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Diary of a farang in Isaan

owl sees all

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6 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Take a look at Makro ( if Udon has one of course ) for your cheese Owl, i buy a 2 kg block of cheddar for 700 baht ( sure it was 659 last time ☹️ ) Horeca brand.

I used to buy Aro brand for a similar price but that’s disappeared now and looking online I see Anchor cheddar, 2kg for 785 baht, but never seen it at my store.

I cut it into 8 and put in the freezer, seems like it tastes better the longer it’s been in the freezer …. not that it’s in there for long ????

Splashed out on some Branston pickle from Lazada to go with it but usually have tomato or sometimes onion.

Tops have some good wholewheat bread , it disappears fast from the shelves but the Wholewheat bread ( green packet ) from Big C is pretty good toasted .

Mmmmmm , hungry now ???? 

This is wonderful news. 2kg of cheese for 800 baht. I must get some.


Until covid hit I was getting a regular supply of 'Vegemite'. That's the down-under equivalant of 'Marmite'. But the lady (Mrs Owl's sis - who is married to an Ozzie), stopped bringing it over. And even when she visited in March; she just forgot (she said). So anyone know where the Vegemite hides? Perhaps Makro?


Sorry about Leeds Andy. TBH, I'd have been pleased to see Toffees go down instead.


I've got a soft spot for Leeds. I was going with a lass from the city. If I kneed on her bed, I could see the stadium. Met her when I was in Africa. Nice lady. Wasn't interested in footy though.



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8 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Just had to stop and investigate. Mrs Owl wasn't best pleased though. "What you take picture for? Just car. Farang ding dong."

Tell her you are collecting lucky numbers for the lottery. And, if any combination of 7113 comes wins next week that should shut her up for a while.

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9 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Tell her you are collecting lucky numbers for the lottery. And, if any combination of 7113 comes wins next week that should shut her up for a while.

Good idea CL.


I actually bought a ticket with two '3s' in it, that day. It''s sure to be a winner. Now you have pointed it out. What would I do with 6 million baht? Put it in Mrs Owl's account while I thought about it.

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17 hours ago, owl sees all said:


Owl Log - 12-06-2023 - Sunday afternoon


I just didn't trust those see-thru roof sections. The week before last we - Yoong and myself - replaced the broken panel on one of the three rice-store compartments. I got to thinking that if they were that susceptible to getting damaged, after 15 years, then why take chances. So I enlisted his help again to do the lot.




The thinking was, that if one - in the compartment where all the rice is stored - was damaged, and I didn't notice; we would have a catastrophe.




So; it was out with the old and in with the new.




Not green in colour like the other panels. I can live with that. Fortunately Mrs Owl has not yet noticed.


The mozzie killers were in the village. After the first rains, they get their equipment out and start performing.




Some chemical, or other, is sprayed all over. Probably a derivative of DDT. Don't want that in yer lungs. Or on yer skin even.




I was outside - masked up - with Robert and Oscar. Keeping them away from the smoke. What yer reckon lads?




A Great-grandma out with the little one also.







A few weeks back, we were getting the coconuts from the tree next to number one pond.




Mrs Owl had a hissy fit and chucked the cutter in the drink.




Yesterday I thought I'd get it out. Took a fishing rod to the farm and tried to hook it.


After about 50 attempts I gave up. Miserable failure.




Casting to it was no problem. But the hook just wouldn't catch the bamboo.


Might have a little swim today.


Mildred has been moved to the back in the school bus. A new little kid is now in the front.




Pigeons. And lots of them. Why are they only on this roof in the village!?




What was spotted in Ban Dung on Friday?


The two German cars together for the first time in over a year.




Just had to stop and investigate. Mrs Owl wasn't best pleased though. "What you take picture for? Just car. Farang ding dong."




Still not had a paint job.




Buy a tin of brown paint, and a brush, and get to it.


Had some decent rain last week. Not massively heavy, but very welcome all the same.


Buffaloes enjoying the water.




They like to go into the water to give their legs a rest. They can weigh as much as 1500 kilos. They don't have great fat legs like an elephant. No! Generally about the same size as the Mrs' legs. Not the same shape though.


Buffs can make a mess of a rice field if they are left to wander.




And right on cue, the Mrs arrives. "Just been thinking how lovely buffalo's lags are teeerak."




At the farm, Chai has found a use for the big drainage pipes.




Obviously something to do with plants. Up high, to stop the chickens, and dogs, getting to them.


Mushrooms everywhere at the farm now. The wild ones. Mrs owl says they are not as nice as Big C ones.




Don't mind people harvesting them.




Decided to put Mildred's paintings, drawings and sketches on the wall. Started yesterday, by clearing the wall of stickers, and old sticky-stuff. Mrs Owl is not so keen on the idea. "House not big enough for pictures."

To ensure integrity of the paintings I had an idea. More on this in the week.




The movement defectors that the Mrs bought are useless. I can't get them to work. I'll post the details next week. Hopefully one of the AN members can put me straight.


In Big C on Friday, I noticed a whole section of drinks dedicated to cannabis. I bought a couple and I'm sipping one now. Can definitely taste the weed in them.


Thinking of Ting. Do I need a new hat? No! But I need some reishi!


Big footy news; Man City do the treble by winning the Ch Lg final game. The Irons also do well, by beating Florentina in their final.


Djokovic and Ruud today. I'm rooting for the Serb.


Big flood in Ukraine, as dam lets out water. Just as the 'offensive' gets going too. Lady in Mariupol, finds 3 metre long sturgeon in her kitchen.


Trump in big trouble again. Secrets in his garage evidently!


Boris quits. Word on the street, is that NATO are after his talents. Or would that the WEF? No! That's ear-marked for Tony Blair.


Nice drink. Off to the fridge to get another one.


Move Forward boss in hot water, because of shares he once owned. When is that PM vote? Keeping with Thailand; big recount underway as discrepancies found in ballot counting.


Weather normalised. As it should be during the wet season at the moment, But!!!. Hope there's big rain to come; now I've fixed the roof. Not just because of that. For the ponds and trees too.


Can't find those pink Pla dook anywhere. Mildred wants to put 100 in ponds 6 and 7; now there i water for the rest of the year. Might try Phibun Rak (small town 20km from the village) market on Thursday. They have a fish section.


Mrs Owl had not moaned any more about the odd lights outside; or the new kitchen sink tap. Think I'll be OK with those two. Fingers crossed.


Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.


Think I'll go outside and lay with the chickens.


Love ya all.


Robert and Oscar look well, 2 handsome fellas gone to an excellent home!!!!!!

Edited by roo860
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18 minutes ago, roo860 said:

Robert and Oscar look well, 2 handsome fellas gone to an excellent home!!!!!!


They are doing OK. About 8 months old now.


I think Oscar will be the enforcer, and Robert the romantic.


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One of the delights of the rainy season upcountry is the number of butterflies flitting here and there amongst the flora. A true delight with the lower temperatures.

Owl, last year I used to pass the green Volkswagen daily taking my granddaughter to school. We used to enjoy guessing about its parking habits, on the pavement, road or diagonally on both!

And why was there a guitar case left on the roof overnight sometimes? Was there a guitar inside?



Edited by bannork
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1 minute ago, chickenslegs said:

A signal to his gik perhaps? To indicate whether his missus is away or not.

So why was the Volkswagen sometimes parked on the road, the pavement, or both?

Alcohol would be the obvious cause;

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1 hour ago, bannork said:

One of the delights of the rainy season upcountry is the number of butterflies flitting here and there amongst the flora. A true delight with the lower temperatures.

Owl, last year I used to pass the green Volkswagen daily taking my granddaughter to school. We used to enjoy guessing about its parking habits, on the pavement, road or diagonally on both!

And why was there a guitar case left on the roof overnight sometimes? Was there a guitar inside?



Make you right about the wet season B. I just love it.


I took a couple of pics of the owner getting into the VW. He didn't mind at all. I think he is the DJ at the big bar at the rear.


Real shame about the Merk. Just hand paint it. Sooner or later the body will beyond a paint job .


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1 hour ago, bannork said:

So why was the Volkswagen sometimes parked on the road, the pavement, or both?

Alcohol would be the obvious cause;

I've noticed the VW parking.


The Merk was outside a repair shop - on a back-street  - for at least a year. At least it goes. Unless it is towed about. Never seen it moving.


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1 hour ago, HighPriority said:

I believe on Australian Army bases the code was in the form of laundry powder, OMO or FAB brands, Old Man Out or Flamin A holes Back…


OMO! Reminds me of years long gone. Is it still about?

Surf and Tide too.

Don't recall FAB though.

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6 hours ago, DJ54 said:

Big Owl…. Looks like you’ve got some competition…. 



I'm not up to his standard yet.


My best; just over 3 minutes. Mildred is a minute quicker than me.


Can't see myself getting any faster TBH.

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28 minutes ago, owl sees all said:


Had trouble with the editor today. What with adds sprawling across my workspace and editor playing up; not an easy post.


No! Not been on the weed drink; yet!

Your second and last pics aren’t loading for me Owl, but a very pleasant read anyway ????????

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2 hours ago, HighPriority said:

Your second and last pics aren’t loading for me Owl, but a very pleasant read anyway ????????

Thanks for the encouragement HP.


I was only looking at you this morning.




Sorry about the missing pics. They are pond 6:




Didn't go to the farm today. Mrs Owl and Mildred did; on their bikes.


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