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Serious Ideas To Improve Things For Falang In Thailand.

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For those who have lived here for more than a year, it might be interesting to float serious ideas on what the government could do through regulation that would change the way things are done in a win win way.

I would also like to hear if there are real reasons these ideas wouldn't work.

Idea #1

Since Immigration rules require all falang to advise immigration whenever they change their overnight location/address, why can't they eliminate the 90 day reporting rule for those who haven't moved or changed locations?

Imagine the paperwork that would be eliminated, fuel saved, etc.

Idea #2

Require all falangs who plan to remain in Thailand for any "long stay" to sit for a half day or longer in the administrative immigration section and observe falang behavior as to dress, deportment, attitude, etc.and then report their observations.

Nothing would do more to modify undesirable falang behavior for the better than studying how others act and the success or lack thereof of that behavior.

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For those who have lived here for more than a year, it might be interesting to float serious ideas on what the government could do through regulation that would change the way things are done in a win win way.

I would also like to hear if there are real reasons these ideas wouldn't work.

Idea #1

Since Immigration rules require all falang to advise immigration whenever they change their overnight location/address, why can't they eliminate the 90 day reporting rule for those who haven't moved or changed locations?

Imagine the paperwork that would be eliminated, fuel saved, etc.

Idea #2

Require all falangs who plan to remain in Thailand for any "long stay" to sit for a half day or longer in the administrative immigration section and observe falang behavior as to dress, deportment, attitude, etc.and then report their observations.

Nothing would do more to modify undesirable falang behavior for the better than studying how others act and the success or lack thereof of that behavior.

Thought this was for serious suggestions....... sit in immigration for a day?????

Idea #3

Make faRangs learn to speak Thai properly instead of parroting the improper and slurred language one might hear on the street. That would impress the he_ll out of an immigration officer! (hey it is just as 'serious' as the ideas mentioned thus far)

I wonder how many even know if it is 'falang' or 'farang'. Maybe someone should start a thread on that!


Increase the price of airfare into Thailand, slash the price of airfare out again.

Make it easier for productive foreigners to set up businesses and stop the silly toll booth mentality of trying to skim off investors at every stage. The mindset that you are doing someone a favour by letting them bring money into your country and employing you citizens will keep this country firmly rooted in the third world while it's neighbours move ahead.


Farang is spelled ปรั่ง the middle consonant is an R sound, but Thai phonetics have it resembling more of an L sound. spell it however you want. Either way you say it they hear it just the same. It’s the same as us not hearing the tones so easy, they don’t easily distinguish between an R and an L in the middle of a word. Romanizing Thai is generally a flawed science. Our accents mess it up too.

As far as the OP is concerned, people should come here. Be nice and follow the rules.


Transliteration is not a precise art and whether it is pronounced with an 'l' or 'r' is hardly worth a debate.

Increase the price of airfare into Thailand, slash the price of airfare out again.

Make it easier for productive foreigners to set up businesses and stop the silly toll booth mentality of trying to skim off investors at every stage. The mindset that you are doing someone a favour by letting them bring money into your country and employing you citizens will keep this country firmly rooted in the third world while it's neighbours move ahead.

That pretty much says it all.

Farang is spelled ปรั่ง the middle consonant is an R sound, but Thai phonetics have it resembling more of an L sound. spell it however you want. Either way you say it they hear it just the same. It’s the same as us not hearing the tones so easy, they don’t easily distinguish between an R and an L in the middle of a word. Romanizing Thai is generally a flawed science. Our accents mess it up too.

As far as the OP is concerned, people should come here. Be nice and follow the rules.

You are generally correct and yes romanizing is a flawed science - especially when lazy 'falangs' set out to do it. However I venture to say that given 2 farangs ...or Thais for that matter - side by side - if one said it with an R sound (as it is spelled and properly spoken) and the other the lazy L sound - the one speaking with the R sound would impress and show better to any Thai listening.

I try to put my best foot forward when I speak and though at times I may slip into a lax speaking language - even in english; I still see it better to show the Thai that I know better and try to be better than an unlearned and unknowing person. It is no different that trying to hear and learn the tones properly. Yeah you may find that some Thais will by some miracle make sense of a toneless attempt at Thai but you would go so much further if you at least try to do it right. Making excuses that they hear it the same doesn't float - they do hear it different - just as they do the tones.

Increase the price of airfare into Thailand, slash the price of airfare out again.

Make it easier for productive foreigners to set up businesses and stop the silly toll booth mentality of trying to skim off investors at every stage. The mindset that you are doing someone a favour by letting them bring money into your country and employing you citizens will keep this country firmly rooted in the third world while it's neighbours move ahead.

Nice thought. However, undoing the local's sense of entitlement to things they have not earned may take some time. :o

You are generally correct and yes romanizing is a flawed science - especially when lazy 'falangs' set out to do it. However I venture to say that given 2 farangs ...or Thais for that matter - side by side - if one said it with an R sound (as it is spelled and properly spoken) and the other the lazy L sound - the one speaking with the R sound would impress and show better to any Thai listening.

I try to put my best foot forward when I speak and though at times I may slip into a lax speaking language - even in english; I still see it better to show the Thai that I know better and try to be better than an unlearned and unknowing person. It is no different that trying to hear and learn the tones properly. Yeah you may find that some Thais will by some miracle make sense of a toneless attempt at Thai but you would go so much further if you at least try to do it right. Making excuses that they hear it the same doesn't float - they do hear it different - just as they do the tones.

I totally agree with trying your best to speak as correctly as you can. But ร is neither an R nor an L, it is what it is. It is definitely an R sound at the beginning of a word. Sometimes in a word it is properly pronounced as an L sound. I find the Thais actually pronounce Farang with a hybrid sound that is a little of both, when I speak I try to emulate that sound. Call me lazy if you will, but I think people are more impressed if your speech sounds familiar rather than overly succinct. We are always amused by foreigners whose English is mechanical and too formal. It might be correct but they still exude foreignness.

For those who have lived here for more than a year, it might be interesting to float serious ideas on what the government could do through regulation that would change the way things are done in a win win way.

I would also like to hear if there are real reasons these ideas wouldn't work.

Idea #1

Since Immigration rules require all falang to advise immigration whenever they change their overnight location/address, why can't they eliminate the 90 day reporting rule for those who haven't moved or changed locations?

Imagine the paperwork that would be eliminated, fuel saved, etc.

Idea #2

Require all falangs who plan to remain in Thailand for any "long stay" to sit for a half day or longer in the administrative immigration section and observe falang behavior as to dress, deportment, attitude, etc.and then report their observations.

The whole 90 day reporting thing seems so pointless... not to mention it's a loss maker. At the very least, they should be charging a 100-150 Baht adminstration fee. :o

Idea # 2 might be more effective. Could make it into a fun mini-tour with complimentary snack pack and souvenir hat or something.


You are generally correct and yes romanizing is a flawed science - especially when lazy 'falangs' set out to do it. However I venture to say that given 2 farangs ...or Thais for that matter - side by side - if one said it with an R sound (as it is spelled and properly spoken) and the other the lazy L sound - the one speaking with the R sound would impress and show better to any Thai listening.

I try to put my best foot forward when I speak and though at times I may slip into a lax speaking language - even in english; I still see it better to show the Thai that I know better and try to be better than an unlearned and unknowing person. It is no different that trying to hear and learn the tones properly. Yeah you may find that some Thais will by some miracle make sense of a toneless attempt at Thai but you would go so much further if you at least try to do it right. Making excuses that they hear it the same doesn't float - they do hear it different - just as they do the tones.

I totally agree with trying your best to speak as correctly as you can. But ร is neither an R nor an L, it is what it is. It is definitely an R sound at the beginning of a word. Sometimes in a word it is properly pronounced as an L sound. I find the Thais actually pronounce Farang with a hybrid sound that is a little of both, when I speak I try to emulate that sound. Call me lazy if you will, but I think people are more impressed if your speech sounds familiar rather than overly succinct. We are always amused by foreigners whose English is mechanical and too formal. It might be correct but they still exude foreignness.

I am never mistaken for a farang and I don't use an L sound when I tell people that I am indeed a farang, but I do agree with 99% or what you say.

Yes we are always amused at the mechanical english some foreigners to western countries may use but are you not even more amused at someone that offers you Lice instead of Rice? You may understand what they say in the context of the sentence but you most certainly will laugh and consider their language ability to be something less than..... 'perfect'? I would rather the mecahincs knowing they are really trying.


I think we are on the same wavelength, all I was trying to add is, I would rather sound like a regular Thai, than be totally correct in my speech. Any how, I think we should quit hi-jacking this thread.


The original idea about 90 day registration is good. Maybe after the first annual extension on a long-term visa, require annual registration BY COMPUTER, plus a quick visit to the office when you change address, and charge 200 baht fee for that. Or, just let the annual renewal visit count as your address registration, as well.

I'm trying to make this a practical wish list, something reasonably do-able.

Language fluency? For permanent residency, surely. But if we're only granted some sort of annual extension on the whim of the current powers that be - no, we don't owe them fluency.

Maybe this isn't practical, but the agencies that affect long-term expatriates, such as Immigration Police and Mninistry of Labour, could coordinate their policies better. Heck, is it asking too much for the authorities to spell out the rules in common Thai, and actually administer it the way it says, with a degree of consistency? Perhaps it's asking too much.

The work permit rules are absurd. Give qualified workers a national permit that's not tied to the whims of an employer who hasn't the first clue how to help you become and stay legal.

There is a downward spiral, where some farang broke the trust that was extended to them, and the Thais retreated back into their natural xenophobia, and we trusted them less, etc. We can break that spiral by showing respect to the authorities, even more than they deserve it. Besides, you get more flies with honey than you get with vinegar....


Serious Ideas To Improve Things For Falang In Thailand?, Won't happen but perhaps a wish list.

1. Fish and chip shops on every Soi

2. Free visas

(In order of importance)


Serious Ideas To Improve Things For Falang In Thailand?, Won't happen but perhaps a wish list.

1. Fish and chip shops on every Soi

2. Free visas

(In order of importance)


They'd charge us 200 baht for tartar sauce :o

Serious Ideas To Improve Things For Falang In Thailand?, Won't happen but perhaps a wish list.

1. Fish and chip shops on every Soi

2. Free visas

(In order of importance)


They'd charge us 200 baht for tartar sauce :o




Allow property, ie house and land ownership for foreigners who are married to Thai citizens and who are living in Thailand. The present prohibitions regarding such are ridicoulus and create suspision and mistrust in many relationships. Why would I want to invest money in a property that I have no stake in ownership? They also need to move to a multi-year marriage visa or some type of permanent residence status, which can be realistically obtained. The present year-by-year arrangement is not a very stable deal, compared to what is offered to immigrants in my own country (USA).


Open up investment fully like they do in Dubai, takes a week to open a company and you can buy whatever you want other than land which you can freehold for 99 years. A residency visa comes along with the company registration and you are not required to leave every X many days to keep it valid. Also with this company you can then open a bank account, take out credit cards and buy a car on payments..... (WITH NO TAX)

Increase the price of airfare into Thailand, slash the price of airfare out again.

Very good idea, maybe means testing of Farangs at the immigration office also would weed out the paupers and poverty packers. :o


Peace Blondie has it right.

Enable us to make our 90-day re-registration of current-address on-line. We get to print-off a copy, for our pass-ports, from home, and the Immigration are saved having to deal with us all, every 90 days.

Farang is spelled ปรั่ง the middle consonant is an R sound, but Thai phonetics have it resembling more of an L sound. spell it however you want. Either way you say it they hear it just the same. It’s the same as us not hearing the tones so easy, they don’t easily distinguish between an R and an L in the middle of a word. Romanizing Thai is generally a flawed science. Our accents mess it up too.

As far as the OP is concerned, people should come here. Be nice and follow the rules.


Shouldn't it be ฝรั่ง than ปรั่ง? :D

or maybe I am :D or :D


What is this 90 day registration all about? Never done that in the 16 years I have been here. Am I going to jail? What's the fine for non-compliance? Nobody at the airport or immigration has ever asked me about that.

Farang is spelled ปรั่ง the middle consonant is an R sound, but Thai phonetics have it resembling more of an L sound. spell it however you want. Either way you say it they hear it just the same. It’s the same as us not hearing the tones so easy, they don’t easily distinguish between an R and an L in the middle of a word. Romanizing Thai is generally a flawed science. Our accents mess it up too.

As far as the OP is concerned, people should come here. Be nice and follow the rules.


Shouldn't it be ฝรั่ง than ปรั่ง? :D

or maybe I am :D or :D

You are neither.. Spot on actually - but I agree with my friend; not going to hijack the thread.

Besides the fish and chips idea is enticing!


typo sorry: I'll bet that never happened to any one else eh?

To make this relevant to the thread I will say they should make better Thai keybords that don't have the characters rub off so easy, I am sure it somebody elses fault. :o


> Shouldn't it be ฝรั่ง than ปรั่ง?

It should. :o Doesn't change the point he was making though.

For me my wish would be to extend the special privileges that US citizens get in terms of fully owning a business to all nationalities. Or perhaps only for BOI approved businesses, that would do, too.

Increase the price of airfare into Thailand, slash the price of airfare out again.

Very good idea, maybe means testing of Farangs at the immigration office also would weed out the paupers and poverty packers. :o

Because as we all know, only rich farangs are good. The more money you have, the better person you are..... yeah, OK, then

Increase the price of airfare into Thailand, slash the price of airfare out again.

Very good idea, maybe means testing of Farangs at the immigration office also would weed out the paupers and poverty packers. :o

Because as we all know, only rich farangs are good. The more money you have, the better person you are..... yeah, OK, then

Excuse me, but isn't this a case of farang discriminating against farang? You can't seriously mean these suggestions. Tourism depends on competitive airfares and a hospitable reception. Some BM's here sound as if they're trying to run with the current regime. So do it - you'll soon learn who your friends are. You're farangs too and they'll never let you forget it as long as you're sitting on their turf. It's human nature. From an expat.

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