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Thailand’s PM assures coronavirus situation is “100% under control”


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3 hours ago, webfact said:

as he urged members of the public to take care of their health and cooperate fully with the authorities in preventing or containing the spread of the virus, noting that the disease is preventable if close contact with those thought to be infected is avoided.

Should be fairly easy then. Just look out for those with a sign “ infected”

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand is “100% under control” and that he will personally take charge of overseeing the operations of all related agencies to deal with the virus, as well as the PM2.5 dust pollution

Well hes been working on the PM2.5 thing for 2 years and today its at unhealthy in Bangkok and thats with favorable weather so..... No other nation is declaring this virus as remotely within control.  The man truly is a dullard.

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26 minutes ago, Christie Paul said:

I've been informed by friends in China that the situation is NOT as reported. Journalists and those online are being threatened if they tell the truth, which is that measures to control the situation have been hitherto shambolic. Numbers are way underreported, there are shortages of protective gear for health professionals and tens of thousands have left Wuhan, even some who are ill.



NY Times reporter Chris Buckley filed this report 28JAN2020 5:24 AM Bangkok time direct from Wuhan:


WUHAN, China — The Chinese government scrambled on Monday to contain not only the coronavirus epidemic but also growing expressions of public fury over the management of the crisis



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47 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:



The U.S. State Department on Monday warned against visiting China and said Americans should not travel to the Hubei province, given that the province's city of Wuhan is ground zero for a new deadly coronavirus.

The State Department has already ordered the departure of all non-emergency U.S. personnel and family members from the province and the "U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services" to its citizens there.

It said travelers should be prepared for the Chinese government to put travel restrictions in place "with little or no advance notice."





HOLY MOTHER OF GOD - the new coronavirus is a 3.8!!! How bad is that reproductive R0 value? It is thermonuclear pandemic level bad - never seen an actual virality coefficient outside of Twitter

in my entire career. I’m not exaggerating... #WuhanCoronovirus #CoronavirusOutbreak








That’s one of many estimates and to imply it’s absolute is mischievous. It also doesn’t really mean anything IF the symptoms for the vast majority are minor. 

More than 600,000 die annually globally from the flu. 800-900 people died from SARS. 

There is a tendency to overreach in these matters IMO 

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8 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

he will personally take charge of overseeing the operations of all related agencies to deal with the virus, as well as the PM2.5 dust pollution.


This will end up being a real problem. What he really means, is that nothing will get done. When a man, who has spent six very long years, demonstrating an extreme degree of incompetence, and an absolute unwillingness and inability to follow through on promises made, makes a promise like this, it has to be dismissed as utter nonsense.


This is an emergency situation. It needs to be dealt with, and it needs a high degree of intelligence and competence. Not something Prayuth possesses. Someone else needs to handle this, and it needs to be handled yesterday!


The tourism industry is teetering on the edge of a tragic drop, and has already been devastated by this highly destructive administration. All it needs now is a spread of this virus. It could crush millions of families dependent on tourism. I already know one family that has cancelled their trip over here. Why take a chance? Who can trust the Thai authorities, and what they say? Why trust them? What have they done to earn that trust?

So you have an anecdotal tale of one family cancelling a trip because of fear of something not yet in evidence? 

I’m no fan of Prayuth but one might argue that calming skittish irrational types is part of the job of government when unfounded panic is in evidence 

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So let's see, if the usually secretive and outwardly confident Chinese government is actually admitting this is a problem for them, we are meant to believe the words of the perpetually incompetent and bumbling Thai government? 

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Time to be worried folk, if Prayut says it is 100% under control, once again his is bul++iting.

Why does he make stupid comments like that, as he knows like everybody else it is not under control.

100% agree. Anytime someone tells you everything is ok, it's time to start worrying.  

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