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Trump at brink of impeachment as U.S. House committee approves charges

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3 hours ago, riclag said:

Agree, Mr. Trump will be remembered as the second impeached President to get re-elected, far better than the 3rd POTUS to get impeached. Unfortunately for Americans the dems have a   obsession to get rid of the best economic POTUS the world has ever seen . Thank god for  Madison and Hamilton to create the senate to watch over a hateful radical out of control peoples house,in this case the house dems

No doubt he is as good as it gets, for the top 8%. 

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6 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

You gotta love Democrats. They've been all over the map. First it was collusion with Russian. Then came obstruction. The Mueller report was a disaster, despite the collusion and obstruction babbling. Then came the DNC leaker whistleblower. Democrats evolved to quid pro quo. That wasn't working, so they changed it to bribery. That was left out of the impeachment scam. The Supreme Court has rendered one of the articles moot. Support for impeachment is on a steady decline.


Impeachment has been a disaster for Democrats.


The only question is, should Republicans just make the scam go away? Or should there be a full trial with lots of witnesses, including Joe Biden, his crack head son (who'll flip for an eight ball and a half hour with a hooker), the DNC leaker, Adam Schiff and the other miscreants?

You gotta love Democrats Trump. They've He's been all over the map. First it was collusion with Russian. Then came obstruction. The Mueller report was a disaster, despite the collusion and obstruction babbling. Then came the DNC leaker whistleblower. Democrats Trump evolved to quid pro quo.


What article has the Supreme Court rendered moot? 

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6 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

I am confident the Republicans in the Senate will be every bit as fair as the Democrats in the House. That seems fair to me.

You dont seem to understand that congress was the investigation. Senate is the trial. 

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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

So much denial of the undeniable.  Trump asked the President of the Ukraine for investigations that would help him politically.  He didn't ask for investigations into corruption in general, or corruption in military aid.  He has never called investigations into corruption in the top recipients of US aid.  He asked for investigations that would undermine all the investigations that concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and and would hurt a political rival.


Asking a foreign power to interfere in a US election is an impeachable offense.  Since Trump has made it clear that he won't run a legal election campaign, it is a problem that can not be solved by waiting for the election.

If the President asked any foreign leader to do something that that benefits the US, would it not help him politically? 

Had the left not been trying to impeach him all along, these most recent charges might seem more credible to people not on the left. 

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9 hours ago, riclag said:

Come on man ! This is a dem show. The founders seen in their wisdom that it should be a bi- partisan task !. Hence dead on arrival in the senate and the second impeached POTUS to be re elected! Impeachment by opinion.presumptions,second hand heresay. 



The founders foresaw bipartisanship in the impeachment process at a time when political parties did not exist?

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41 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The founders foresaw bipartisanship in the impeachment process at a time when political parties did not exist?

Bipartisan means non-partisan.  And the forefathers certainly did foresee the evils of partisanship. Read.


In Federalist Papers No. 9 and No. 10, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, respectively, wrote specifically about the dangers of domestic political factions.


The first President of the United States, George Washington, was not a member of any political party at the time of his election or throughout his tenure as president. Furthermore, he hoped that political parties would not be formed, fearing conflict and stagnation, as outlined in his Farewell Address.  here


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2 minutes ago, mogandave said:

If Biden (a documented liar) has been behaving inappropriately, and or using his position for personal gain, would it not be in the best interest for the country to know that before the election? 

What laws has Trump broken? No reason he has to turn over his finances or put his business in a blind trust?


The rest of your rant sounds like minor issues that has been overstated. 

What is the worst one? The phone call? 

If Biden, who couldn't come close to matching the quantity of lies told by Trump if he tried, "has been behaving inappropriately, and or using his position for personal gain" it should be investigated by the US government, not a foreign government.  However to date nobody has provided any evidence Biden acted inappropriately.  So whose interests was Trump promoting by not only pushing for this needless investigation, but also pushing for it to be publicly announced?


You neglected to address the request for an investigation into the ridiculous DNC server nonsense, an investigation that would serve no purpose other than to confuse the issue of Russian interference in our elections.  How would that investigation have served the country's interests?  By the country's interest I mean the US, not Russia.


Past Presidents and candidates for President have shown tax returns and put finances in blind trusts to reassure the public they would have no conflicts of interest.  Trump has no problem with appearances of conflicts of interest, he openly displays and promotes them.


Funny that you think national security is a minor issue.

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42 minutes ago, mogandave said:

Rather the all the but-but-but, can you not just answer a simple question? 

If Biden (who we apparently agree lies) has behaved inappropriately and or used his position for personal gain, would it not be in the country’s best interest to know that before the election? 

Past Presidents have done any number of things, doesn’t make them requirements. 

I don’t blame Trump for refusing to turn over anything, he would be a fool to do so. 

Also, it’s not like he owns mutual funds, he owns a business that required management. 

Being President has hurt his businesses, not helped them. 

Again, I like much of what he’s done or has tried to do, and I care more about that than what the left thinks about him.

Ok, how's this:  Show evidence Biden did something corrupt, and I'll agree it should be investigated with US investigators taking the lead and working with foreign governments as needed.


Now you can you answer a few simple questions:


What US interests are served by asking a foreign power to investigate a US citizen and political opponent of Trump?


What US interests are served by asking a foreign power to investigate the totally discredited Crowdstrike DNC server in Ukraine conspiracy theory?


What US interests are served by asking the President of Ukraine to publicly announce these investigations? 


How would these investigations be advanced and justice served by announcing them?


What is this Biden lie you keep referring to?


Don't you think it is wrong for Trump to use the office of the Presidency to promote his businesses?


The answers to the first four questions are obvious, these requests served Trump's interest in corrupting the 2020 election with foreign interference.  They weren't meant to serve the interests of the US.  That makes Trump's actions impeachable.


Yes, Trump would be a fool to cooperate in an investigation of his criminal acts.  However responding to subpoena's is not optional.


I care that Trump is breaking the law and undermining democracy.  It does not speak well of you that you don't.

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On 12/14/2019 at 3:06 PM, Becker said:

The GOP senators know perfectly well that Trump is a corrupt, draft dodging mental midget but since they've committed political suicide by turning the party over to Trump's rabid base they have no choice but to play along. Let the cowards have their final days in the sun. In a few years changing demographics will marginalize the GOP and this will all be nothing but the lingering smell of stale farts.

We will see what they think when it gets down to brass tacks.  As I stated previously, Clinton rebounded nicely from his impeachment.  WJC’s people supported him in much the same way as your see the current CIC’s party rallying to support him.  Regarding your personal attacks on the US Pres. and general comments on Republican Party senators: adolescent prose doesn’t add much.

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2 hours ago, mogandave said:

I didn’t say he did anything corrupt, please don’t make things up. I said inappropriate. 

You don’t think think his son represents (at best) a conflict of interest? 


Of course, no democrat does....because CNN/MSNBC etc debunked it....without any investigation.



IMO a crackhead son of a US govt VIP pulling in 85Gs a month raises, at the very least, an expectation

that the American people are entitled to some answers...what exactly did this guy do for the money?

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14 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Of course, no democrat does....because CNN/MSNBC etc debunked it....without any investigation.



IMO a crackhead son of a US govt VIP pulling in 85Gs a month raises, at the very least, an expectation

that the American people are entitled to some answers...what exactly did this guy do for the money?

And poor old Joe knew nothing about it...

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8 hours ago, mogandave said:


I didn’t say he did anything corrupt, please don’t make things up. I said inappropriate. 

You don’t think think his son represents (at best) a conflict of interest? 




I don’t know that the interests of the US would be advanced, but if Biden were acting inappropriately, or if the Ukraine had information about Crowdstrike, it would be in the county’s best interest to investigate them. 


Announcing them would benefit the Ukraine government look like is is taking a hard stance on corruption, which could make people less prone to participate in corruption. A less corrupt Ukraine is in the best interest of the US.  



Biden has lied about any number of things, but (according to you) it’s okay because he has lied less than Trump.


How is he using the office of the Presidency to promote his businesses? Far more people are avoiding anything with his name on that because he’s President than are people being attracted. 

But yes, if he’s compelling government agencies to use his facilities for events he’s not involved with, or if he’s charging significantly over market value I think this is absolutely wrong. 



Yet only the left (and some centrists) seem to see it that way.



Trump has responded to subpoenas using Executive Privilege which is his Constitutional right. That the left has an election schedule and can’t wait for this to play out it court does not make Trump guilty of obstruction, anymore than any other President that has used the privilege. Why would it? 



The same tired playbook. Whoever disagrees with you does not care about lawlessness which is a flat out lie. I don’t see it as lawlessness. 

I think the call was inappropriate, but I think a government employee conspiring with Adam Schiff to bring down our President over a phone call between he and another head of state over help with an investigation (not making up a dossier) into what could involve corrupt US citizens and or officials as being much worse. 



"I didn’t say he did anything corrupt, please don’t make things up. I said inappropriate."


What did VP Biden do that was inappropriate?

"You don’t think think his son represents (at best) a conflict of interest?"


Hunter Biden did not hold elected office or work for a company that did any business with the US.  There is no evidence VP Biden did anything to change US policy to help his son.


"I don’t know that the interests of the US would be advanced, but if Biden were acting inappropriately, or if the Ukraine had information about Crowdstrike, it would be in the county’s best interest to investigate them. "


No idea of what US interests would be advanced, no evidence of Biden doing anything inappropriate, the Crowdstrike conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked, but you think it would be in "the county's" best interest to investigate them. 


You are trying to justify Trump's illegal request, and doing a poor job of it.


Using your logic:  I have no evidence Trump has engaged in illegal deals with Russians, but since the only bank that would deal with Trump after his string of bankruptcies was a bank that is notorious for money laundering, and since Trump does a lot of real estate deals with Russians who have a lot of cash, and since Trump is being unprecedentedly secretive about his business dealings, it would be in this country's best interest to investigate these things. 


"Announcing them would benefit the Ukraine government look like is is taking a hard stance on corruption, which could make people less prone to participate in corruption. A less corrupt Ukraine is in the best interest of the US."


If at all possible investigations are kept secret until they are finished in order to protect the innocent and avoid alerting the guilty that they need to cover their tracks or run.  Once again you are trying to justify Trump's illegal request, and doing a poor job of it.


BTW:  Why Joe Biden and Crowdstrike?  Why are these the only areas of "corruption" that Trump wanted investigated?   Why his concern with corruption in Ukraine only?  The top recipients of US aid are Afghanistan, Israel and Egypt.  Israel has a PM that has been charged with corruption, Afghanistan and Egypt are notoriously corrupt.  If Trump is so concerned about corruption, why isn't he asking these countries for investigations?


"Biden has lied about any number of things, but (according to you) it’s okay because he has lied less than Trump."


To use your words, don't make things up.  I never said it's ok for Biden to lie, and you've never identified a lie by Biden.


"How is he using the office of the Presidency to promote his businesses?"


Do you follow the news at all?  By spending every available weekend and holding government functions at his properties, requiring a massive security and support operation to stay and pay at these places.  By openly lobbying for the next G7 meeting to be held at one of his properties.  By steering VP Pence to stay at a Trump property in Ireland even though it was far from the meeting he was attending.


I'm sure there are many other examples, but since Trump is so secretive about his business dealings we only know about the most blatant ones.


You think the phone call was appropriate, even though you don't know what US interests Trump's requests would serve, even though the only investigations Trump requested would help him and Russia politically, even though Trump ignored current corruption in Ukraine, even though he asked a foreign government to investigate a US citizen and publicly announce the investigation thereby smearing the reputation of the citizen regardless of outcome of the investigation...Even though all of this is illegal.


No evidence Biden did anything illegal or "inappropriate", clear evidence Trump's requests were illegal and inappropriate, and yet you are blind to what Trump did and respond with "But, but, but....Biden!"



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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Of course, no democrat does....because CNN/MSNBC etc debunked it....without any investigation.



IMO a crackhead son of a US govt VIP pulling in 85Gs a month raises, at the very least, an expectation

that the American people are entitled to some answers...what exactly did this guy do for the money?

Hunter Biden did not work for a US company or a company that did business with the US.  Yet you want him investigated because his father was BP.


The Trump kids don't show any exceptional abilities, yet they are paid big bucks for speaking engagements.  Do you think the business dealings of the Trump and Kirchner families should also be investigated because Trump is President?

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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Of course, no democrat does....because CNN/MSNBC etc debunked it....without any investigation.



IMO a crackhead son of a US govt VIP pulling in 85Gs a month raises, at the very least, an expectation

that the American people are entitled to some answers...what exactly did this guy do for the money?

You blame the Dems, why?

The Republicans control the DOJ. Why is it that they are looking the other way and don't start any investigation into the Bidens?

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