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Don't make that classic mistake.


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2 hours ago, Logosone said:

She also took a much less pushy approach and spoke extremely good English


Man, that was your first clue.


99% of Thai women who speak extremely good English have dated a ton of foreighers.


Whenever you see a Thai woman who speaks very good English, assume automatically she's been servicing Farangs for cash.

My girlfriend (a word I use loosely at this point) was a prostitute. I knew she was serving everyone for cash. That's not a shock. That wouldn't have been a problem had it just been in the massage parlor and with protection. My issue was she told me they were clients and I was the boyfriend which means nothing at this point. Maybe she's faking feelings for certain men and taking them home and bare-backing them to make them feel special and play the long game to get more money. Maybe others are just straight up paying her more money for barebacking. Who knows. Who cares. The point is the fact she was a wh*re wasn't the issue. It's the fact she was a liar who put my health at risk by pretending this relationship was something it wasn't. 

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

My Thai daughter is the 1%, 22 years old, Native English speaker, never been on a date.

She would never speak with a foreign guy (or any other guy for that matter) socially.

Love the tight ship you're running and keep up the good work.



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14 minutes ago, kilslug said:

My girlfriend (a word I use loosely at this point) was a prostitute. I knew she was serving everyone for cash. That's not a shock. That wouldn't have been a problem had it just been in the massage parlor and with protection. My issue was she told me they were clients and I was the boyfriend which means nothing at this point. Maybe she's faking feelings for certain men and taking them home and bare-backing them to make them feel special and play the long game to get more money. Maybe others are just straight up paying her more money for barebacking. Who knows. Who cares. The point is the fact she was a wh*re wasn't the issue. It's the fact she was a liar who put my health at risk by pretending this relationship was something it wasn't. 


Did she actually admit she was a prostitute? You said she was a masseuse. Was she a masseuse who was a semi-pro? Or a dating professional? You know these girls who have several boyfriends, either consecutively or at the same time, and get paid 'allowance' by their boyfriends. Did you ever pay her an allowance? Or did she admit she was a straight up, pure and simple prostitute? Because some of these SE Asian girls are dating professionals and see themselves as getting an allowance, they don't think of themselves as prostitutes and would be mortally offended if you suggest they are. They can, and often do, still catch the clap.


Look, everyone lies. Everyone. Nobody's exempted. Your eyes lie to you, through perspective, every second of the day. Ultimate objective truth may not even exist, it could all be perspective.  But I can assure you have all our deepest sympathies, because you're not the first man to have been duped by a woman faking real feelings. I had the same happen to me, she was saying how she loved me, were perfect for each other, and would wait for me. Three weeks after I left, turned out she went on an island fornication holiday with a foreigner.


Women, like men, will lie and it can be awful. Very sorry that you really got taken through the mill, emotionally and as it turned out physically. But an excellent lesson, lemonade from lemons and all that.


Edited by Logosone
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20 minutes ago, kilslug said:

My girlfriend (a word I use loosely at this point) was a prostitute. I knew she was serving everyone for cash. That's not a shock. That wouldn't have been a problem had it just been in the massage parlor and with protection. My issue was she told me they were clients and I was the boyfriend which means nothing at this point. Maybe she's faking feelings for certain men and taking them home and bare-backing them to make them feel special and play the long game to get more money. Maybe others are just straight up paying her more money for barebacking. Who knows. Who cares. The point is the fact she was a wh*re wasn't the issue. It's the fact she was a liar who put my health at risk by pretending this relationship was something it wasn't. 

relying on the word of others is never a good policy when it comes to your health ! or money, that is.

in Thailand (as elsewhere), take your precautions and enjoy the ride.

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10 minutes ago, Logosone said:


Did she actually admit she was a prostitute? You said she was a masseuse. Was she a masseuse who was a semi-pro? Or a dating professional? You know these girls who have several boyfriends, either consecutively or at the same time, and get paid 'allowance' by their boyfriends. Did you ever pay her an allowance? Or did she admit she was a straight up, pure and simple prostitute? Because some of these SE Asian girls are dating professionals and see themselves as getting an allowance, they don't think of themselves as prostitutes and would be mortally offended if you suggest they are. They can, and often do, still catch the clap.


Look, everyone lies. Everyone. Nobody's exempted. Your eyes lie to you, through perspective, every second of the day. Ultimate objective truth may not even exist, it could all be perspective.  But I can assure you have all our deepest sympathies, because you're not the first man to have been duped by a woman faking real feelings. I had the same happen to me, she was saying how she loved me, were perfect for each other, and would wait for me. Three weeks after I left, turned out she went on an island fornication holiday with a foreigner.


Women, like men, will lie and it can be awful. Very sorry that you really got taken through the mill, emotionally and as it turned out physically. But an excellent lesson, lemonade from lemons and all that.


Thanks. I appreciate the support. Yes everyone lies that is true but there is definitive ugliness to faking loving someone. It's exploitative. I don't know what your statement about truth being relative or subjective even means to be honest. I suppose you could go through life being nihilistic saying nothing can be objectively proven as real so we can do any number of horrific things to each other without guilt or consequence but what would be the point? To what end? The vast majority of massage girls in Thailand are prostitutes. You can tell from the way they try and seduce you when you walk past their shops. My girlfriend was very frank about being a dirty masseuse though yes.  

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4 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

To think that a condom would have saved us all a lot of reading. Let us know when the film of the book comes out.

With the condom it's just some delusional love story and propaganda piece about Massage and bar-girls being loving and loyal girlfriends you can trust. Is that the kind of literature you want on this site Mr Roadrunner? 

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7 minutes ago, khunpa said:

FYI...... Next time you get an STD, no need to go to the doctor.... Just fxxk it away!

Yes that was definitely her solution too. She was a simple farm girl from up north who didn't know much about science. 

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12 minutes ago, kilslug said:

With the condom it's just some delusional love story and propaganda piece about Massage and bar-girls being loving and loyal girlfriends you can trust. Is that the kind of literature you want on this site Mr Roadrunner? 

You may be on the wrong site for literature.

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1 hour ago, kilslug said:

Stop winging. You're laughing your ass off at the fact I got the clap so just be grateful for the story and eat your cornflakes. 

bah, condom or not, the odds of catching something over the years are very high.

the condom protected me as expected from HIV and HEP C, but not from herpes, HPV, the clap and probably some other minor stuff I didn't even notice ????

but a condom protects your life... and your sanity.

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59 minutes ago, tgw said:

bah, condom or not, the odds of catching something over the years are very high.

the condom protected me as expected from HIV and HEP C, but not from herpes, HPV, the clap and probably some other minor stuff I didn't even notice ????

but a condom protects your life... and your sanity.

HIV from female to male only happens in theory. There are HIV positive women who have had sex with their male partners for years and not infected them. It’s PC scare mongering mate. Unless you take a cack in your azz you won’t get HIV.

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Just now, kilslug said:

HIV from female to male only happens in theory. There are HIV positive women who have had sex with their male partners for years and not infected them. It’s PC scare mongering mate. Unless you take a cack in your azz you won’t get HIV.

BS. While the risk level is lower, HIV is transmissible with vaginal sex as well, particularly if the female has poor personal hygiene or is menstruating.

Don't forget to post the hospital address.

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19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Easiest disease in the world to cure.

I've been coughing and bunged up for the past month with the flu ..... would swap for the clap in a second.

5 days of Amoxcillin 500, and all the symptoms are gone after the first day.


I wouldn't trust a case of gonorrhea to amoxicillin. Then there's super gonorrhea that's been floating about for years. In some cases, many sulfa drugs are now needed. Doctors worry is incurable. Injection and doxycycline and a few prayers. Anyone having sex without a condom is a fool. Stunning amount of HIV in sex industry.

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1 hour ago, kilslug said:

HIV from female to male only happens in theory. There are HIV positive women who have had sex with their male partners for years and not infected them. It’s PC scare mongering mate. Unless you take a cack in your azz you won’t get HIV.

Hugely ignorant statement. This is the guy that will catch HIV and still not use a condom. Maybe that's semi true urban myth but not with SEA sex workers.


In theory. 555


What a risk for a little less comfort.


Shocked at this ignorance.

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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

BS. While the risk level is lower, HIV is transmissible with vaginal sex as well, particularly if the female has poor personal hygiene or is menstruating.

Don't forget to post the hospital address.

Nope you are talking BS Popular opinion BS but BS none the less. Do you know any men who have caught HIV from females personally? I have a female friend who has HIV and visits conventions. She has never met a single one. Unless of course you believe that Charlie Sheen actually got his from a female. I'm sure the fact he screwed transgender women had nothing to do with it. The vagina is one massive mucus membrane that is very prone to tears and lacerations. The penis isn't really that far off sticking a finger or a limb in an infected person. The blood or semen would literally have to go right up a mans Uretha and the chances of that are slim to none. People also say you can catch HIV from using a toothbrush covered in a HIV positive persons blood. Guess what? Also theoretical not a single confirmed case of it happening. It's a virus spread from men to women by bisexual men and homosexuals due to the biology. Yes it's theoretically transmittable between heterosexual couples but lots of things that haven't been proven or confirmed are theoretical so who cares.  

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7 minutes ago, kilslug said:

Nope you are talking <deleted>. Popular opinion but <deleted> none the less. Do you know any men who have caught HIV from females personally? I have a female friend who has HIV and visits conventions. She has never met a single one. Unless of course you believe that Charlie Sheen actually got his from a female. I'm sure the fact he screwed transgender women had nothing to do with it. The vagina is one massive mucus membrane that is very prone to lacerations. The penis isn't really that far off sticking a finger or a limb in an infected person. The blood or semen would literally have to go right up a mans Uretha and the chances of that are slim to none. People also say you can catch HIV from using a toothbrush covered in a HIV positive persons blood. Guess what? Also theoretical not a single confirmed case of it happening. It's a virus spread from men to women by bisexual men and homosexuals due to the biology.  

You are wrong about HIV not being passed by Vaginal sex.








This is copied from the above article.




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34 minutes ago, faraday said:

You are wrong about HIV not being passed by Vaginal sex.






Look at the CDC statistic. They said 4 out of 10,000 exposures in the link you provided me. That's 0.04%. Statistically you're more likely to die crossing the street even by their numbers which are probably based on self reports by bisexual men anyway. 

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Luckily only the clap, and not herpes or other infections, have you screend for chalmydia since returning to your home cuntry?

Try condoms next time, if she is banging you BB then you can rest assured the same thing is happening with everyone else.



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7 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Luckily only the clap, and not herpes or other infections, have you screend for chalmydia since returning to your home cuntry?

Try condoms next time, if she is banging you BB then you can rest assured the same thing is happening with everyone else.



Oh trust me I learned that the hard way and I told her during our last conversations that if she keeps this up she's going to get the HIV if she doesn't have it already. She had a rapid HIV test done at the clinic that was negative so hopefully it wasn't faked. Of course she denies bare-backing anyone and claims she's a puritan outside of her work. This is part of the reason I left also. If you can't get people to admit to their reckless's and stupidity there is little you can do to help or change them. I was screened for everything and everything was fine. I need a second test for HIV in a month or two to make sure but I know I wont have it because I'm not gay or on heroin. 

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3 minutes ago, kilslug said:

Oh trust me I learned that the hard way and I told her during our last conversations that if she keeps this up she's going to get the HIV if she doesn't have it already. She had a rapid HIV test done at the clinic that was negative so hopefully it wasn't faked. Of course she denies bare-backing anyone and claims she's a puritan outside of her work. This is part of the reason I left also. If you can't get people to admit to their reckless's and stupidity there is little you can do to help or change them. I was screened for everything and everything was fine. I need a second test for HIV in a month or two to make sure but I know I wont have it because I'm not gay or on heroin. 

Glad you have been tested since returning home. The risk of FtM transmission is low, but not restricted to gay or injecting drug using people, and the rate of HIV transmission in heterosexual people in some countries is slowly increasing, as are the other STIs


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5 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Glad you have been tested since returning home. The risk of FtM transmission is low, but not restricted to gay or injecting drug using people, and the rate of HIV transmission in heterosexual people in some countries is slowly increasing, as are the other STIs


It's higher in Thailand because people lie about in on the surveys. I've already researched this. Bisexual men blame it on sex workers because they don't want to identify as bisexual. It's higher in Africa because it's illegal to be gay and carries a death penalty so you can't get reliable data. It's not just low for heterosexual men. It's EXTREMELY low. 

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7 hours ago, kilslug said:

HIV from female to male only happens in theory. There are HIV positive women who have had sex with their male partners for years and not infected them. It’s PC scare mongering mate. Unless you take a cack in your azz you won’t get HIV.

Have to disagree with you on this one.

My heterosexual pal died from AIDs last summer, treated for a year in a London hospital, caught it from a Thai girl. I'd travelled all over SEA with him (Romance travellers), he never showed any interest in guys, ladyboys, or injecting drugs.

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9 hours ago, kilslug said:

Yes that was definitely her solution too. She was a simple farm girl from up north who didn't know much about science. 

Just to point out generic Amoxcillin 500mg is 25bht for a packet of 10 at Makro pharmacy.

(40bht in the other pharmacies)

No need to go anywhere near a doctor or hospital.

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3 hours ago, kilslug said:

It's higher in Thailand because people lie about in on the surveys. I've already researched this. Bisexual men blame it on sex workers because they don't want to identify as bisexual. It's higher in Africa because it's illegal to be gay and carries a death penalty so you can't get reliable data. It's not just low for heterosexual men. It's EXTREMELY low. 

Your research methods must be fairly poor, but ignorance is bliss.

Look at stats from developed nations and eastern european . But you are entitled to your opinion.

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