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Thai baht is likely to weaken, central bank deputy governor says


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3 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

And HERE is the X-Rates USD graph showing around 30.30 on December 4th. Where can I get 30.30/USD? I can't get that at Bangkok Bank, that's for sure (because their profit/cut on the transaction).


You could have obtained 30.24 THB for one USD yesterday at Superrich. 


Expecting to obtain a commercial grade rate as an individual consumer making a small transaction is rather naive (x-rates uses a blend of commercial grade rates to arrive at the rates they display.)



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12 hours ago, Brigand said:

A mix of both, but the pound could well go up a noticeable amount after the election result if there is a Tory majority. A hung parliament or a Labour coalition will send it tumbling again. Once there is some certainty in the UK for the markets to be relaxed about and the baht starts to go where it belongs then the pound might well head back towards what it's really worth ... which is about 50-55 baht.  

You're right, but the fact that a lot of the usual Labour supporters back there can't see beyond their next pint, Dregs Corbyn's latest pie in the sky promises might hit home with them. At least this time the Tory's manifesto doesn't include any nasties like the last one. I honestly think that Terrible Theresa was trying to ensure a small majority to keep us in the EU.

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