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Video: Twelve year old thrown off motorcycle as woman does unexpected U-turn

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For all those quoting rules and regs of how it would/should be It’s rural Thailand. It’s common for 12 yr old kids to ride motorbikes to school, on main roads and everywhere else and it ain’t gonna change anytime soon. Is it sensible, no......are you gonna change it, no.......what use will fining the parents be......zero. 


 Most of the villages have police at the entrance to the school gates who stop the traffic to guide the kids on their motorbikes into the school. 

If you show any of these kids this video they would just laugh. After all they are just kids.........



Yes, being an old motor cycle rider from 17 years old, to 64 now .... though I do not do the highways on them any more, ... and still being here ! .... Yes I was VERY LUCKY !!! as I missed every thing solid ! ...  and was not run over by another viechel either. ...


... But as I am sure that a lot of people here have already pointed out the Boy, was obviously going much to fast, given the circumstances, and obviously with way WAY not enough experience. .... Like you do not Tear along at Speed in the Far left Lane, ....  if you drive there you go slowly.


If you want to go at speed there, you ARE risking your Life if some does not see you,, ... or realize just how fast you actually are going. ... If you want to go FAST, then you are better off, ...  taking up a cars space and going out in to the middle of a lane I think. But then GOING fast, ... so you do not have them trying to over take you. .... Weill, that is the way I have always done it, and well the few accidents that I have had mostly have been when I was just going too fast, in the far left hand lane. ... Like where the other traffic, ... did not see me.


And Predict !!! .... Like what this woman did, WAS actually quite Predictable really, like Cars that stop, for no good reason in the middle of no where ... When you see this happening ahead of you, then they should be transferred in to the maximum Danger part of you driving reflex action Psyche, ... as well, you and quite possibly THEY also, do not know exactly what they are going to do !!! ... So you then cover all of your breaks ! .... and slow down, as you approach them. ... Not just roar on and close past them.


... Like by their actions of stopping in an unpredictable place .... they ARE quite obviously going to be pretty unpredictable in their actions .... 


...  Like ALL cars that stop on the sides of the Expressway, or other Busy roads, with no good reason for doing this, should be treated with the Upmost Caution, and not just roared past ! I think. ...


Just like traffic ahead of you, that starts slowing down, for no good Reason either !!! ... Just get ready for them to do something that is going to be a bit ? ... to maybe even VERY unpredictable !!! 


.... An THEN, have a nice Day !!!


OH, and if you are on a motorcycle always have what I used to call My Best possible exit plan. in the back of you mind, ... like always think about where you are going to go, on your Bike ! so avoid Hitting other Viechels ... or Hard Road fixtures to escape, ... if something does go wrong ! ...


Like where you will leave the road, ...  for least Damage, or how you will put it down and just step off and role ... if you have to, To try to Miss every thing else and not get run over either !!! Well this is what I always used to do ... Like Motor cycles ate for POSITIVE and Pro Active drivers ! !!! ... Not for Sleepers !!! (Or Mobile Phone user's either) ....


Like Also knowing how to just keep a little power on, don't hit the brakes, .... and steer in to the slide, ... not against it, ... as the back wheel slides out in an emergency ... and stay on it, as you recover, and then get back to going straight, ... just as if nothing has happened, ...  also is a good thing to know !!! ....  And also is a VERY Good Surprise for the wife on the back !!! Right !!! .... "Oh well, I do have a Husband that knows how to drive a motor cycle side ways" ! Right .... Like Nice ! ... 

On 1/31/2020 at 2:07 AM, DefaultName said:

OK, 12 is wrong, but a properly trained rider, whatever the age, would have seen that car as a potential danger, given it a wider berth, and slowed.


IMO, prosecute the parents for neglect AND the car driver for lack of care on the road.

And if a brick had fell from the sky you'd say the boy should have been more aware. 

  • Sad 1
On 1/31/2020 at 10:18 AM, sabian said:

You'll never change their mentality. My wife reversed out of the house today straight into my car parked along side the road. No apology just "You shouldn't park your car on the road" and drove off. Should be fun when she gets home......

id park her on the road permanently if she spoke to me like that !

  • Haha 1
On 1/31/2020 at 9:42 AM, RotBenz8888 said:

No rare mirrors or brain failure? Wait, i see the car has rare mirrors, so it has to be brain failure. Total surprise....

The rear mirrors most likely only reflect her face, emergency U-turn when the maid tweeted to say she left the baby in the street and the gate was locked.


  • Sad 1
On 1/31/2020 at 3:26 AM, collingwood said:

If only they knew what them shiny things are, attached to the front doors and windscreen........

On my Thaiyota, they are amulet hangers.

  • Haha 1

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