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Thailand confirms first human-to-human coronavirus transmission, total number of cases now at 19

Jonathan Fairfield

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6 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Yes fair call although I'm not really screaming as you put it.I found this info which have some different numbers to your source.

The respective mortality rates for SARS and MERS patients was 9.5 and 34.5 percent, far higher that for the new coronavirus, which French health minister Agnes Buzyn put at "less than five percent".

That rate is likely to decline, experts say, as the ratio of deaths to reported cases continues to widen.

The coronavirus "is less deadly than SARS or MERS, but it is more contagious," Buzyn said in a press conference Tuesday.

The seasonal flu, by comparison, kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In the United States, the mortality rate among people infected with influenza is about 0.13 percent, the Centers for Disease Control has calculated.




Interesting that you found 0.13% for death rate this which compares all viruses has it at under 0.01%. 



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4 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

Flu cases and deaths are not tracked or reported in many countries, so the data is not comparable to a new virus that is being monitored world wide.  But WHO estimate is over 500,000 deaths per year from flu.  


If you understand the data, you'll see that flu, SARS and MERS are more serious illnesses.


Also - it's natural for the more serious and deadly illnesses to spread less easily, as the hosts are sick or dead.  Seen any Ebola cases in Thailand recently?


The new coronavirus will spread widely precisely because it's not so serious - many people contracting the new virus don't even know they have it.


Man up, it's just a bad cold.


China doesnt track disease properly either. This is mostly in China. When this first started China was covering it up and putting dead people cause of death as from other things to hide it. 


The argument that "Flu isnt tracked right so its worse" to say its more deadly really doesnt cut it when the same thing is happening with this. 


I already have a flu shot so im not worried about the Flu. When this has a shot I can get I wont worry so much about this. 

Edited by lovesthespicy
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6 minutes ago, 1RDN said:

Something else to think about now.

US companies are banning anyone coming from China or Thailand, for coming to their locations.

I have been advised to get out of Thailand asap.



US has said they will quarantine people from Hubei province.  



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7 minutes ago, lovesthespicy said:


China doesnt track disease properly either. This is mostly in China. When this first started China was covering it up and putting dead people cause of death as from other things to hide it. 


The argument that "Flu isnt tracked right so its worse" to say its more deadly really doesnt cut it when the same thing is happening with this. 

The new coronavirus is being tracked a lot more effectively than flu in most countries including China.  


One problem with Google is that it makes data available to people who do not have the background to fully understand it.


Man up - it's not the zombie apocalypse. 



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11 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

The new coronavirus is being tracked a lot more effectively than flu in most countries including China.  


One problem with Google is that it makes data available to people who do not have the background to fully understand it.


Man up - it's not the zombie apocalypse. 



At the start they were hiding it. It was going on for weeks before it came out. 


No I'm taking the data and reading it as what it is since thats the data.I say "this is what the data says" You say "no the data is wrong I know the right data". I go "if thats the case then the data could be wrong the other way".  You're twisting the data to make it prove your point.


To anyone concerned about the flu. Get the shot its pretty effective ive had it for 10 years and yet to get the Flu. Many people dont for whatever reason. 

Edited by lovesthespicy
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18 hours ago, khunpa said:

Anyone surprised? 


No wonder the PM who announced 100% control has gone to bed.

funny thing is, after Prayut made that comment, the cases have double from 9 to 19 but everything was under control... just imagine if not under control  how many Thailand would have 555

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36 minutes ago, lovesthespicy said:


Interesting that you found 0.13% for death rate this which compares all viruses has it at under 0.01%. 



It is interesting and it just happened to be the site I was looking at.It's really hard to get any sort of accurate figures as they say many will be infected without knowing or reporting it and duelling with website quotes of figures is rather pointless apart from I'm right and your wrong aspect.There seems to be a huge effort to try and stop the spread of this virus which is to be commended in my opinion and I'm not suggesting that this won't be disastrous but I'm not suggesting that it will be either.

If this as an earlier poster suggest went though the Thai population killing 2% that is 1.32 million and globally that's about 150 million deaths so it's quite easy to scare the pants off people with scary numbers and what if scenarios.I have no way of knowing what's going to happen if I did I would buy a winning lottery ticket and hope I didn't get run over on my way to cashing it in.

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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The death rate is not the issue now but the speed it is spreading. Silly ones don't compare it with anything else. This is the <deleted> big time! Have it or try to protect you which is not easy around others. Maybe you noticed we are dependent on each others for better or worse. This blog is mostly silly!!!

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Round and round the World it goes 

Spreading death with a virulent dose

A cough, a sneeze, it spreads with ease

Round and round the World it goes


Round and round the World it goes

Where this ends, nobody knows

no need to panic, no need to stress

It's just the Flu, or even much less


Round and round the World it goes

Taking its toll wherever it strolls

The Powers that Be tell not to worry

But listen to them and you'll soon be buried


Round and round the World it goes

I thought my health was strong and bold

My days in Paradise, long stories told

Alas so wrong, I'm DEAD, I'm COLD


Edited by Conno
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18 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

19 or 12 they say now can jump exponentially large numbers way too quickly. Stop bringing in the Chinese and flying to China now. What does this government have to do to get a brain and then a heart. this is not Kansas and they are not the Wizards of Oz!. 

Death toll in China surges to 259 deaths



Taxi's , malls, hotels  ect need to take more precautions such as wiping down areas with alcohol and maybe steaming surfaces to cut down on germs on surfaces of shopping carts, handles and anywhere  that large numbers of Chinese gather (airport/malls) Limit your contact with large crowds (especially from China)

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9 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

And some, for some perverse reason, seem to hope it gets much worse.

I don't think they hope it gets much worse. They worry those telling others to ignore it will make it worse.


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21 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

Death toll in China surges to 259 deaths



Taxi's , malls, hotels  ect need to take more precautions such as wiping down areas with alcohol and maybe steaming surfaces to cut down on germs on surfaces of shopping carts, handles and anywhere  that large numbers of Chinese gather (airport/malls) Limit your contact with large crowds (especially from China)

Impossible as they would need to do it every 5 seconds.

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2 minutes ago, shadowofacloud said:

Maybe some wagers? How many members of TVF will die a terrible death due to coronavirus infection (and I don't mean liver failure due to coronabeer ingestion)?


1000 THB says 0.

Tough wager for you to lose.  The victim is unlikely to alert us to his experience.

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5 minutes ago, shadowofacloud said:

Then the other side will pay 1000 THB to a Wat (temple) of their choosing.


And, even though I quite like my life, I am not clinging to it like crazy, so if it's me - well, that's karma and see you all in the bardo.

I'll give you a 'not bad save' for your answer. ????????

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