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Police shoot man dead in London after stabbing described as terrorism


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6 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Mosques have been in UK for more than a century and were perfectly OK until the late 90s. Since then UK/Europe has experience terror on an increasingly sliding scale, some of which being down to our own lethargy.

And in my opinion it has now gone to the point where nothing can be done about it.

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6 hours ago, Opl said:
11 hours ago, webfact said:

London's mayor Sadiq Khan said in a statement after Sunday's incident: "Terrorists seek to divide us and to destroy our way of life - here in London we will never let them succeed."

in other words: Islamic terrorism is and will be part of the daily life of Europeans


Well the Islamist terrorists have certainly succeeded with you!

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15 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Well the Islamist terrorists have certainly succeeded with you!

Yes, I call it for what it is, and stand up for my values that are totally against Islamist activism in Europe. 

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Most as has been said by the apologists for them are "British" but are first or second generation Muslims ,most learn from their parents ,its just now they are becoming extreme,goaded on by preachers in many of their Mosques.

as for their being British .

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

What is wrong is that Muslim mosques are still open, close down the ones which anyone convicted of anything to do with terrorism is a member of. There is far too much terrorism in the UK now, it is just going from one to the next while the government still allows people involved in any sort of terrorism being still free to walk the streets.

Does this proposal only apply to Muslims, or are you also going to support closing church’s of all persuasions, if one of their worshipper has committed an act of terrorism?

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

What is wrong is that Muslim mosques are still open, close down the ones which anyone convicted of anything to do with terrorism is a member of. There is far too much terrorism in the UK now, it is just going from one to the next while the government still allows people involved in any sort of terrorism being still free to walk the streets.

Actually Tony Blair promised to this after the London bus bombings as well as deport radical imams and closing hate teaching Islamic schools. Nothing happened as far as I remember.

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

 Whatever 'open door' policy you imagine the EU has, it has never applied to the UK as we are not in the Schengen area. As far as non EU/EE nationals are concerned, we have, and always have had, total control over our own borders.


UKVI (not UKBA, do try and stay up to date) do not provide some sort of 'nautical Uber service.' Indeed. most migrants trying to enter the UK illegally in small boats are, if caught, returned to France. Those that do make it and are caught end up being processed.


If you checked the facts rather than your usual ignorant prejudice, you would know that whilst some Islamist terrorists in the UK are asylum seekers, failed or otherwise, most were either British as they born here to British or first generation or immigrant parents or are, themselves, immigrants from outside the EU/EEA, usually Pakistan, who entered the UK legally via the UK's own immigration rules.


Nothing to do with the EU.


One has to wonder why you are so keen to lay the blame for everything at the door of the EU. Desperate to convince yourself that Brexit was the right decision?

When read in conjunction with the post to which I had replied the post should have made sense; furthermore the points were raised without resorting to the sort of drey-poking you have opted for in return.


Welcome back 49, I knew you wouldn't sulk forever but you have yet to master the fine line separating banter from blatant abuse ????

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7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

If you sincerely believe that to be the case then you perhaps ought to take a more critical look at the government handing itself draconian powers.

Most would argue that Draconian Powers is by definition exactly what we've freed ourselves from... 

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6 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Allah, and all other gods, be praised that sentencing and early release of Islamic terrorists is not within the purview of the odious Muslim mayor of London.


They say lightning never strikes twice, but it has - again in broad daylight, in the most brutal and bloody fashion, on the increasingly perilous streets of a capital city where white Brits are now a vulnerable minority.


How many more innocent people going about their everyday business must be killed or maimed before our political class wakes up to the reality that sometimes it is necessary to lock the door on terrorists and throw away the key?  


Boris must now honour is pre-election pledge to reverse the misguided kid-glove approach to sentencing and early release. Animals like the Streatham and London Bridge jihadis must be caged for however long it takes to render them incapable of ever again wiping their bloody feet on our welcome mat.

Utter nonsense, this man’s first crimes were committed under a Tory government, his sentencing and release under a Tory government.


Tory policy priorities of cutting police officer numbers, cutting funding to the prison service and cutting funding to the probation service.


The criminal justice system is falling apart under Tory management.



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32 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Which presumably means you will be as thrilled as I am that Boris, a true-blue Tory and a patriot to his marrow, is riding to the rescue.


Welcome aboard, Chomps!

Pritti Patel is a step in the right direction, although I would prefer to see the return of capital punishment for a few select crimes, Inc terrorism as per this example or the killing of Govt employees (Plod/Forces/NHS to name three).

No need for 'points against' from anyone in return. We all know what they are & I'm not looking to divert the thread.  

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41 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Well done MET. (Or the Mi5 or whoever was tailing and neutralised the assaillant).


However some questions would be asked such as if the authorities were tailing him, why was he not neutralised before stabbing anybody ? Did it all go to fast which is fully understandable or was there any other reason ?


Another thought on the sentencing of the alleged radicalised. Jail and mixing amongst their peers will only lead to harden the radicalisations. These fanatics need to be isolated, no contact with other inmates and brainwashed the other way round by highly agressive and intense therapists or psychiatrists when in jail. Of course, it has a financial cost.


Putting them in jail unsupervised mentally and letting them mix amongst their peers,  plainly leeds to spread the disease of fantatism and radicalisation.


Wish a fast recovery to the victim in LTC.

Is it fortunate or unfortunate that similar circumstances regarding live fire have existed on the 'rule book' for a long time. In a certain place it was a firm rule, 70's, that live fire could only be used 'if fired at first'. The rule has been reported in one very well publicised event and still to this day both sides claim different versions. If those following this guy had taken him out on the first sighting of what appeared to be a suicide vest or a knife in his hand, and considering their knowledge of who and what he was the public would have been up in arms against guess who.

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The right conclusion came about here and should be the same for anyone trying to pull this sh*t. You don't like the way things are in the UK, even if you are born there to people who refuse to adopt our values ... then you know where the airports are (heard that here on a few Thailand threads too) and should go live some country that aligns with your negativity.

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5 hours ago, possum1931 said:

What is wrong is that Muslim mosques are still open, close down the ones which anyone convicted of anything to do with terrorism is a member of. 

Same for the churches the IRA and UDA/UFF attended I take it then?


2 hours ago, overherebc said:

Doubt it.

True, they only use bombs and guns.

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