to apply she was denied as well as the 5 people before her. Flatly rejected. Where and when does that apply in Thailand. Of course if you have money you can buy a visa in either country, it just happens to cost a lot more to buy a US visa.

Two different countries with two different systems for two different reasons, non of which is fairness or unfairness.

When people start fighting to get into Thailand , so will Thailand develop a  more robust system to control the flow.

If your GF could have provided convincing evidence that she would have returned and not overstay her visa, I am sure one would had being granted , as it is for many others. 


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12 hours ago, Skallywag said:

So you would work for ~27 baht an hour in LOS, when minimum wage in Florida is close to 300 baht an hour?

Name one job or business you could profit from in LOS running it with EU or American workers?

10,000 Thais out of 21.6 million population (Florida) is a pretty small percent to case anything on.


Were almost no caucasian americans who could work 12 hour shifts 7 days a week at the fish canneries in Alaska.  Mexicans worked hardest followed by vietnamese and filipino. So definitely being a hard working people who are willing to work jobs americans will not is a road to opportunity from my experience.  


No i would open an office here from my company and employ dozens of thais and pays millions of baht in taxes like i do in other countries including the US - but i am not allowed to and it's not worth it to go through any of this just to pay taxes to the almighty thai govt.


Oh and shut up about businesses profiting from EU/US workers, most big companies have many skilled foreign high level workers... most engineers for power plants here and in laos are swiss/german etc.... IT skills? non existent, thailand would massively benefit from hiring the thousands of digital workers here that live here anyway.....Stupid arrogance.

Thailand started out far better than China but got overtaken a long time ago by this pure arrogance and xenophobia.

Same reason other countries here a la singapore flourished and are rich af.

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7 hours ago, seajae said:

mate either you are just ignorant or cant read very well, you need 20,000 baht in funds to enter Thailand and if you have used the 30 day visa a few times they can refuse to let you enter.

I have entered Thailand a minimum of 10 times and have never been asked for proof of funds. Am I the only farang not being asked for 20,000 in funds? I suspect not. And on the subject of multiple re-entries by crossing the border for one day to get another 30 days. That certainly doesn’t work in the USA.

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7 hours ago, sirineou said:

If your GF could have provided convincing evidence that she would have returned and not overstay her visa, I am sure one would had being granted , as it is for many

Absolutely untrue. How do you define convincing evidence, she owns a guesthouse, has a money in the bank, a return trip ticket, all her family lives here. 

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1 minute ago, Onrai said:

Absolutely untrue. How do you define convincing evidence, she owns a guesthouse, has a money in the bank, a return trip ticket, all her family lives here. 

I can't comment of your GFs personal situation,

in general ,most of the time. approval hinges on the ability of applicant to convince the official that she has compelling reasons to return.


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8 hours ago, seajae said:

f you move here to live you have to notify immigration every time you stay in a different place for the night, cant own land, in many cases cant just get any ordinary jobs because they are reserved for thais only, cant start up a business without hiring thais to way outnumber non thais or you as the owner, have to have thais owing 51% of your business, need I go on. In the US while it is harder to get there once you live there you  can work in any job, own land, own a business 100%, not have to notify anyone if you stay away from your house for the night, not be hassled by immigration and the police because you are not a citizen and you can also get citizenship easily, the US is far easier on foreign people than Thailand is

I agree it is more difficult to own land here. On the the other hand I am beginning to feel that the Thai nationals should be entitled to work and make a profit in their own country. In you look at the political climate in USA, UK, European Union more and more governments are leaning to the right-driven in part by immigrants abusing the system, taking jobs and a general xenophobic vibe that fueled extremist groups. 

Foreign corporations own businesses here, foreigners are allowed to work here. And if you are feeling unfairly treated switch places with a Mexican for a day in any state bordering a Mexico. Joe Arpaio, one step away from the gestapo, is applauded as a national hero by our president. If you are on the receiving end of what it feels like to be an immigrant welcome to the club.

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18 hours ago, sanemax said:

Is that just an excuse to mention sex workers ?

Don't think so , I know of 2 Thai Massage places one in Downtown Boston  and the other in Quincy ,a few miles away. Both charge  $100 USD for a massage and you're not getting any sex.

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10 hours ago, Onrai said:

I have entered Thailand a minimum of 10 times and have never been asked for proof of funds. Am I the only farang not being asked for 20,000 in funds? I suspect not. And on the subject of multiple re-entries by crossing the border for one day to get another 30 days. That certainly doesn’t work in the USA.

Yah but in the USA with a 10 year multiple entry visa which Thais can get easily with proper paperwork they get 90 DAYS entry!  One pop 90 days! They don’t have to go to Canada or Mexico every 30 days. You just are being narrow minded and not really getting it. I wish I could just come to Thailand for 90 days straight easily NOPE even the $200 METV has you In for just 60 days. To extend you have to spend an entire day at immigration , pay 1900 baht more , probably pay a fine for not doing TM30 etc. A complete waste of time and money so we are forced to go to HCMC or somewhere a few days or weeks , spend lots of money there we would have spent in Thailand. This is completely stupid. A Thai can enter Boston , fly 6 hours or drive 5 days to San Francisco , then fly or drive the same to Miami etc and NEVER have to tell USA officials where they have been!  One overnight trip from BKK to Pattaya you need to go to immigration when retiring. <deleted>?!

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3 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Don't think so , I know of 2 Thai Massage places one in Downtown Boston  and the other in Quincy ,a few miles away. Both charge  $100 USD for a massage and you're not getting any sex.

Come on! Even ones in Boston , Cambridge, Medford   and Somerville charge $60 an hour. 

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24 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Yah but in the USA with a 10 year multiple entry visa which Thais can get easily with proper paperwork they get 90 DAYS entry!  One pop 90 days!

The operative phrase here is “Thais can get easily with the proper paperwork”? Wrong. You probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a USA visa if you are an average Thai individual. My girlfriend sat for her interview and everyone before her was rejected. She was rejected. Trump won on his promise to tighten our borders and cut down on illegal immigration. That has spilled over into all sorts of Draconian immigration requirements that change daily. At one point he wanted to bar everyone from Middle Eastern countries that had a perceived tie to radical Islam. The whole mess has been rough out in the state and federal courts system since he took office. The logical response by most people working in immigration is to deny visas since the regulations are changing almost daily.  


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3 minutes ago, Onrai said:

The operative phrase here is “Thais can get easily with the proper paperwork”? Wrong. You probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a USA visa if you are an average Thai individual. My girlfriend sat for her interview and everyone before her was rejected. She was rejected. Trump won on his promise to tighten our borders and cut down on illegal immigration. That has spilled over into all sorts of Draconian immigration requirements that change daily. At one point he wanted to bar everyone from Middle Eastern countries that had a perceived tie to radical Islam. The whole mess has been rough out in the state and federal courts system since he took office. The logical response by most people working in immigration is to deny visas since the regulations are changing almost daily.  


I am sorry about your GF, and I understand your frustration.

  But I don't think much has changed as far as tourist visas from Thailand to the US are concerned.  

  All these people , including your GF should not have applied and wasted their time and money, if they could not qualify. The qualification requirements are clear, "One must show compelling reason why they will return"  , many of the reasons applicants  consider "compelling", such as money in the bank, or have family in Thailand are not compelling reasons why a person will return, In fact could be the opposite.

  I love My sister in law, In the US we  have a very nice house in FL near the beach. We would love for her to come and visit, she would love it also. But even though we could put money in her account for a year to show she has money, and she has family in Thailand (like everyone else I might mention) and own a shop. 

being that she is self employed , and they don't know how well her shop is doing.... 

 We don't even apply for her, Because we know she will be rejected. 

 They will think she will never come back, which might not be too far from the truth. Once in the US, in my wife's nail shop, she can make as much in a day , as she makes in two weeks in Thailand.

Unfortunately It is not unfairness (because unfairness can be rectified) it is reality.

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On 11/5/2019 at 6:46 PM, bwpage3 said:

How is it so many, 10,000's of Thai People can survive financially in my home state of Florida, USA, when many expats run off to Thailand because they cannot afford to live/retire in their own country and complain how high the cost is?


Expats move to Thailand, live in a one room flat, try to survive teaching English and basically don't have a pot to pee in?

This is quite easy to answer:

Thais who move to the USA are usually successful already, this is not the farmer from Isaan who is going to live in USA (maybe the farmer's daughter if she got a husband from the US)

People who decide to move to Thailand are often on the other side of the scale, they are less successful. A retiree with 1000 USD in Thailand still can do many things compared to a retiree with 1000 USD in the US, i guess money is the most important reason why people move to a country like Thailand. You probably won't find many retirees who have 5k+ USD per month who decide to live full time in Thailand.

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23 hours ago, KP67 said:

even Florida has it's own Isaan where it is dirt cheap to live if one had to.


Where is this Isaan in FL ?  Where are there any large temples in FL ?

If you ever driven west from the east coast towards Orlando, there is Nothing in between. Land is cheap, people can still live cheap.


Outside of the beach/coastal areas and the cities, Florida is nothing but a huge rural wasteland.


If you are over 55, plenty of over 55 communities where I have seen nice remodeled mobile homes for as little as US $15K


Tampa has a very large temple.


Kissimmee. Melbourne, Orlando...

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4 hours ago, Onrai said:

The operative phrase here is “Thais can get easily with the proper paperwork”? Wrong. You probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a USA visa if you are an average Thai individual. My girlfriend sat for her interview and everyone before her was rejected. She was rejected. Trump won on his promise to tighten our borders and cut down on illegal immigration. That has spilled over into all sorts of Draconian immigration requirements that change daily. At one point he wanted to bar everyone from Middle Eastern countries that had a perceived tie to radical Islam. The whole mess has been rough out in the state and federal courts system since he took office. The logical response by most people working in immigration is to deny visas since the regulations are changing almost daily.  


You May be upset but this has nothing to do with Trump what you call “ average “ Thais had exactly the same problem getting a USA visa with Obama or Bush or Clinton. What kills me is how you think “ average “ Thais and above average Thais haven’t had a loooong history of getting a visa to UK or USA and then NOT returning. Take off your blinders regarding your perfect GF and understand “average” Europeans and Americans come to Thailand and leave way more than “ average Thais go to Europe or USA and return. ZERO to do with Trump get over it. 

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On 11/8/2019 at 12:52 AM, Tony125 said:

Take off your Rose Colored Glasses , first you say they are not from wealthy families or professionals but then say they drive Merc's and Corvets. Have big homes and only one family living in it and are in their 60''s ---70's.  You ask how did they get there get all that while us poor US expats have to run to Thailand to survive on pennies?  For one anyone can migrate to the US even though it may take time. Why are all the illegals trying to cross the border in Mexico to come to the US? Because it is the land of oportunity and they can make money.  Even if illegal we can't just jail them put then in detention camps. They are given after awhile a court date to hear the merits of their request for asylum . Yheh like they ever going to show and in sanctuary states like Californiathey are given a drivers liscense, we have to educate their kids  in a public school , have to feed the kids in school have to feed their parents by giving them food stamps, ect. For legal aliens they can get small business loans to open a restaurant, laundry, whatever--can we farang get a business loan in Thailand ? Can we own land and then rent it like they can? And as said earlier they open a Thai restaurant charge $8---$10+ USD for a plate of Pad Thai that I pay 35 baht here. They bring over other family members, live together  and make more  moneythen spread out open more restaurants and then caan by merc's /homes

But the Thai population in the US has actually gone down. Used to be 350,000 Thai now estimates are 300,000. Why? Unlike the 3 1/2 million Phillipino that work overseas all over the world and send money home the Thai actually like Thailand and return home after making a lot of cash. I met  hi-so Thai girls when I lived in Boston ,MA who went to school there and owned restaurant there. Sold business and returned to Thailand opened club but still own home in Fla  to visit sometime.

And for your information I lived in Boston ,MA one the most expensive cities to work/live in. When I sold my home and retired I could have easily moved to Florida (lower cost housing/taxes) warmer weather but I have always been with younger women and decided to move to Thailand. You don't think I and other US citizens could live more cheaply in the US? We could move to Florida/Texas from expensive areas and have Health insurance thru Medicare/Medicaid Obamacarecheaper cost of living and social care programs for those not so well off. You know most of the guys come here to retire and marry a much younger pretty Thai girl that they would stand no chance to have in US or be hasseled for "robbing the cradle"  If we jsut wanted cheaper living we would have gone to Phillippines or South America.

Anyone that would base their sole existence on young Thai girls has a few screws loose.


I am pretty sure when you started your working career that you did not put moving to Thailand on the top of your 30 year, what I plan to do when I retire, future plans list.


Pretty sure the fact would be, if 20 year old's didn't marry retiree's in Thailand, not many expats would be there at all; including you.


If you have ALWAYS been with younger women, why did you need to move to Thailand?


Seems you already had a good track record by your claims of always being with younger women?


And if you couldn't find any younger girls any longer in Boston, why not go to Thailand and marry a young thai girl and come back and live in the USA?


You already claimed you could live here cheaper, it is your own culture and language, Medicare, and the quality of life would surely have to be much better than visa hassles?


Did you ever think if you got hassled for robbing the cradle, maybe in fact you did?


I am pretty sure there is a reason why in first world countries, 20 year old's don't marry 70 year old's?


Doesn't make it morally right if you do that in the third world because of poverty and desperation.


And no, not anyone can immigrate to the US even with time.





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On 11/8/2019 at 4:11 AM, wwest5829 said:

Might like to refer to the Bureau of Economic and Business Research. 

Figure 2 provides a more detailed look at the composition of the Asian population by selected groups in Florida. The figure presents data for eight Asian groups (Asian Indian, Chinese including Taiwanese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Pakistani, Thai, and Vietnamese); each of these groups had a population exceeding 10,000 people in the 2010–2012 ACS statewide. Also displayed are estimates for “Other Asians,” which is an aggregate category for Asian groups with smaller populations and includes Bangladeshi, Cambodian, Hmong, Indonesian, Laotian, Malaysian, Sri Lankan, and other Asian (not specified) groups. Figure 2 shows that Asian Indians represent the largest Asian group in Florida, accounting for over a quarter of the total Asian population in 2010–2012. The next largest groups were Filipinos, Chinese, and Vietnamese, each representing about 15–20% of the total Asian population. From 2005–2007 to 2010–2012 the share of the total Asian population that was Asian Indian, Filipino, Japanese, and Korean declined slightly, while Chinese, Pakistanis, Vietnamese, and other Asians increased their share; the proportion Thai remained relatively stable.


2012 was almost 8 years ago!

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On 11/8/2019 at 4:20 AM, wwest5829 said:

The topic is skewed. I retired to Thailand due to being able to have a working middle class Retirement That I cannot have in the USA and I am far from alone. The Chiang Mai Consulate has stated they serve some 17,000 Americans in N. Thailand but they are here for various reasons. There are some 40 K foreigners in the greater a Chiang Mai region. So yes I can afford a much better retirement on my $2400.00 (USD) per month here than I could have in the US. Working For income is a different matter entirely.

Most people that retire in the USA, already have paid off their house, cars, kids education, you name it.


Have a considerable amount socked away in the bank, 401k, investments


$2400 a month expendable cash, then becomes a lot of money each month even in the USA.




Now if you didn't do all of those things above, and you only have $2400 to survive on, then the story is much different.



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On 11/8/2019 at 5:09 AM, RedPill said:

Because they have more options 'by law' ... like legally being able to work, own property and get residency status, maybe even a passport etc!


In Thailand, you either bring your own money from the outside or you can leave again. That's it ... it's a very short story. 



If Thai's can work in the US and make enough to buy a house, expensive car, etc. why is it so many Americans are living in Thailand on nothing?


Why is it Thai's can come to America and make a decent living and Americans that grew up here and lived their entire lives here cannot and make the decision to move to Thailand?



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On 11/5/2019 at 6:46 PM, bwpage3 said:

You have to ask yourself how the Thai's are surviving financially in America with new cars, owning their OWN homes and businesses, etc. and there are expats living out their lives in a one room flat, rural farmhouse, no insurance, no savings to speak of, in Thailand.

Although I have reservations about all 10,000 Thais in FL being flush with cash, driving flash cars and going to the same temple the OP witnessed, maybe more than a few of them are relatives of the following?


500 people own 36% of equity in Thai companies



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16 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Most people that retire in the USA, already have paid off their house, cars, kids education, you name it.


Have a considerable amount socked away in the bank, 401k, investments


$2400 a month expendable cash, then becomes a lot of money each month even in the USA.




Now if you didn't do all of those things above, and you only have $2400 to survive on, then the story is much different.



Yes, I can check all those boxes. $1292.00 a month in Social Security and I draw a like amount from my retirement/savings. $2400.00 I maintain will not get me the used car, motorbike, 4 bed/3 bath rental home with utilities, food, car insurance, 6 pills daily I take. OK, maybe in a rusting out trailer in FL or AZ ... Many of the working middle class have sought lower cost countries for retirement including those with national healthcare schemes.

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The reason many Asian people are able to get ahead quickly is that their community, whether Thai, Chinese, Korean, etc, takes care of their own.  What I mean by that is the community comes together to help the newer addition through loans, food, work, etc.  This can lead to home and vehicle ownership quickly and make us scratch our heads as to how can they.  

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