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Democrats accuse Trump of abusing power, obstructing impeachment probe

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"They do not put up a defense because they don't want to dignify the charges" keeps coming up.  Well, by responding with all their whining and complaining they are dignifying the charges.  Some idiocy is involved somewhere in this defense.

This whole thing is like a Marx Brothers movie, but without the humor.

That Nunes is a true cement-head, he's going down hard, and all the way threatening to sue whoever he can.  Giuliani may be going daffy, but he will not balk at throwing Farmer Devin under the tractor.



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2 minutes ago, Sujo said:

He is a laughing stock the world over. Its only his position that people are afraid. Once he loses that position he will be treated with the irrelevance he deserves.

You are too kind.

As we said back in the Nixon days "jail to the chief!"



32 minutes ago, candide said:

There is a mistake here. It's the Republicans who have put their hand in the cookie jar.????


Profit, not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal



After boost from Perry, backers got huge gas deal in Ukraine


I forgot this one

—Two donors to a pro-Trump fundraising committee who helped Rudy Giuliani’s efforts to investigate Democrat Joe Biden were arrested late Wednesday on criminal charges stemming from their alleged efforts to funnel foreign money into U.S. elections


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1 hour ago, Becker said:
1 hour ago, atyclb said:

i am a usa lifelong registered democrat.......

Sure you are....:coffee1:


why do you doubt? for me party affiliation does not mean blind loyalty. objectivity and critical thinking most important. as such with this philosophy i see no need to switch parties plus i hold great deference for JFK



if you know a way to confirm my party status i am happy to cooperate with you to settle any doubt.

  • Thanks 1
6 minutes ago, Mick501 said:

The vast majority of the left these days is extreme left.  No room left for rational thought.   You either blindly believe, or you are attacked, as has been the case here by your accuser.   You simply are not left enough for him.  Of course, he would almost certainly delude himself that he's centrist.

Trump never attacks does he. Presidents are above that childish behaviour. ????

  • Confused 1
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11 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Trump never attacks does he. Presidents are above that childish behaviour. ????

Your hatred of Trump is clear and you have made that point.  But no relevance no my post, which you quoted.   If you are unclear on something , I'm happy to explain.  

  • Confused 1
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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


Maybe he shouldn't....but it isn't as if he is calling parnas as a witness .... he has every right to

ask questions from anyone, any time anywhere. If you recorded that call and something criminal was discussed,

produce it. Or hold your peace forever.

What if schiff was calling parnas. He may still be called. Nunes didnt make it known. He should now recuse himself as he is involved and may well be investigated himself for that.


Content of the call is irrelevant.


I note you are not one that wants to know the truth of what happened.

  • Confused 1
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22 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Eloquently put.....the anti trump brigade think they have hard evidence....just because they saw a bunch of disgruntled

bureaucrats yak on and on about how outraged they were because they ASSUMED some quid pro quo was happening.

In reality there is no overwhelming evidence just a lot of bluster. They are going to find out the hard way what happens when you try to convict without hard evidence.

Some people seem to be trying out for a job in the trump administration lol don’t think you watch the news much lol I do and lots and lots of Americans do all this mess because trump is trying to slander a rival trump does this to himsielf he’s done imo not all Americans are marks

  • Sad 1
32 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Eloquently put.....the anti trump brigade think they have hard evidence....just because they saw a bunch of disgruntled

bureaucrats yak on and on about how outraged they were because they ASSUMED some quid pro quo was happening.

In reality there is no overwhelming evidence just a lot of bluster. They are going to find out the hard way what happens when you try to convict without hard evidence.

Its a bit rich saying no hard evidence when the accused stops anyone with hard evidence to give that evidence. So that excuse doesnt wash.


The evidence so far points to guilt. Yes there is first hand evidence. You watched it, apparently, so should know it.


If you want to know if the president is clean then you should be calling for all evidence. If you do not want that then.....

  • Haha 2
30 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Eloquently put.....the anti trump brigade think they have hard evidence....just because they saw a bunch of disgruntled bureaucrats yak on and on about how outraged they were because they ASSUMED some quid pro quo was happening.

 JHolmesJr. Can you answer as to why POTUS withheld the military aid to Ukraine?

"One thing has become clear: President Donald Trump illegally withheld military aid to Ukraine.  No one from the Trump administration has been able to point to any legal authority that allowed Trump to withhold the funding"   Even Trump’s defenders in the House, who have speciously claimed that the president had reasons for holding the aid other than pressuring Ukraine to investigate his political rivals, have not provided justifications that are legal"


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9 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Its a bit rich saying no hard evidence when the accused stops anyone with hard evidence to give that evidence. So that excuse doesnt wash.


The evidence so far points to guilt. Yes there is first hand evidence. You watched it, apparently, so should know it.


If you want to know if the president is clean then you should be calling for all evidence. If you do not want that then.....


The average American looks at Biden & Son's antics in Ukraine and instantly goes....man, that stinks TO HIGH HEAVEN.

This is precisely why no one is up in arms about Trump asking Zel to look into it.

The only ones outraged are the Dems who see it as yet another front to attack trump from.


This is why it will be great to see a senate trial where grounds to look at Bidens behaviour will be 

systematically uncovered, all the dirt if any will come out and then we see if rump was right or not.


One thing's is for sure....Trump didn't ask Zel to create false charges against Biden...the way the Dems did against him.


Truth always wins...in the end.



8 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I see we have the usual Trump apologists out again today.

Your POTUS (as he isn't that for a lot of people) has undermined the constitutional strength of the US from the day he was elected and with this debacle, is trying to say the office of POTUS is bigger and more important than the checks and balances put in place by the Founding Fathers.

Whether it's getting his people to ignore congressional subphoenas (John Eisenberg, legal adviser to the National Security Council, his deputy, Michael Ellis, Robert Blair, a top aide to acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, Mick Mulvaney himself and Brian McCormack, an aide at the White House Office of Management and Budget have all refused congressional subpoenas to appear at the hearings); or article 1 of the Constitution, which vests the House with the ‘sole power of impeachment' to which he has obstructed and directly challenged at every turn; or Clause 8 of the Constitution, which bars federal officeholders from accepting gifts from foreign governments (whilst Trump's continues to host foreign leaders in the Trump International Hotel in Washington or his attempt to get the G7 conference at Trump National in Miami amongst his many, many, many misdemeanors), his duty to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States' is obviously not there.

Whether you believe or don't believe Trump is guilty of 'high crimes and misdemeanors' there is a more important battle going on that will shape the US for decades to come. Does one man have the power and the ability to ignore congress and defy the Constitution that so many Americans hold sacred?

And let's be under no illusions, this is EXACTLY what Trump is doing. 

So cry 'pure theatre' or 'nothing to see here' but your willful ignorance of these very important points really negates all of your arguments and paints you as more anti-American than any Trump detractor can ever be as at least they have Americas interests at the very heart of their debate.

What do you have?

I'm marking you off my Christmas Card list.

15 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

Blah...blah...blah...pure theatre to diminish Trump's popularity with his voting base and especially independents...not going to work...Dems may lose in a historic landslide victory for Republicans in 2020.

The republicans are toast:



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