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Phuket health chief explains vague virus updates


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1 hour ago, khunpa said:

They can not find prostitution in Pattaya. So how can they find this?

Certainly an odd situation. 

Especially when many are under police immunity, or businesses owned by the same...

Try walking around soi Buchao in the morning or middle of the day.

Its virtually buy one, get one free.

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12 hours ago, smedly said:

I have been saying this for a couple of weeks and IMO is the very wrong thing to do


If they don't inform the public with honest accurate updates then they are creating a false and dangerous message that there is no problem in Thailand - A grave error


If there is a serious outbreak in Thailand then the public need to be aware of it so they can increase protective measures they need to take.


If Thailand continues on a course of telling people lies or not being open and honest about the state of the situation here - they will regret it, for all we know right now the situation could be as bad as China but Thailand are saying everything is fine


The WHO need to get directly involved and tell these very stupid people just what could happen if they continue on this course 

@Smedly, is Japan stupid and lying also or is it just Thailand? And what about all the other countries where the number of infections are low, Malaysia, Vietnam, are they all lying too, is this an orchestrated lying event?

Edited by saengd
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1 hour ago, petedk said:



Maybe many more people are infected with it than is published. I have two friends who have both gone down with pneumonia in the past two weeks. It is highly likely that it is not connected with Covid-19, but they were never tested, so we will never know.



We are very lucky to have social media nowadays, so if that does happen then we will know. Maybe not so many people will die from Covid-19 here as they do in China, but if there is a spike in flu related deaths then maybe something is being covered up.


Healthy people don’t just get pneumonia-if you had contact, get tested.


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47 minutes ago, saengd said:

@Smedly, is Japan stupid and lying also or is it just Thailand? And what about all the other countries where the number of infections are low, Malaysia, Vietnam, are they all lying too, is this an orchestrated lying event?

I never accused Thailand of lying - I said "if they were" it is a grave mistake 


big difference


Claiming something as a fact as opposed to an opinion could be construed as "fake News"


Only the Thai Government know the "facts"

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1 hour ago, ebean001 said:

try to remember this. In the USA, 220 people die every day of the flu. This is 4 to 5 times the world averge. did you do the math? Yes, it is 80,000 a year and that number is increasing year over year. GOP and Trump do nothing about it.


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The health minister said, if there is an outbreak, they can do nothing about it.  


Prayut said just days before that, he has the corona problem under his personal care and people don't need to worry.


Then the corona case figures stopped to increase and the narrative was out that those previously reported infected recovered and went home...


Phuket is the number one place where Chinese went when running away from Corona. 


Phuket airport has not screened arriving people, included my self, many weeks into the crisis  at a time where other countries not only screened but barred Chinese from entering.


40million Chinese arrive to Thailand per year. Due to Chinese new year hoidays and the outbreak of Corona, Chinese ran away into neighboring countries, much more than other years have travelled in that time. The Chinese flight ban came late and there were millions of Chinese out already, especially in Thailand.


Do you seriously believe there is only a handful cases in Thailand when millions of Chinese seek refuge here? 


Government numbers in China are lies. The known cases are estimated to be 4 times higher, the unknown cases are probable very much higher.


Government numbers in Thailand are always a lie. With Corona or without. Remember? Military dictator Prayut won the elections...


So mister Tourism Minister, you expect heavily overcrowded airports in April/Songkran? Don't lie to us. No foreigner person will come and no Thai (only the really stupid ones) will go back home to risk to get infected and killed.


Dishonest information about the sickness spread and xenophobic  rhetoric against farang who does not accept a dirty face mask out of a Thai minister's sweaty fingers in front of cameras and his statement, he will never apologize to a foreigner, will not help to crowd  the airports.......


Good idea. To make up for losses extend Songkran to watch empty streets.

Edited by P100
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12 minutes ago, smedly said:

I never accused Thailand of lying - I said "if they were" it is a grave mistake 


big difference


Claiming something as a fact as opposed to an opinion could be construed as "fake News"


Only the Thai Government know the "facts"

"The WHO need to get directly involved and tell these very stupid people just what could happen if they continue on this course". 


You may have used the word "if" three times but the intent of your post was clear so my questions still stand, are all those other countries being stupid also and do they too need WHO intervention?

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2 minutes ago, P100 said:

The health minister said, if there is an outbreak, they can do nothing about it.  


Prayut said just days before that, he has the corona problem under his personal care and people don't need to worry.


Then the corona case figures stopped to increase and the narrative was out that those previously reported infected recovered and went home...


Phuket is the number one place where Chinese went when running away from Corona. 


Phuket airport has not screened arriving people, included my self, many weeks into the crisis  at a time where other countries not only screened but barred Chinese from entering.


40million Chinese arrive to Thailand per year. Due to Chinese new year hoidays and the outbreak of Corona, Chinese ran away into neighboring countries, much more than other years have travelled in that time. The Chinese flight ban came late and there were millions of Chinese out already, especially in Thailand.


Do you seriously believe there is only a handful cases in Thailand when millions of Chinese seek refuge here? 


Government numbers in China are lies. The known cases are estimated to be 4 times higher, the unknown cases are probable very much higher.


Government numbers in Thailand are always a lie. With Corona or without. Remember? Military dictator Prayut won the elections...


So mister Tourism Minister, you expect heavily overcrowded airports in April/Songkran? Don't lie to us. No foreigner person will come and no Thai (only the really stupid ones) will go back home to risk to get infected and killed.


Dishonest information about the sickness spread and xenophobic  rhetoric against farang who does not accept a dirty face mask from a Thai ministers sweaty hand in front of cameras will not help to crowd  the airports.......

Proof, where's your proof, where's your evidence, where are the dead people? And why should Thailand be any different from Vietnam and Malaysia regarding numbers, your post is just blah blah with no substance, all innuendo and criticism with no proof or substance..

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14 minutes ago, saengd said:

You may have used the word "if" three times but the intent of your post was clear

your command of English is lacking


believe what you want - form your own opinion and share how you like - entirely "up to you"

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here in Hua Hin we are super busy at restaurants in the evening. people waiting to be seated at our favorite places.


my girlfriend and I had to ride around town looking for a place to eat that was not packed with white Farangs. and restaurants for Thai locals were packed also. This on a Monday night in mid February.  no masks anywhere now as that fashion craze has died down.


so if you did not know about the virus you would think everything was normal here. it almost feels like the Scandinavian  snowbirds and others who have been to Hua Hin before have all jumped on a plane and come here perhaps because the Chinese numbers are way down or they talked to people they know in Thailand who said nothing is different now. 


sorry for writing about Hua Hin here but if this was in the Hua Hin forum no one would see it.


also it rained this morning. so some really big excitement.  





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23 minutes ago, saengd said:

You may have used the word "if" three times but the intent of your post was clear so my questions still stand, are all those other countries being stupid also and do they too need WHO intervention?

Don't worry 'bout it -- the guy has posting his dire 'if' warnings since January a la that Thailand needs to take some very serious steps now or this will spread out of control if it hasn't already 

Edited by SkyFax
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13 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

So the government, realizing that they haven’t the know how to deal with mass spread of Corvid-19 have chosen to keep vital information from the public to avoid panic and a drop in tourist numbers. We’ll probably only know how bad it is when we start seeing people mourning the loss of loved ones from pneumonia on Facebook. Martial law will be implemented, and Prayut (army) will take the roll as savior.


Haven't just four died worldwide outside of China? Four out of a population of over 6 billion? That's what I last heard anyway, and I doubt that hundreds of thousands or millions have died in the couple of days since. I doubt that there is a worldwide conspiracy to hide the numbers. Much ado about nothing.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Chief Thani today even declined to confirm which passengers are being screened at Phuket International Airport for elevated body temperature.

Passengers arriving at lowly Buri Ram Airport (BFV) are being screened for elevated body temperature - well they were on Friday 14th Feb anyway.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

saying Phuket officials are under orders from Bangkok to restrict the information being made available to the public.

China copycat .... the less they say the better they think it is

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35 minutes ago, Derek B said:

Well as long as the WHO knows the true figures.

They don't.  The WHO has no authority to make any country do anything.  The WHO merely performs a study and advisory role. 

They have already stated that they do not believe China has been releasing true numbers about coronavirus infected, nor have WHO scientists been allowed access to quarantine areas.

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4 hours ago, zappalot said:

Thailand is just not able to organize an open and transparent and helpful to everyone overview, they should look at Singapore... Easy to identify where to stay away from...





Screenshot - 18.02.2020 , 09_18_45.png

I doubt there is anyone in the Thai Govt with the mathematical ability to construct a chart like this, and 90% of the Thai population do not have the mathematical ability to understand a chart like this!

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I would think that lying or suppressing information about a potential pandemic would be extremely dangerous for any government to do. I don't know whether the Thai government is lying or not but it would be a very dangerous gamble for them to lie. Running the risk of a citizen revolt or worse, a pandemic raging across your country and killing millions is not something to be undertaken lightly by even the worst of governments. Also, it is highly unlikely they could keep it a secret for very long with social media, so lying would just be silly. I think Thailand is just hoping that the China travel ban will be enough and in all fairness to China, the ban they implemented is pretty comprehensive and probably would not be possible in any other country in the world. 

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Get real all goverments lie cover ups even in Europe

the minister stands down sais sorry and 3 months later has a 200000euro job somewhere as big manger 

is not what u know is hoe u know 

many goverments are keeping corona virus quiet  not realy telling truth 

guess we allmust take measures what we can and hope for he best  


i think the WHO is not getting to much info to work on they also  just work with what they have 

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