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Diary of a farang in Isaan

owl sees all

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Realised i haven't been on here to keep up to date for about 2 months! Busy time. 4 hospital visits ( regular kidney checkups where due), dentist and clearing the rice straw pile left by the ploughman - i understand that the heavy work requires a contractor with machinery, but why does it then take me months to tidy up? They have no sense of pride in their work, just do the minimum and go.

Then, wife had plan - always bad news! Her sister wanted to fence the back of her land, so we had to as well (not do, loss of face). Old fence was just a few concrete posts, all broken, and one or 2 strands of barbed wire still left in places. Also eucalyptus growing along the fence line That all had to go. New fence was a 50 cm wall topped with metal posts and chain link, 70 metres. But one thing leads to another .... land along fence line uneven, need to buy soil. Got round that by having a 2 metre deep klong built, the soil dugout was worth more than the cost of buying truckloads. oh, and provide drainage from sister-in-laws pond to ours rather than running across the surface. Also, klong will make a nice fingerling nursery for me...... Total expenditure ended up about 85,000 baht, only 50% over budget ....


So far have spent 3 weeks tidying up the mess they left - not sure what i will do with the 2 tree stumps they left behind - they dug them up but just left them (probably about 100 kg each), so far work half done. Incredibly hot - every day this month 40 centigrade or more, can only work for an hour and take hours to recover. No way could i work like Owl. Ponds now at lowest level since dug out in 2019. Vegetable gardening this year has been disastrous, only reasonable crop was tomatoes, nearly everything else failed.


Avocadoes - only have one tree left, and that nearly died last April when we were on holiday, no-one watered it. Experience tells me it needs water at least every other day this time of year. Now about 8 years old, 2 metres tall.

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Geez Rick, losing an avo at that age would be soul destroying !

It must be painfully close to giving you some fruit ?


Glad someone else gave Owl a clip about his tardiness 🤣

I’ve been in Melbourne and Brizvegas for the last week, back to Darwin tonight and back to Thailand in a few weeks..

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The avocadoes leaves are turning brown - guess the April hot weather (average over 40 C) meant either just couldn't get enough water, or root rot has set in. You just cannot win! it was wilting so had to up the water level. Lime trees are doing fine. but currently little fruit and flowers. Lots of new growth though.

Mangoes - big tree in the garden died - it was old but kept being heavily cut back because near power lines. 10 years ago lots of fruit. have one other old tree, sometimes pruned back (chain sawed) it is very variable in fruit production - some years none. Down on the farm have 5 mango trees, one from seed, no fruit yet, but growing big (maybe too big) other 4, grafted small trees, 2 have fruit every year, one other had fruit once, 4th was topped by invading buffalo soon after planting, has just one fruit first time. Many other mango trees in the village also no fruit. Do not know why.

Wife had another plan - made a jungle spot and water feature with drip irrigation, to try and mitigate the heat. Actually done rather well AND she didn't give me the bill! (well not directly, but house keeping money always runs out before the end of the month). Must try and put some photos up but a hassle getting them off the phone.


Dreading the next Electricity bill - hot weather and 2 freezers added (one for me, then wife got one to sell ice-creams in the shop). Trying to get an energy monitoring plug so i can work out the actual consumption of all the appliances.

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Posted (edited)

Rick, if you’ve got a smartphone, post your pics directly from there.

Ive gotten a couple of mangoes from a grafted R2E2 the last 2 years, the possums and bats got the rest 🤬

My wife has largely planted mango seed against my advice, but I’m hoping a couple may fruit this year.

We are now into our dry season but it hasn’t turned cold yet, only pleasantly cool, so no flowers as yet.

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On 4/29/2024 at 9:23 PM, rickudon said:

Then, wife had plan - always bad news! Her sister wanted to fence the back of her land, so we had to as well (not do, loss of face). Old fence was just a few concrete posts, all broken, and one or 2 strands of barbed wire still left in places. Also eucalyptus growing along the fence line That all had to go. New fence was a 50 cm wall topped with metal posts and chain link, 70 metres. But one thing leads to another .... land along fence line uneven, need to buy soil. Got round that by having a 2 metre deep klong built, the soil dugout was worth more than the cost of buying truckloads. oh, and provide drainage from sister-in-laws pond to ours rather than running across the surface. Also, klong will make a nice fingerling nursery for me...... Total expenditure ended up about 85,000 baht, only 50% over budget ..

Need to see some pics Ricko.


If we had not put in the solar system at the farmhouse we would have lost 4 ponds. We are just keeping pace with evaporation at the mo.


Anyone had rain? Big winds with Dunder n Blitzem; but precious little of the wet stuff.

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3 hours ago, HighPriority said:

Rick, if you’ve got a smartphone, post your pics directly from there.

Ive gotten a couple of mangoes from a grafted R2E2 the last 2 years, the possums and bats got the rest 🤬

My wife has largely planted mango seed against my advice, but I’m hoping a couple may fruit this year.

We are now into our dry season but it hasn’t turned cold yet, only pleasantly cool, so no flowers as yet.


I've got a great looking Mango tree grown from seed. Will I ever see any fruit?

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GF's sis had 11 of her chickens (total 500) drop dead in the last 2 days of heat stroke/exhaustion. They start panting, then extending their wings, then die soon after that.


Despite the roof sprinkler system and fairly spacious 5 coops. Big fans now set up and she's ready to hose them down with water at the first sign of too much heat. Any other advice?


Was kinda sad to see her so depressed as she put a lot of effort and love into properly caring for them over the last year (egg sales have been a nice little side gig for them fam and only a handful have died in total from other causes over the whole time).

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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

The Owls did it.

Never in doubt Owl. Gulp.😂

Talking about the blades (nickname they stole from us BTW) did you notice the record they equalled on Saturday. They're on course to hold the record all by themselves before the seasons up.

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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

Mrs Owl is getting quite aggressive about buying a car. 'Now' is not the time. I'm telling her. However; she wants to get one before Mildred goes back to school on the 13th of this month. It's boiling up to be a right ding-dong.

That doesn't sound good Owl. Good luck with that.

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1 hour ago, Sandboxer said:

GF's sis had 11 of her chickens (total 500) drop dead in the last 2 days of heat stroke/exhaustion. They start panting, then extending their wings, then die soon after that.


Despite the roof sprinkler system and fairly spacious 5 coops. Big fans now set up and she's ready to hose them down with water at the first sign of too much heat. Any other advice?


Was kinda sad to see her so depressed as she put a lot of effort and love into properly caring for them over the last year (egg sales have been a nice little side gig for them fam and only a handful have died in total from other causes over the whole time).

It is sad to lose animals. I'm not that knowledgeable, about chickens, but there is a chicken farm next to us that I go to virtually every day. I've noticed that the chickens - especially those with chicks - are not in their pens but under trees.


Must find it cooler there; than in their runs.

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13 minutes ago, sotonowl said:

Never in doubt Owl. Gulp.😂

Talking about the blades (nickname they stole from us BTW) did you notice the record they equalled on Saturday. They're on course to hold the record all by themselves before the seasons up.

I didn't know Owl.


Had a quick butchers at the EPL table. Reckon it's goals let in. They have been hammered a few times this season.


I'll have to do some research.

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2 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Mrs Owl is getting quite aggressive about buying a car. 'Now' is not the time. I'm telling her. However; she wants to get one before Mildred goes back to school on the 13th of this month. It's boiling up to be a right ding-dong.

Hate to say it (and I think I've said it before), now that the recent debts are paid off, it's time to spend, spend, spend (and borrow - with or without your knowledge) until the next crisis. Seems that some folks never learn from past mistakes.


Good luck!

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5 hours ago, owl sees all said:

I didn't know Owl.


Had a quick butchers at the EPL table. Reckon it's goals let in. They have been hammered a few times this season.


I'll have to do some research.

Spot on Owl. After 36 games they've conceded 100 PL goals. Swindon hold the record of 100 but that was after 42 games. Truth be known, I couldn't remember Swindon being in the PL. As for the nicknames, we were the Blades but gave it up basically when we moved to our current home which was commonly know as Owlerton (Now Hillsborough although the nearby dog track still goes under the name of Owlerton) in them days, hence the Owl. Legend has it that it was more to do with visiting supporters changing the nickname by common usage, who knows. They were previously nicknamed the Cutlers but they have always been keen on our cast offs. After all, they moved into Bramall Lane after we'd binned it.😂

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 16.32.15.png

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13 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Hate to say it (and I think I've said it before), now that the recent debts are paid off, it's time to spend, spend, spend (and borrow - with or without your knowledge) until the next crisis. Seems that some folks never learn from past mistakes.


Good luck!

Make you right there CL. Have to tread a careful line.

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2 hours ago, HighPriority said:

If it lives I guess you will Owl. 

It's doing OK.


Think mangoes grown from seed take many years to give fruit. I can wait.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Had a few storms in my neck of the woods. First a nearly a couple of weeks ago. The school was supposed to open at the beginning of May and it did for a day or two, then closed for a week. The roof was ripped off and the teachers' housing was seriously damaged. 30 odd lecky poles blown over in a near by village, another village had more than 40 roofs blown off, and two guys looking after cattle were hit by lightning. Then the above happened on Sunday (sister-in-law's place) and another sister-in-law's shop lost a few bits of roofing. 


The first was the worst storm I've ever experienced. My first true summer storm.  

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24 minutes ago, GarryP said:




Had a few storms in my neck of the woods. First a nearly a couple of weeks ago. The school was supposed to open at the beginning of May and it did for a day or two, then closed for a week. The roof was ripped off and the teachers' housing was seriously damaged. 30 odd lecky poles blown over in a near by village, another village had more than 40 roofs blown off, and two guys looking after cattle were hit by lightning. Then the above happened on Sunday (sister-in-law's place) and another sister-in-law's shop lost a few bits of roofing. 


The first was the worst storm I've ever experienced. My first true summer storm.  



Nothing even approaching that this side (north) of the Sakon Nakhon Road.


The Mrs said there was a big storm in Nong Bua Lamphu Province. Lots of houses lost their roofs.

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2 hours ago, skulldragger said:

Absolutely poured down in Si Chomphu yesterday arvo.

Local markets were just setting up and got washed out.

For some reason I changed parking places when I first pulled up at the Government office.

Lucky I did as when we came outside 45mins later a tree had blown over where I first parked.

I didn't even think to take a photo.

I'll have all the rain a'going. Last year we didn't have any winds. Did the year before.

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13 hours ago, Korat Kiwi said:

Hey Owl,  is that a Yamaha Mio scooter?  Strange coincidence, when I arrived back in country after being back in NZ for 5 years.. 


My Thai brother in law had a scooter sitting amongst a pile of rubbish.  He hadn't run it for over 5 years as he had bought a new bike. 


I pulled it out and indeed a Yamaha Mio.  Decided to get it up and running. 


Before photos:



After photo:



Just about replaced everything and spray painted myself. 


Total cost?  Around 2000 baht. 


Now it's my cheap little runabout. Fun little bike. 


Good luck with yours


Looks smart bro. Not sure what ours is. 


If mine finishes half as good I'll be a happy bunny.


Sharp pics.

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40 minutes ago, HighPriority said:

Welcome back Owl, I was starting to wonder if you’d run off with the hat lady 😱

No such luck HP. And she is looking so,,,!


Been a bit disjointed with me turning the old mobile into a block of ice and waiting for the new one. But it's onward and upwards from now on. And any thoughts of a new car out of the reckoning for now. Luckily.


Next battle is agreeing what to do with the euca cutting. Life is not as smooth as it should be right now. Mildred off school tomorrow. We will go to farm in the afternoon.

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