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Thailand finds fourth China coronavirus infection


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Screening passengers by means of thermal imaging equipment will probably detect those who are already infected and the virus is at the onset of symptoms.  Anyone arriving could be infected, but appear to be normal as the virus incubation period is 2 weeks.  It is those that we should look out for as thermal imaging systems will not detect anything abnormal about them.

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Unfortunately my trip  to Thailand dec 26 - jan 21 went through  Shanghai.  

I just didnt see much screening  at very  many airports.   On arrival in Shanghai they did have a gauntlet  you walked through that seemed to have 2 big (10"x18") flat  plate thermal detector looking things  on tripods .  But it was not a forced single  file line so sometimes maybe hot faced were hidden.  Also how complicated was the software  system to detect hot spots?  How often did this system need rebooting?  I didnt see this same system upon  arrival in Shanghai at a different  terminal yesterday.  No thermal scanner  area upon arrival  in Seattle  even after the first USA case was found there.     I never saw any thermal scans of outgoing travelers which seems best. 

It's only a 3 hour flight pvg-bkk so not a long time for symptoms to develop.   

Edited by Elkski
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Chinese authorities will suspend all outbound transport from Wuhan, the city at the epicenter of an outbreak of the mysterious Sars-like coronavirus, which has so far killed 17 people.

Bus, subway, ferry and long-distance passenger transportation networks from the city will be suspended from 10am local time on Thursday, state media reported. The city’s airport and train stations will also be closed to outgoing passengers.





Wuhan, a Chinese city of nearly nine million people, is to temporarily shut public transport as it tries to halt the outbreak of a new virus.

Those living in the city have been advised not to leave, in a week when millions of Chinese are travelling for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday.

The airport and train stations will be closed to outgoing passengers.

Bus, subway, ferry, and long-distance transport networks will shut down from 1000 local time on 23 January.


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While the usual suspects are having a field day lambasting Thailand for what they see is a poor response to something that they didn't create, maybe some have missed the farcical statements from the US CDC who have knee-jerked their response.


First they set up screening of arriving passengers only at a couple of west coast airports. What mental giant thought that the US west coast is the one nearest China and the direction where most infected Chinese and other travelers are likely to come from?


So a few days later, they set up screening at Chicago and one of the NY airports. The fact that Chicago is probably the busiest US international airport that has direct flights that skip the US east and west coasts entirely seems to have been overlooked when they flagged only west coast airports.


Then they announce that all travelers from Wuhan are going to be 'funneled' through the 5 airports that have screening set up. How on earth does that work? Do the airlines at every check-in desk at every airport now have to ask every passenger whose ultimate destination is the US if they come from or have been to Wuhan and, on getting an afirmative, have their itineraries changed so they can only enter at certain airports?


Any news if the WHO have actually called this a global pandemic yet. I am pretty sure that a few personages attending the bash at Davos have vested interests resting on whether they do or don't.

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On 1/22/2020 at 11:55 PM, Husain Tula said:

Screening passengers by means of thermal imaging equipment will probably detect those who are already infected and the virus is at the onset of symptoms.  Anyone arriving could be infected, but appear to be normal as the virus incubation period is 2 weeks.  It is those that we should look out for as thermal imaging systems will not detect anything abnormal about them.

We dont need thermal imaging systems to detect abnormal people in Thailand 

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China has quarantined 5 cities totaling 23 million people. 

There is a hidden video clip on reddit of a doctor at a Wuhan hospital breaking down while on the phone to another hospital who is trying to send them more patients because the hospital is already too full of sick people. Multiple hospitals are full. 

This luckily doesn’t have a high mortality rate.

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11 minutes ago, dcnx said:

This luckily doesn’t have a high mortality rate.

We don't really know that yet. How long does it take to die from pneumonia? a week? This thing properly kicked off a few weeks ago. The last figure I saw of the ratio of cleared infection/died was closer to 50/50. Others were still in the symptoms phase.


Will take weeks to get a better view.

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On 1/22/2020 at 2:36 PM, Somtamnication said:

Thailand still in denial. Took them weeks with the SARS fiasco a few years back. On the up side, TAT will come up with some extraordinary marketing brain farts to monetize this one!

 ...also bird flu back in the day as well was another public / political football exercise... back and forth with claims and backtracking...renaming bird flu another variety....  In the end, economic prevails, mask sales are up..

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13 hours ago, dcnx said:

China has quarantined 5 cities totaling 23 million people. 

There is a hidden video clip on reddit of a doctor at a Wuhan hospital breaking down while on the phone to another hospital who is trying to send them more patients because the hospital is already too full of sick people. Multiple hospitals are full. 

This luckily doesn’t have a high mortality rate.

Can you share a link to said video?

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The deaths are now up to 41. And who knows how many are carrying the virus, which can take up to 14 days to incubate? All Thailand needs are some additional deaths and it's tourism industry could be far more decimated than it already is, after six years of consistent sabotage by the hapless army. 

And the increasing dependence on China for tourism could become a real issue as the nation goes into lock down mode. Talk about a shortsighted policy coming home to roost. 

My heart goes out to the common Thai. What a fate. What a stupendous lack of competent leadership the nation faces. 

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