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16 hours ago, NanLaew said:

There's nothing worse than the arrogant, know-it-all, so-called experienced traveler, long-time Thailand visitor or lurker who's totally aware of a possible pandemic and yet gets on an international flight to Thailand.

"Experienced traveller" means different thing to different people. For me the packing is minimum a rope, a whistle, a knife (in the checked in bag), cable ties, duct tape, waterproof torch with spare batteries, phone with offline maps, first aid kit including antibiotics, and hand sanitizer. The preppers can put more.


The low volume hand sanitizers (less than 100ml) have been around for ages, no need to do any liquid transfers.


The corona virus mortality rates are less than 3%, so your chances are not that bad. Lighten up and enjoy your life and holidays.

11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Do you know how long they remain protective?

The masks we wore in surgery were effective for about 10 minutes. Their only real purpose was to stop people spraying when they spoke ( we all spray incredible amounts when we speak ). Some surgeons don't even bother covering their noses.

I have absolutely no clue but google is your friend too.


As for your comment on speech-spray which is absolutely correct, I can think of no better reason not to keep one's yap shut while flying.

16 hours ago, shy coconut said:

perhaps you should learn the Thai word

for disinfectant instead of making yourself look a numpty repeating a word to a guy

whose job is to check that you are allowed to enter the country.

Just jumped ahead from 1st page.  All smartphones are able to download free english-thai translators with audio as well as script.  Helps immensely until you learn some Thai. 

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5 hours ago, daiwill60 said:

The masks commonly used are about as much use as a cigarrette lighter on a motorbike,  even the P2?N95 masks, are really only suitable to prevent outgoing germs from a person and really not designed to prevent inhalation from the surrounding air to the level of particles as small as a virus.  They do not provide an efficient seal arround the face, they do not protect ingress of viral materials through the eyes.  

The best way to prevent inhalation of airborne materials is by  using a positive pressure face mask...https://www.amazon.com/3M-Facepiece-Respirator-6800-Chemicals/dp/B007JZ1LG6/ref=pd_sbs_121_3/133-0974828-8852411?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B007JZ1LG6&pd_rd_r=2ea311a6-ce10-4f2a-919a-3f429ef28c3d&pd_rd_w=xfcZ1&pd_rd_wg=GwXkh&pf_rd_p=bdd201df-734f-454e-883c-73b0d8ccd4c3&pf_rd_r=DAP3YHQYFZQNPKTEDE9B&psc=1&refRID=DAP3YHQYFZQNPKTEDE9B

a word about face masks, for the faint hearted & the badly informed:







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16 hours ago, Genmai said:


We were all told by the media and the PM that certain measures were being taken to ensure the control of this virus. What I’m doing is presenting my account of how all of that is false. You want to explain to me how I’m in the wrong for doing that?


And no, according to the article I linked the guys job is now not only to check if I can come into the country, it’s also to do his part in containing the infection by certain measures which clearly nobody is doing.


As for learning disinfectant in Thai - sure, I’ll do that if you willing teach it to the millions of potentially infected Chinese visitors coming here AND get them to ask for it.

This is an OUTSTANDING TROLL. The first post sounded like either a Thai basher or more likely a Nanny stater. It's neither.


It doesn't matter if you're a virulent Thai basher or an benign Thai apologist or anywhere in between. If there is one thing 99.99% of TV posters can agree on is that no one on this site is dumb enough to believe or even take anything seriously to believe in things that we were all told by the media and the PM.  


"We were all told by the media and the PM that certain measures were being taken to ensure the control of this virus." The first post was a great troll post but you gave it away with this comment.

  • Haha 1
11 minutes ago, Chrysaora said:

I also push elevator buttons with elbows.  It's damn tough to rub your eyes with your elbow.

Yes of course I tried after reading your comment!

  • Haha 1
12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

More people have died of influenza this year in one country than world wide from this corona virus.

We'll see how those numbers stack up in three months' time.


I not only bring hand sanitiser with me when I travel, I bring a stronger sanitizer to clean the trays, arm rest and other areas where I'm seated. My wife and I also wear a high quality face mask inside the aircraft. I have no faith in the cleaning crews doing a thorough clean up between flights. Yes, I carry extra bottles with me if you would like to share.

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5 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

This coronavirus has a death rate so far...

Point of note, what does the two words "so far" suggest to you? That it is over already?


5 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

...the same people are most at risk - the very young, the very old and those whose immune system is compromised because they are diabetic or HIV+ etc. ...

It would appear that maybe you have none of the pre-existing conditions that can compromise your rather narrow belief that only people that are already sick from something else may catch this? The assertion that you may be fit enough to shake off this affliction doesn't mean that the infant or old diabetic that you casually speech-sprayed as you breezed past them at the baggage carousel, yakking on your smartphone and blissfully unaware that you were infected about 10 days earlier, will be similarly blessed.


5 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

... Get a grip

SARS was not a drill. This new coronavirus is not a drill either so if anyone needs to 'get a grip' I reckon it's the likes of you and the OP who pour disdain on those that are belatedly and inefficiently trying to implement precautionary preventative measures while openly ignoring their own responsibility to be an active part of these measures.


Maybe part of the problem was that way back last December, a whole lot of Wuhan residents carried the same 'not my problem' attitude as the OP and yourself do today?

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I am heading to Vietnam in 1 week, and several days ago I went and bought cotton gloves and alcohol wipes, EXPECTING lack of concern among all staff from both countries. I am not going to rely on others to keep me safe... 


Be prepared.

  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, justin case said:

thai apologist at work so to see

Beyond Mrs NL and the dog, I am not a lover of all things Thai and consider myself as far from being a Thai apologist as you can go off topic. However, I am always happy to bail up the perpetually sad sacks when they blame Thailand and the Thai people for their unfortunate happenstance.


As for the rest of your rather bizarre, rambling monologue, don't post while pist.

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4 hours ago, sucit said:

Or are we pretending Chinese go to pattaya for the beaches? 

Yes. They do Koh Larn, Nong Nuch, Water World, Temple of Truth and the bi-cultural shows that have sprung up all over the dark side before grazing at the all-you-can eat buffet. The closest they get to rumpy pumpy after they get dropped off at the police-box on the corner of Beach and Tai, is the after dinner, escorted dander down Walking Street before getting back on the bus at Bali Hai and going back to the hotel. AFAIK, for the vast majority of them, that's the only 'ho' in their itinerary.

1 hour ago, pdtokyo said:

haha check this article out ...




Moderators : it' totally on topic ... idiot government/airlines/coronavirus ... but in this case it's my idiot government in Australia ... they want to evacuate Australians currently residents in Wuhan to Christmas Island ... a prison camp they maintain w...a...y off the north-west coast coast of Oz (actually spitting distance to Jakarta so i hope there's no actual spitting allowed). C.I is as inhospitable a razor-wired detention centre you'll find anywhere, but with Foxtel. Minimal medical support there and an increasingly annoyed small local population.


Anyway ... the point of the story is that Christmas Island's reputation as a black hole for asylum-seekers is so bad that some of the Wuhan folk seem to be opting to stay in Wuhan.


Our revered leader Scott Morrison is considered by himself and his supporters to be a marketing genius but in this case they can't even sell a free plane trip.


On a more serious note, there's an interesting graphic at the end of the article showing transmission rates for various diseases (unfortunately trolling isn't in there) ... maybe someone with the technical skill and not closer to their bedtime than me would care to extract and post the graphic together with a link to the Sydney Morning Herald source? 


Good night all.


Australia is known for being utterly strict on imports of foreign animals and foodstuff, so quarantine issues are better solved on Christmas Island, which obviously musst host adequate accommodation and medical stations or they would not detour flights from Wuhan firstly there. Regarding that Wuhan is the center of the outbreak, no other measure makes sense, no better caution could have been taken.

Don't worry, everybody showing no symptoms will be forwarded safely to mainland Australia. 


By the way, Australian scientists are the first in the World who started to isolate & breed the corona-virus, in order to develop vaccines.  You should be proud of your government, not angry

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3 hours ago, Liverpudlian said:

Has to be the best topic i have seen here and boy are the knitting needle mob here happy clanging away when they see a head roll into a basket. 

It's bloody CROCHET, not knitting!

3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

You have to take your own precautions....they never will.

I carry a small 75ml spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol.

N95 mask only used in densely packed spaces or high risk areas...

packed subway carriage etc.

You sir are a pillar of social and personal responsibility.


Now, if I can just get another two just like you, I'll have my (cricket) stumps.

3 hours ago, Traubert said:

All the stats are being updated in real time on WeChat. The ones inside China anyway.


I think it's about 80 people outside China so they'll have to monitored in the coutrl they're in.

This site relies on multiple agencies providing data, currently 6057 confirmed cases; Total Deaths 132 Total Recovered 110


Confirmed Cases by Country/Region

Mainland China:  5 970

Thailand:  14

Hong Kong:  8

Taiwan:  8

Japan:  7

Macau:  7

Malaysia :  7

Singapore :  7

Australia:  5

US:  5

France:  4

Germany:  4

South Korea:  4

Canada:  2

Vietnam:  2

Cambodia:  1

Nepal:  1

Sri Lanka:  1


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4 hours ago, URMySunshine said:

Me and the missus are leaving the condo to go out into Hat Yai centre - wish us luck. Hand gel , ethyl alcohol and masks in the bag just in case. 

Well just back and that was weird. Large Chinese tour groups in Hat Yai city centre trolling around - despite my newly found relaxed attitude found ourselves mildly paranoid about them. Went into Hat Yai's only 'farang pub' Post Laser Disc and found groups of Chinese coning in over the hour until we are 'surrounded'. Feeling faintly uneasy came back to the condo, Seems that feelings trump facts. Lots of the Chinese wearing masks , Thai and farang hardly any. Not sure I can stay feeling like this so when we are back in Jomtien tomorrow will consider coming home early again. 


My nephew back in the Uk with his English language schools in Guangzhou has just learnt his teachers are trying to leave and come back to Europe. So could be 3 years of crippling work down the pan. Doesn't really matter now whether the virus threat is 'real' or not. Serious collateral damage is already happening. 

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21 hours ago, NanLaew said:

There's nothing worse than the arrogant, know-it-all, so-called experienced traveler, long-time Thailand visitor or lurker who's totally aware of a possible pandemic and yet gets on an international flight to Thailand which is right next to the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak and is itself chock full of visiting and transient Chinese WITHOUT PACKING AND USING HIS OWN BLOODY HAND SANITIZING GEL.


Did the OP bother to buy and wear his own mask? Didn't mention it anywhere. Or is that only required if you're a snotty, grotty Asiatic sort?

The OP didn't even mention where he/she boarded the plane. The airport concentrates on flights from China. 

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You make a big thing about Thailand. What about your own country?

I arrived in Vienna this morning. They are very concerned about the Corona virus as they have lots of tourists from China. Austria doesn't allow to partly cover your face i.e. also no face masks. You can get fined. No IO has protection nor is hand sanitizer available. We always have our own. Btw, after I touched this "gross" finger printing device  when leaving Bkk I got a disinfectant  tissue out and wiped my hands. Why didn't you carry your own?

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