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Labour Party Brexit spokesman Starmer ahead in leadership race - poll


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13 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Once Corbyn and his crew fell into the elephant trap and agreed to call an election. the story wasn't just about Brexit any more. The core objective was to defeat Corbyn and defeated he was, but it is doubtful that the Corbynistas will pass peacefully into the night. And if that is the case, then Labour is done for whatever Boris gets up to. If Keir S just puts some sticking plaster on the problem we will soon enough know.

Good point. Polls now suggest that KS is well ahead of continuity Corbyn (Long Bailey), but time will tell. KS is no fool, his recent statements have suggested that he is moving cautiously towards a nuanced, but more open position of reforming the party. 


Given that numerous Tories claimed to have joined the Labour Party specifically to elect Corbyn (For them the gift that goes on giving) now would be the time to join the Labour Party and vote Starmer or Phillips, to ensure that the LP doesn't descend to the ocean floor as in the amusing HIGNFY video posted by Vogie. ("Enjoy Jon Richardsons take on J Corbyn.")


This slow motion crash has been gifted by the idiocy of Ed Miliband, who made it possible for people to sign up for the party for a minimal fee, and vote in elections shortly afterwards. One way to start the repair would be to require members to be signed up for 6 months to a year before they were entitled to vote.


"Once Corbyn and his crew fell into the elephant trap and agreed to call an election". Elephant traps are a red rag to a bull for Jeremy, tell him where one is and he will leap into it. The anti Brexit majority in the house was destroyed because the LP would not accept a caretaker leader, it was Corbyn or nothing. However given Corbyn, Laverty, Milne, Murphy, and McLusky's impeccable Europhobe credentials, this may have worked out just as they hoped. (They would probably just rather have won the election, but a brain dead lemming could have told them that was never going to happen).

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5 hours ago, kingdong said:

With the majority Boris got in his democratic people's vote do you honestly think he,s bothered about 6 dup members?


5 hours ago, kingdong said:

Why do we need a brexit party?they achieved what they set out to do now we,'re out of Europe,you lost get over it.

Good to hear that the Hard Brexiteers have abandoned Hard Brexit.

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5 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

Tell that to the largest majority of people for 50 yrs who voted for him .

Not true. Easily trumped by Tony Blair's parliamentary majorities in his first two General Election victories. (which also trumped Margaret Thatcher's majorities by the way)

Edited by SheungWan
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3 hours ago, evadgib said:

Nandy is the best of a bad bunch & she's far from perfect.


(& the prefix 'Hard' was neutralized on 13 Dec but could well re-enter the lexicon on 01 Feb in t'other direction)

Lisa Nandy a breath of fresh air after listening to Corbyn's nonsense, but probably too early for her. One has to imagine any leader standing up to Boris at the dispatch box and that will not be an easy job. Starmer could probably hold the fort and maybe Thornberry, but the others doubtful.

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20 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Not true. Easily trumped by Tony Blair's parliamentary majorities in his first two General Election victories. (which also trumped Margaret Thatcher's majorities by the way)

Would it be fair to say that Westminster has changed since the Tony Blair days, like did Blair have the SNP to worry about and others. Which ever way way you care to look at it BJs victory was a remarkable feat in our history.

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2 minutes ago, samran said:

Is this the same ditch he was going to die in? 

It is certainly the same ditch that all the Hard Brexiteers here were going to fight to the end in. But they appear to have folded for now. Well maybe not all of them. Keep an eye on the DUP and associated troublemakers at the slightest sign of Boris stumbling.

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

Would it be fair to say that Westminster has changed since the Tony Blair days, like did Blair have the SNP to worry about and others. Which ever way way you care to look at it BJs victory was a remarkable feat in our history.

Strip out all the Scottish Labour MPs and Tony Blair still trumps Boris.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Lisa Nandy a breath of fresh air after listening to Corbyn's nonsense, but probably too early for her. One has to imagine any leader standing up to Boris at the dispatch box and that will not be an easy job. Starmer could probably hold the fort and maybe Thornberry, but the others doubtful.

Thornbury would ensure Boris secured a further term. Starmer is a busted flush too; not least because of his links to the EU &action since 2016.

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54 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Thornbury would ensure Boris secured a further term. Starmer is a busted flush too; not least because of his links to the EU &action since 2016.ht

If Boris can throw around dying in a ditch and climb out of it, then others can survive too. The key for Starmer and Thornbury is whether they can ditch Corbynism. It is that which will determine Labour's recovery or not.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

If Boris can throw around dying in a ditch and climb out of it, then others can survive too. The key for Starmer and Thornbury is whether they can ditch Corbynism. It is that which will determine Labour's recovery or not.

Starmer might but there's no way the public will ever let her.

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9 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Good point. Polls now suggest that KS is well ahead of continuity Corbyn (Long Bailey), but time will tell. KS is no fool, his recent statements have suggested that he is moving cautiously towards a nuanced, but more open position of reforming the party. 


Given that numerous Tories claimed to have joined the Labour Party specifically to elect Corbyn (For them the gift that goes on giving) now would be the time to join the Labour Party and vote Starmer or Phillips, to ensure that the LP doesn't descend to the ocean floor as in the amusing HIGNFY video posted by Vogie. ("Enjoy Jon Richardsons take on J Corbyn.")


This slow motion crash has been gifted by the idiocy of Ed Miliband, who made it possible for people to sign up for the party for a minimal fee, and vote in elections shortly afterwards. One way to start the repair would be to require members to be signed up for 6 months to a year before they were entitled to vote.


"Once Corbyn and his crew fell into the elephant trap and agreed to call an election". Elephant traps are a red rag to a bull for Jeremy, tell him where one is and he will leap into it. The anti Brexit majority in the house was destroyed because the LP would not accept a caretaker leader, it was Corbyn or nothing. However given Corbyn, Laverty, Milne, Murphy, and McLusky's impeccable Europhobe credentials, this may have worked out just as they hoped. (They would probably just rather have won the election, but a brain dead lemming could have told them that was never going to happen).

Blair reformed the Labour party want another lot of wars in the !middle east?h

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9 hours ago, kingdong said:

All 6 of them.

The impact of Parties in Northern Ireland whether Sinn Fein or DUP not merely reduced to how many MPs in the UK Parliament they have. The problem is that whereas the old Hard Brexiteer crew happy to break up the UK in the project of English Nationalism, Boris publicly committed to keeping the UK together. The current Hard Brexiteer painting themselves as new Boris fans might unravel sooner than they think. Nigel will tell them what to do when he is ready.

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56 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Someone has a problem with logical reasoning.

Blair never had a problem with selling the country a pack of lies. About weapons of mass destruction,he had a sight problem with Dr kelly,still we all know what happened to him.anyway thank God we,ve got Boris in instead of blair.

Edited by kingdong
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58 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The impact of Parties in Northern Ireland whether Sinn Fein or DUP not merely reduced to how many MPs in the UK Parliament they have. The problem is that whereas the old Hard Brexiteer crew happy to break up the UK in the project of English Nationalism, Boris publicly committed to keeping the UK together. The current Hard Brexiteer painting themselves as new Boris fans might unravel sooner than they think. Nigel will tell them what to do when he is ready.

Like boris told the remainer rebel 

mps in his party,they done well in the people's election

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1 hour ago, kingdong said:

Blair never had a problem with selling the country a pack of lies. About weapons of mass destruction,he had a sight problem with Dr kelly,still we all know what happened to him.anyway thank God we,ve got Boris in instead of blair.

Boris has never had a problem telling lies either. None so far have been anywhere near as big as Blair's WMD claims, thank God, but give him time.  He might join Donald on a Middle East misadventure, perhaps.



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