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Billion baht Indians are the answer! TAT go to New Delhi all guns blazing for more Indian tourists


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16 hours ago, ezzra said:

Most Indian are vegetarian or muslims, from what i know i don't think Thailand can cater theses requirement sufficiently enough, other then than, bring them in if you can... 

Indians are predominatly Sikh or Hindu, Pakistanis are Muslim

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10 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

That’s just a pointless and ill informed /ignorant whinge 

A taxi from the airport to central BKK incl tolls is about a tenner, way way cheaper than any European capital, do you work for free ?  thousands of amazing restaurants to suit every taste, a beer in a decent bar is about the same as the U.K. (but most on here will be buying it far cheaper from 7-11) and there are hundreds of amazing beaches if you can be arsed to look for them.


Anyone getting ripped off here is someone who will get ripped off anywhere. 


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5 minutes ago, garyk said:

With the Thais not bathing now, wait till you get 1,000,000 Indians saving water. You won’t want to be down wind of Thailand.  Ha

The French have been saving water years!


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18 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


"Most"? Less than 15% are Muslims. Less than 30% are vegetarian.


Guess you missed the amount of Muslim visitors from other countries too. They don't seem to have any issues visiting Thailand.

40% of Indians are vegetarians and the rest eat meat infrequently.

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10 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

They must be wrong.


As Buddhists, Thais don't feel jealous, or act out of jealousy.

Buddhist? It’s a far cry from the Buddha’s teachings. It’s 70% or more of superstition. As for them being wrong, they added 80% of sukhimvit hotels in bkk are owned by Thai Indians. I’d say jealousy also springs from <deleted> burning expats. 
how does an Indian know when he’s hungry? When his <deleted> stops burning! Hohoho

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21 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

Anywhere is safe after India.



there might be million baht indians but try getting any money off them , why not bring more indians then the thai girls will get pregnant and have indian babies who's fathers have no money , good idea and typical of thai authorities ,  maybe the authorities ought to go to the slums in india to see how their thai girls are going to live when the indians take them back there ha ha 


21 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

Anywhere is safe after India.




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Unless there is a profound change of attitude - Thailand will become increasingly difficult to sell.


It's not that it's so comparatively awful to many places and its not that the TAT aren't doing their best.


It's just that every turn and in so many diverse ways, it has become less attractive. The forums and social media have much greater influence these days and Thailands image has been savaged accordingly.


It used to be the place to be - it's just not anymore.    

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23 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

Anywhere is safe after India.



Are you speaking from experience? What safety issues have you had there? Just asking as I'll be spending quite a bit of time there and haven't heard of any problems.

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1 minute ago, gearbox said:

Are you speaking from experience? What safety issues have you had there? Just asking as I'll be spending quite a bit of time there and haven't heard of any problems.

On my one trip to India I was grateful for the company driver who had, so I was informed by local management, spent some time driving in Baghdad (dodging bullets). He drove us from Delhi to Lahore to Jaipur and back to Delhi; the traffic alone was horrendous, far worse than anything seen I've in Thailand (trucks, buses, cows, elephants - traffic hazards all). We went out to dinner one night with the company president, a former general, at a 5-star hotel in Delhi; the staff ran mirrors along under the car checking for bombs. The railways seem to be only relatively safe. Nevertheless it was great fun, but you have to keep your wits about you, especially if there are political tensions (as now)

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2 hours ago, gearbox said:

Are you speaking from experience? What safety issues have you had there? Just asking as I'll be spending quite a bit of time there and haven't heard of any problems.

I have been there about twenty times. Not spent a great deal of time there in the great scheme of things - perhaps 6-8 months. But nearly all the close shaves, threats to my safety, thefts and er ...how can I put it....serious stomach problems occurred there. The roads make Thailand look organized and the arguments in the street are widespread. That said I love it to bits and would say that if you have never been to India you haven't lived. 


Just don't go there and expect to live if you don't take the utmost care.


I am also one that finds the racism on Thaivisa directed against Indians intolerable at times. 



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smart move by the TAT. Both China and India are growing economies, its only natural and good sense to focus and cater to these growing economies.

Lived in the diamond part of the Silom area for a few years. Lots of Indian ppl. Always nice ppl and positive vibes. 

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11 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

Lived in the diamond part of the Silom area for a few years. Lots of Indian ppl. Always nice ppl and positive vibes. 

Expats and tourist hordes are different species.

Edited by DrTuner
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There are more than 760,000 millionaires in India. (Only 12 countries in the world have more, and India's GDP is growing much faster than most of those other 12 countries.). There are a further 15 million people with wealth in the 100,000 to million dollar range. It's only a few hours flight away, which means it's much easier to gain repeat travelers from India than from European markets. And acquisition costs are (potentially) MUCH lower than those for consumers in "traditional" markets. 


I'm baffled as to why anybody would criticize TAT for making a major push into a market that is growing so quickly, and is full of new, aspirational travellers. The global travel-trend data seem to make a good case for India eventually becoming the largest feeder market for much of SE Asia, across all wealth ranges. 


I have my doubts about travel shows being a particularly good use of TAT's marketing budget (I would be spending most of the India allocation on influencers and social media), but I think the drive to bring more Bollywood production here is exactly right. 


From all those criticizing the move, I'd be really curious to know where you think TAT should be targeting their resources, if not India.

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19 hours ago, Yinn said:

Everyone welcome to enjoy holiday in thailand. 


Funny that eg English people (about one million per year) say “Thailand” should not welcome Indian (2 million per year) and Chinese (13 million per year). 


If “thailand” only allow English to come, will be a lot empty hotel, restaurant and taxi. 


Everyone welcome to Thailand if polite and good behavior. Why not.

Thailnd hotel more full 7 years ago befor Chinese and Indian tourists came. Good that tourist numbers are up, soon Thailand be like Sianoukville and Manilla..

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