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Biting soi dog battered to death, claims foundation


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13 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

No excuses for battering the poor creature to death. Dogs have a hard enough life in Thailand.


Typical Thai thoughtless ignorant violent response. Such nice Buddhist people.

I agree. Every soi dog in Thailand should be put down humanely, but put down they should be.

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17 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Standing your ground doesn’t work when there are a few of them in a pack. 


A normally timid soi dog readily grows in courage and aggression when teamed up in a pack... it can be an extremely frightening experience - one which I narrowly escaped outside temple on a quiet street when a passing motorcyclist saw the trouble I was about to get into and offered stopped and led me to my escape. 

...........the usual ‘bend down’ as if to pick up a stone didn’t work, none of them flinched, actually throwing a stone at them didn’t work... they were growling, snarling and slowly approaching me...  I knew the moment I turned and ran that would be it and I’d be chewed...  Stepping towards the pack didn’t see them back off... Just standing my ground seemed he best solution, shouting at them etc.. but they didn’t back off and were slowly coming towards me...  without doubt I was in serious trouble and was saved by the thoughtfulness of a passing motorcyclist. 






I carried a length of water pipe sharpened at one end. However, I never had one come close enough to use it as just the sight of the pipe had them running. I usually tried to follow it back to it's lair, and often it was with a human.


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20 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

Here in Bangna, I love to walk Klong Khlet to Seri & Seacon. There are a few 'rushers' on the klong path, including one that's muzzled; good chance he was a biter! I carry a big stick, yell 'Bpai!' as soon as I see one. If I had to, I would not hesitate to use it rather than suffer a dogbite! Some dog owners along the klong give me a hard time--tough t*tty!

Hard time for what? hope the dogs bite them and not you!  Stupidity

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30 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Allowing dogs to bite people is more wrong.

No of course not. Let me put it this way, if you ran up and bit me, I wouldn’t beat you to death, but I would put you down humanely ????

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On 1/7/2020 at 11:26 AM, johng said:

Yes they should be dispatched humanely.

Well trained shooters with .22 ammo could make marvels..  Cheap an humane. And needs a bit of coordination to get people of the streets for a while.

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On 1/8/2020 at 1:24 PM, thaibeachlovers said:
On 1/7/2020 at 11:37 PM, DaRoadrunner said:

Karma..... Let us all know how it feels when you return in the next life as a Thai street dog.

Oh dear. I suggest you research reincarnation before posting things like that.

I did.... you obviously did not.


And before anyone comments, no I am not religious.

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On ‎1‎/‎7‎/‎2020 at 2:11 PM, thequietman said:

for what ....... measles!  


They don't put animals down here, it is not the Buddhist way, even though none of them even come close to being a real one. ????

Not many years ago they did "Put animals down"   I lived in Pattaya in 2001  and you could call the "Dog Catcher"  and the soi dog causing a problem would be gone .   Everyone knows that .    

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49 minutes ago, sangtip2 said:

Not many years ago they did "Put animals down"   I lived in Pattaya in 2001  and you could call the "Dog Catcher"  and the soi dog causing a problem would be gone .   Everyone knows that .    

It is a long time ago but I saw a team removing a large pack of soi dogs in Pattaya and it seemed very humane, actually using blow pipes with drugged darts. I suspected they were not being put down.

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On 1/7/2020 at 2:16 PM, steven100 said:

good riddance .....    a pest to kids and elderly  

Agree and I like dogs that are safe and domesticated .  A million soi dogs are not worth the risk of loss of life to one human and yet rabies affected dog numbers continue to rise each year and so are the human death rates .Bangkok alone has around 300,000 soi dogs .   Easily resolved  but for some reason not addressed . I used to go walking in my town but after a few dog attacks ( despite route changes ) I stopped . Lasr week a friend of mine was bitten on the ankle by a soi dog when on his motor cycle .  No dog owner apparently so friend now having rabies injections and hospital bills .  

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