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'I'm spending all my money to get rid of Trump': Michael Bloomberg

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3 minutes ago, donnacha said:

But didn't your side say that Trump was a fantasy candidate too?

He hasn't deflated. Seem positively bouncy.

Short of running a well-known, respected, trusted and charismatic candidate such as Oprah, would it not at least be a good idea to pick someone at least moderately likable?

Or even just sane, or not clearly suffering from early-stage Alzheimer's?


45 was a black swan.

Oprah is black but no swan.

Why this insistence on making up stories about candidates with no chance of running? I feel you're not posting in good faith by pushing this silliness so … Goodbye.

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Speaking of health care and 45's atrocious failures and string of broken promises on that, obviously Bloomberg thinks this is going to be a major weakness for 45 and ALL other republicans in 2020.




Gun violence too:

I think it's very powerful that Bloomberg isn't even bothering to run against democrats. He's going right for the jugular of the reason he should be nominated -- to beat 45.


BTW, Bloomberg ads are all over the place. Yes he has endless money for this and it's early yet.

  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I like him alot. Very moderate. A former republican. A great track record. Smart. Level headed. A real man or woman is needed, to replace the thin skinned juvenile. Who cares if he is using his fortune to get in front of the people? Not me.  


Bloomberg has many of the traits we need as a nation. Perhaps he can appeal to people across the board. Perhaps he would get some respect abroad? Perhaps he could undo some of the horrendous damage Trump has wreaked on the US? 


Let's kick Trump out and then lock him up. 

Yes and although he lacks much charisma that can be seen as a feature when running against a president that bases his support based on a minority base cult of personality. Plus he might pick a very charismatic person to be VP, perhaps Stacey Abrams. 

  • Thanks 1
6 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Naw dude, its just the same old urban vs rural, elites vs regulars, Coast vs Heartland, etc. No biggy. The anti Trumpers will get over it as the USA proceeds to move forward. Once 2020 comes and Trump gets relected and the Congress goes Repub, watch how things go gangbusters then.


Bloomberg is actually an accomplished guy even though he has some silly political positions. He did a good job in NYC, although he now has to apologize for the unwoke things he did. That being said, if it was him against the rest of the Dem field, he would be the only one I would distastefully pull the levers for, since ideological purity has to go bye bye some times.


In point of fact, he is the best candidate against Trump in the Dem field in terms of the electorate as a whole. But the socialists dont like him, he cant compete with Trump vis a vis the black/"latino" vote, and hes boring and whiny. 

Are you joking? 45 has almost no support among African Americans and is weak with Latinos as well. 

  • Thanks 1
11 minutes ago, MyTHaiMyKe said:

Hope bloomberg goes broke, because he has no chance! But unfortunately he will still have a pile of money even if he wastes a billion! Trump will win reelection in a landslide!

Yes, there is no chance that Bloomberg will go broke.

There is also no chance that 45 will win in a landslide. 
Yes, 45 could win but if he does win it will almost definitely be based on losing the popular vote much more severely than in 2016 but based the built in republican electoral college advantage. 

People that say 45 will definitely win or definitely lose aren't in reality mode. 

He is a real threat to win based on the electoral college and that's why the majority of democrats are focused on picking the nominee with the best chance of beating him which many democrats think is Bloomberg.

13 minutes ago, MyTHaiMyKe said:

Hope bloomberg goes broke, because he has no chance! But unfortunately he will still have a pile of money even if he wastes a billion! Trump will win reelection in a landslide!

Another visitor from the future.

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8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Another visitor from the future.

Or could be seen as gloating before the fact because deep down they know that being able to gloat after the fact is so uncertain. 

In 45 we have a president consistently with very low approval ratings, never had majority support, never will have majority support, and has been impeached, and even though he won't be removed because of a cowardly senate, the majority of Americans support that impeachment (and also acknowledge that he has behaved very badly deserving the impeachment plus the constantly lying like it's going out of style). No president has ever run under those conditions. So he's definitely vulnerable, but nothing is certain as he continues to hold on to his endlessly loyal cult of personality base. 

12 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

What you don't understand is that the Electoral College was not created to protect small states. It was created to protect slave states. As you may recall, slaves were given 3/5 of a vote each to help protect the slave states from abolitionists and the like. Well, how do you implement that? Via electors.


And is there anything lamer than someone predicting a future event in the same sentence that he refers to "realities". Unless of course, he's a time traveler.

Of course we're stuck with the totally obsolete electoral college because there won't ever be the votes to amend the constitution on that, but one thing that I've always hated about it is that it means that only voters in a very small number of states actually impact the presidential election. So if you live in California you know your vote is for show the same as if you live in Alabama. The people in the so called "swing" states are of course very aware of the importance of their votes. That's a crappy version of democracy!


Because it's so hopeless to abolish the college, it's a waste of political capital to waste much time on that issue. Instead, what democrats are actually doing that has great hope to make a big difference is to create MORE swing states going forward. That's going to be huge when it happens. I'm talking Georgia and Texas. Bloomberg-Abrams, turn Georgia BLUE y'all!

8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Of course we're stuck with the totally obsolete electoral college because there won't ever be the votes to amend the constitution on that, but one thing that I've always hated about it is that it means that only voters in a very small number of states actually impact the presidential election. So if you live in California you know your vote is for show the same as if you live in Alabama. The people in the so called "swing" states are of course very aware of the importance of their votes. That's a crappy version of democracy!


Because it's so hopeless to abolish the college, it's a waste of political capital to waste much time on that issue. Instead, what democrats are actually doing that has great hope to make a big difference is to create MORE swing states going forward. That's going to be huge when it happens. I'm talking Georgia and Texas. Bloomberg-Abrams, turn Georgia BLUE y'all!

There is so much wrong with our electoral system I don't know where to begin.

  How about a block on any exit polls, and other  reporting the day before and election day , we heard the candidates for over a year, now it's time to vote.

     No reporting until all states have voted. 

Vote on a Sunday when people are off from work.

    The electoral college was created so that candidates would not only campaign in Big markets and small markets would never see them, With communications being what they are,  this is no longer an issue. I never saw Andrew Yang but I know all I need to know about him.

  Finally, this is very controversial, and I understand the inherent dangers contained there in, but there needs to be some sort of minimum qualification for voting , otherwise we are in for Idiotcracy, trump being case and point. 

  • Haha 1


13 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I know, that's how he got rich

Mostly from Daddy.


17 minutes ago, sirineou said:

There is so much wrong with our electoral system I don't know where to begin.

  How about a block on any exit polls, and other  reporting the day before and election day , we heard the candidates for over a year, now it's time to vote.

     No reporting until all states have voted. 

Vote on a Sunday when people are off from work.

    The electoral college was created so that candidates would not only campaign in Big markets and small markets would never see them, With communications being what they are,  this is no longer an issue. I never saw Andrew Yang but I know all I need to know about him.

  Finally, this is very controversial, and I understand the inherent dangers contained there in, but there needs to be some sort of minimum qualification for voting , otherwise we are in for Idiotcracy, trump being case and point. 

I think we need to forget any hope of killing the electoral college. Perhaps if sometime in the future the republicans lose the white house with a majority of votes two times in a 20 year period as happened to the democrats then maybe such a movement could really get started.  


BTW, Al Gore, who didn't come out against the college after his win/loss in 2000 has since changed his position and now thinks it should be scrapped. But it won't be. Oh well. 

16 hours ago, webfact said:

'I'm spending all my money to get rid of Trump': Michael Bloomberg


What?  Is he sponsoring a viable candidate?


  • Haha 2
40 minutes ago, bristolboy said:


Right. Calling people you disagree with clowns and boasting about your ability to make persuasive arguments without actually producing any is not mark of a rationalist but rather of a troll.



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18 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

In other words just another billionaire buying an election? But thats ok, because he is your billionaire.:ermm:


He is the champion of the common man millionaire stock trader. It is so funny they hate billionaires and other than maybe having one be their nominee his particular field is the stock market. For whatever reason the lefties hate the stock market.

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

how do you fail at casinos!

For years I would tell people the only sure way to make money from gambling is to own the casino.

Then DT came along and proved me wrong.



  • Haha 1

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