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Are you a happy person?


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After a while I realised my "melancholy" thread was asking the wrong question. I should have asked if we are happy by default, but overwhelmed by problems and life.

Therefore, my melancholy thread closed at my request, and asking the opposite question.


We all start out "happy" if lucky enough to have parents that love us. As a small child we are unaware of the world outside our family, and content, secure, happy. Babies, if fed and clean, seem perfectly happy.


It's only when we grow old enough to go to school that the problems start- uncaring adults, bullies, pain from falling and running into things. After that, the world becomes worse to us. Having to find work, a place to live, work bullies, horrible bosses.

IMO, the world overwhelms our happiness, and makes us melancholy. Some of us never make it to adulthood, committing suicide, because they are miserable, some make it through life, only to become miserable towards the end.


I don't know any adults that are happy all the time- some are never happy.


I don't know any that are lucky enough to be born into wealth, to know if money makes people happy, or just luck that does. Is it personality? Is it looks? Is it an undefinable X factor- are some just born to be happy, whatever life throws at them?


My question to you, is whether you agree or disagree?


If there is enough response. I'll share some of my insights for discussion

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I think life wears us down, makes us more cynical, & any true happiness, takes longer to surface - we become, or at least I have, guarded.


When I do 'allow' myself to be happy however, it's not with the innocence or naivety that I once had.


But, having said that, I am happy, it's just that there are a lot of Scunthorpes in the world. ????


I don't listen to sad music, especially that waster Sinead O Connor, or whatever her bloody new name is.


????Nothing compares to you.????


What a load of depressing & miserable shyoite that was! :laugh:


Good night mate, sleep well.????

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Judging by the number of stories I read about drug addiction everywhere in the world (just read about Amsterdam becoming a narco state), and the opioid crisis happening in many countries, add to that, alcoholism, in my opinion, the world seems to be full of unhappy, depressed persons.


Thank Gawd, or my strict parents, I never got involved in either. And damn proud of it !


But, to each their own.

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reading a few more posts I see some of the more philosophical types have already piped in.

I do enjoy them as I am more inclined to be that way myself.   I kinda waffle between trying not to think too mutt and not thinking enuff.   

ommmmmmy god..... haven't eaten yet.   later

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There is another thread going  :   The growing old curse..... how are you dealing with it ?


That is a major challenge for many of us older folks on TV,  i would imagine.  Strange, still

think i"m  30 years old sometimes    haha   



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29 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

Reading this makes me want a really comfy bed w/down comforter, a great a/c unit and an air purifier and never leave my bed... a nice maid to bring my meals may work too... 

.. and don't forget those beautiful special massage women

Edited by sweatalot
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...and instead peruse a material life! 


After losing all my money, I realised that it and material goods hadn't brought me happiness.  Now I live a far simpler life, with very few material goods and not much money.  I won't even get a pension because I left the UK too long ago (my NI contributions were almost nil).


Do I worry?  No I don't.  I don't worry about world or local events that I can't change.  I do what makes me happy inside.  I'm content, very very content ????

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