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A different side of Thailand


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1 minute ago, rumak said:

Khun Nak .    A major part of winning a boxing match is often the strategy one uses, much the

same as on forums.   You surely will wear yourself out trying to duke it out with those (majority) whose opinions will never change.   You being a bit younger may have more changes to come, in the meantime keep doing what you feel is right.  

I do advise you that hitting your head against a brick wall can cause brain damage   ????

It's very difficult to debate points with a few members who ignore what they don't like or have no rebuttal for. They just brush over it and attempt to turn the conversation back to whatever point they are trying to get across. 


I'll happily address any questions anyone may have, and the negative points, I've answered every single one as far as I know. I won't brush over what I feel is rubbish and untrue and ignore it like these said posters are doing. I'm not deluded and I don't stick my nose into situations where I am clueless and floundering around trying to spew garbage and cheery pick articles for my own benefit. 


Some members have suggested different activities, I'm all ears. 


Others have suggested that there is funding for kids like this. Where? (there isn't) 


Sitting in your condo in Bangkok or Pattaya and trying to white knight about something you are clueless about just screams arrogance. Comparing Tak to Isaan is even more ignorant. Last time I checked Issan didn't have an issue with a few hundred thousand kids running around with no citizenship and no family members. I didn't know Issan was packed top to bottom with hundreds of thousands of people living in refugee camps like Tak is.


 I'll happily address any other negatives and reiterate what I can. But I'll have to ignore those lacking common sense, and those who are blatantly wrong or misinformed. 

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2 minutes ago, Nakmuay887 said:

I'll happily address any other negatives and reiterate what I can. But I'll have to ignore those lacking common sense, and those who are blatantly wrong or misinformed.

good luck, should keep you busy anyway   555    PLEASE remember to keep a sense of humor :

""I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it." –Frank A. Clark


i don't think its possible to convince people on the internet.   Just invite them to come and see for themselves.   Actually,  i once thought of doing just that ...... then Mrs. Rumak politely reminded me  " bah ru plao "       (are you crazy ! )


you can also try the "rope a dope"  with a poster or two   



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3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

It is funded. It is no worse than some of the rural programs in Issan. However, in this case the funding comes from foreign donors. Accompanying that, are  basic health programs including vaccinations.

You are  promoting yourself as some great savior of these children.  You don't fool me. 


Think you are confused.

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1 hour ago, Nakmuay887 said:

I never knew that Ali lived and fought in Thailand. Any idea of which Camp? Was this before or after his western boxing career? Must have been tough for him to find fights vs the thai's considering he was around 230 lbs at his best. 


I applaud you for teaching me something new. 


Two different sports, had you read the majority of the thread you'd understand that. Or then again, you likely wouldn't. 

I have read the majority of the thread, most of it is self gratification on your part, look at me I teach kids to box.....wow champ.

a blow to the head is a blow to the head, boxing or kick boxing.

get a flying kick to the head is not a good thing to be on the end of.

teach them to use their brains to think, instead of glorifying you yourself and the sport that will ultimately serious damage some of them for life , all for an entertainment dollar...get real man.

Edited by namatjira
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A high number of abusive/troll posts and responses removed. 


No issue with a difference of opinion, but dont make it personal in your remarks and observe forum rules.


7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.




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2 hours ago, DJ54 said:

Hello Young Man (OP) I read your story when you first started your journey and proud that you stuck with it and indeed is giving these 

children boxers or not an inspiration that life’s ok and you can succeed if you try.... 


Thanks for helping the children would like to say more but not good at expressing heart felt thanks... they’ll truly look at life differently... 


please update us as you continue on your journey....

I appreciate you taking the time to write that. Thank you for the kind words 

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17 hours ago, namatjira said:

I have read the majority of the thread, most of it is self gratification on your part, look at me I teach kids to box.....wow champ.

I too have read everything; and I do not see any glorification of oneself there.
He writes to us what he does for Karen kids who live in Thailand in very precarious conditions without having Thai nationality.
I really have the impression that many members who answered on this thread live here but know nothing or so little about Thailand; if you can follow my reasoning.
These members should already be aware of what life is like in a Karen refugee camp.
They are very far from it and in fact do not want to know.

YES, contact sports can damage the brain;
but NO, you do not know the rules of Thai boxing where the shots are much less important than the way of carrying them;
it is the gesture that counts, not the uppercut.
there are few knockouts in Thai boxing,

Falling from horse, mountain bike, motorcycle at 60 an hour, even with protections, it hurts.
There are Australians on this forum; and I suppose that they find normal the very violent shocks which inflict themselves the players of Australian football but will be indignant knocks knocked during a Thai boxing match?

I already wrote it here, contact sports are not what I like most; I prefer a nice hill descent or a long forest ride on my mountain bike ...
But it would never come to the idea to descend in flame a practitioner of Thai or English boxing or savatte ..
Everyone does the sport they like.

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Two very well expressed opinions !  Assurance and Gecko are two posters on this forum that IMO  are intelligent and unusual in that they post with sincerity,  not with the usual " i know it all " attitude.     I agree with BOTH posts ..... even if that seems to be at odds.  

I  am not a fan of overly aggressive sports that often cause injury,  and also can't understand

the thrill of watching cars or cycles going around in circles at death defying speeds ( a bit off topic i admit) .  

As for the OP's  activities I do not see a lot of "look at how great I am"  comments that someone referred to .  The kids he works with ,all kids for that matter,  need to feel appreciated and given some love and something to feel good about.  ( actually I can think of a few posters that seem to have missed that in their childhood) .   OK OK   Mrs rumak is reminding me to be kind.

To summarize,  I like to see that someone ( nakmuay)  is attempting to contribute in a positive way.   And to Gecko's point :   Why can't the "sport"  institute a no kicks or elbows to the head policy for children ?  Well padded gloves would also provide the needed safety for kids.

Winners would be scored on technique and fortitude ,  and after a hearty handshake at the end

the two lads can go off together for some well earned Lao kaow .

Note:  exploitation of kids , women,  and even little old men is never a good thing.  wish we could change the world  ????   

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10 hours ago, rumak said:

Two very well expressed opinions !  Assurance and Gecko are two posters on this forum that IMO  are intelligent and unusual in that they post with sincerity,  not with the usual " i know it all " attitude.     I agree with BOTH posts ..... even if that seems to be at odds.  

I  am not a fan of overly aggressive sports that often cause injury,  and also can't understand

the thrill of watching cars or cycles going around in circles at death defying speeds ( a bit off topic i admit) .  

As for the OP's  activities I do not see a lot of "look at how great I am"  comments that someone referred to .  The kids he works with ,all kids for that matter,  need to feel appreciated and given some love and something to feel good about.  ( actually I can think of a few posters that seem to have missed that in their childhood) .   OK OK   Mrs rumak is reminding me to be kind.

To summarize,  I like to see that someone ( nakmuay)  is attempting to contribute in a positive way.   And to Gecko's point :   Why can't the "sport"  institute a no kicks or elbows to the head policy for children ?  Well padded gloves would also provide the needed safety for kids.

Winners would be scored on technique and fortitude ,  and after a hearty handshake at the end

the two lads can go off together for some well earned Lao kaow .

Note:  exploitation of kids , women,  and even little old men is never a good thing.  wish we could change the world  ????   

The point for me is, kids skull bones are going through their growing phase and knitting, which completes somewhere near 16/20 years old...To me, kids getting knocked about could do damage that may not be noticed until later in life...  

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2 hours ago, transam said:

The point for me is, kids skull bones are going through their growing phase and knitting, which completes somewhere near 16/20 years old...To me, kids getting knocked about could do damage that may not be noticed until later in life...  

I don't know the "scientific" facts,  but surely agree that I do not think blows to the head, or anywhere for that matter,  are good at any age.   Of course i watched some boxing matches in my time,  but the older i got the less I enjoy any forms of violence,  even the 50 or more kills shown in many films.  AND THEN THERE IS REAL LIFE !    wars everywhere ,  killings and rapes and abuse  and.... well, as many here agree, this is one messed up place.  

I guess i should not encourage the OP's choice of activity,  but do understand that kids like physical competitions,  as I did when I was young .  One hit in my farang nose however told me to stick to other sports.   

So i will edit that I am not for boxing,  but hope the OP can find a way to continue to be a "big brother"  to those he works with.

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On 2/13/2020 at 12:24 PM, gunderhill said:

I'll  take that nanny state where the life expectancy is  higher thanks.

LOL. The nanny state that millions are trying to escape from by holidaying in LOS, and many hoping to live in LOS, instead of the so called "safe" nanny state they came from.

For the record, I felt safer in LOS than in London, a bastion of the nanny state.

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