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"Drive slowly if drunk" - New Year Thai road sign stuns the Japanese


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22 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:

With that kind of logic, you belong in Thailand. 

I knew any that any defense of posting signs that address the reality of people drink driving and a reminder to take some extra caution would quickly get criticized by people who maintain a traditional approach to the situation of doing nothing more than what has accomplished nothing.


You have shot down my post while offering nothing of value to the thread, and as that's probably the laziest and most useless thing to do,  I will graciously offer yo this opportunity to redeem yourself by showing your intelligence and stating what is so wrong with my opinion.      


Edited by Inn Between
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20 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Perhaps  this  clip displayed on  big  screens beside the roads and text saying This is what happens when you drink and  drive! might  have some  effect?

Or maybe  not. It will be the other driver.

That is what happens when driving at speed excessively. Nothing to do with drink driving.

Edited by emptypockets
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2 minutes ago, marko kok prong said:

If drinking whilst driving this is sage advice,i mean you don't want to spill half of your beverage down your shirt do you.

A few months back, a crazy guy from my village took great pleasure in stopping outside our house to show us that he was sipping from a large bottle of lao khao as he drove down the street. He also managed to reverse into my wife's uncle's field whilst turning around and destroyed some of his plants.

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7 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Well there is an element of truth in all that

So using that logic, if I was 50 kg overweight, and had medical issues and would die soon if not changed then why should I change the way I eat.  However, if I shed those extra kg's I would gain years on my life and have enjoyment because of that change.  Yes eventually I will die, but by changing your habits you can increase your life, and maybe save someone else.  So by stopping the drunk driver, or changing the behavior just might keep someone alive that would have died unnecessarily.  Basically, using the Thai logic, why change anything, you'll die eventually, why extend your life. SHEEESH

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2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

And drive especially slowly if it's night time and your pupils are super dilated from smoking pot and popping yaa baa pills.

Yes, and if you don't have a driving licence, your old truck is a clapped out wreck, and doesn't have any lights, and everyone in the truck is not wearing seatbelts, and the kids standing up and playing in the flatbed on the back are jumping about..... AND you are cutting through red lights driving on the wrong side of the road..... then it is obviously better to drive slowly.    

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1 hour ago, NotYourBusiness said:

There are levels of stupidity. I know guys that drive drunk like a bat out of hell. Now we already can agree that they are totally irresponsible for driving drunk in the first place. Since alcohol slows your reaction time, you CAN compensate to a large degree by slowing down. There are limits to this as well of course. If you are totally inebriated, then driving slow won't help. If you have forgotten how to talk, then driving slow won't help. If you can't walk, then driving slow won't help. But if you are under the limit or even near the limit, you definitely CAN reduce chances of accidents by slowing down. Makes perfect sense to me.


Before I get flamed, please understand, I am not saying to drive drunk. I am saying that if you know you have had one drink, you can compensate for slower reaction times by slowing down. I know lots of guys who don't do that, it's pedal to the metal with impaired reaction times, and that is true stupidity. Ok, now flame on.


yes to all that, but to place some kind of official approval on doing that is just brainless stupidity. 

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I'll have to agree with the Thais and disagree with most of the posters on this thread.

I've never been that concerned about driving after a few drinks or taking drugs.

It wasn't even considered a crime in the UK until the 1980s.

There's a lot to be said for driving slowly all the time.


I wonder how many serious accidents would be avoided if everyone drove at under 50Km/hr.

Edited by BritManToo
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14 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I've never been that concerned about driving after a few drinks

One of the reasons (along with no taxes!) I moved to Thailand 30 odd years ago was there were no enforced laws on driving having enjoyed a tipple or two! 

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what utter nonsense!


as we all know, drink (drunk) driving is dangerous, and the less time spent doing so the better.


therefore, it would be advisable to drive as fast as possible in order to reduce the time spent driving while drunk.


the same logic should of course be applied to motorcycling without helmet and shoes, and sex without condos.

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some of us came here for a strange type of comedy only found in a third world country (Thailand isn't 3rd world, but whatever)......HOWEVER, I really didn't expect this sign so close to 2020.


I expected something closer to ,"Free massage coupon if you buy four bowls of noodle soup and ride the elephant after floating down the river."


Or perhaps some weird animals allowed to walk on the highway day....  

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'll have to agree with the Thais and disagree with most of the posters on this thread.

I've never been that concerned about driving after a few drinks or taking drugs.

It wasn't even considered a crime in the UK until the 1980s.

There's a lot to be said for driving slowly all the time.


I wonder how many serious accidents would be avoided if everyone drove at under 50Km/hr.

Not true about the UK. Driving under the influence has been dealt with since before the car was introduced, for carriages etc. tested by field sobriety eg walking a white line. The Breathalyser was introduced in 1965 with the Road Safety Act, and legislation was been updated several times since.

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1 minute ago, Trentham said:

You should go and live in Australia mate. You will discover that DUI can be controlled.

Yes, it's amazing, Australia went from the best country in the world, to the worst country in the world in less than 20 years.

Thailand appear to be trying to best that achievement.

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