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I have been reading an article about Cryptocurrency and this new Bitcoin thing.They mention people like Richard Branson and Bill Gates as to make it so official,but it sounds so good its almost irresistable Anybody here had any experience ?? I just feel that they would not be able to implicate rich and famous people especially muli millionaires (billionaires!!!!!) if it was a hoax Am I being a bit naive here or am I the typical sort of person who desperately need a bit more money to get a better life??

2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Leave well alone. End off. If you are young stick all your spare cash in a number of big funds and forget about them for 40 years. 


Surely not Warren Buffets approach.


High risk / High reward

It's the kind of investment where if you loose everything it shouldn't affect you in any way, like the moment you invest you consider the money gone. otherwise very very bad idea.

Bitcoin is an investment one should hold and forget for 5-10 years or more. Anything else is trading and takes a lot of time to learn or is like gambling and you will lose big by selling at the bottom.


The blockchain will take over, it's awesome technology, Crypto's are still developing, not enough market cap to be super stable yet.

Bitcoin itself is not efficient at all but people love the original because of increasing rarity.

Other crypto's will make our lives better and you wont even know your'e using them day to day.

invest just a small amount and take it off the exchange for safe keeping.

1 minute ago, Oxx said:


Except, of course, he wouldn't - he's not stupid.


"Gates [told] CNBC that bitcoin is "one of the crazier, speculative things" he's seen, saying he would "short it if there was an easy way to do it."




It's funny because when OP first posted that, I thought, "That doesn't sound like Bill Gates" but assumed OP might have read something and gave him the benefit of the doubt. 


Well OK Guys I am happy that I have explored where I considered going and you all seem to --- no HAVE--- the same opinion ,and that has probably saved me an amount of money and probably a lot of frustration. Thank you for explaining all the problems I could have faced  Dougal

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, digibum said:


It's really not an investment.  Even using your description, that's not how people talk about investments.  When have you ever heard someone say, "Yes, we think that if you buy Apple stock, you have to just mentally consider your money gone, and maybe, sometime down the road, it could be worth a lot of money . . . or it could be worth nothing"?  Buying Apple is an investment.  What you're describing is, at best, raw speculation, and at worst, no better than putting your money on black or red on a Vegas roulette wheel. 


And, that's okay, but people try to talk as if it's an actual investment on par with a mutual fund, and it's not. 


For the vast majority of people, it is an unsuitable investment.  Any financial advisor that sold an average investor an investment with the risk profile of Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency would have their license taken away and would be facing possible jail time. 


But, would it be suitable for Bill Gates to put $10 million into it?  Sure, $10 million is such a tiny fraction of his net worth that for him, it would be like you buying a $5 lottery ticket. 


The other thing that you have to keep in mind when they talk about big names getting into the cryptocurrency space is that many of them are investing in the businesses that use cryptocurrencies to solve a problem other people are willing to pay for.  For instance, some big name may not be putting their money into Bitcoin, rather they might be putting their money into a company that is creating a cryptocurrency platform that allows people to repatriate funds (i.e. when people working in one country send their money back to their home country - which is BIG business). 



To invest is to allocate money in the expectation of some benefit in the future.

It's a risky investment that's all. high risk / high reward, wasn't that clear enough ?

And if you study Bitcoin in full and understand the tech behind and the economic around it, it's not as risky as it appears. The return have been crazy so far in 10 year of existence, unlike anything else ever. Well worth considering if you ask me.

For example, what a loss of 1000 will do to your life ? what if those 1000 will be worth 100,000 or more in 5 or 10 years ?


The point of considering the money gone like I describe is to not be bothered with the up and down of the price and the risk of selling at the bottom, kind of a mind trick to stick to your plan really.

Yes you need a plan, that goes without saying.

No offense but all those extremely careful talks about investing really gets annoying, people aren't that stupid and won't just throw their money in and out, and those who do will learn fast.



2 hours ago, Oxx said:


Except, of course, he wouldn't - he's not stupid.


"Gates [told] CNBC that bitcoin is "one of the crazier, speculative things" he's seen, saying he would "short it if there was an easy way to do it."



Bill gates is full of <deleted> on this one, plenty of ways to short bitcoin with dozens if not hundreds of millions at the time of the article. Take your money where your mouth is. shorting bitcoin is the most risky thing to do.

and if I may, the fact that these people are even mentioning Bitcoin is a big incentive imho.

6 hours ago, digibum said:

Sorry, let me break this down for you.  This is the definition of an investment which you yourself just posted:



And here's how you described investing in Bitcoin



If your investment advice is to kiss your money goodbye the moment you invest and maybe, maybe, maybe it might be worth more at some future point, that does not fit the definition of investing "with the expectation of some benefit in the future."  You're telling OP to invest with the expectation of losing it, but if it hits, it's going to hit big. 


So instead of looking up the definition of investing on Wikipedia, perhaps you should check an investment oriented website and search for the difference between investing and speculation. 


Bitcoin is very much speculation.  It is not something the average investor should be involved with. 


This is why cryptocurrency advocates often come off as MLM hucksters.  They try to paint crypto as something that is on par with buying a Vanguard mutual fund.  It's not.  It's more like buying stock options which could be worth a lot or they could crater to $0. 


I have studied Bitcoin.  And I probably understand the underlying technology way better than you having looked at the original source code and having helped design the security and architecture for some blockchain-based solutions. 


A few of my friends have written books on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and I disagree with a lot of what they say.  And I personally know the owner of one of the bigger crypto-news sites, and I also disagree with a lot of what he thinks/says. 


And, if you read my previous posts, you'll notice that I have studied the economics of payment systems and banking and Bitcoin fails miserably as a currency.  So, what is it now, a store of value?  A value of what? 


As far as I can tell, the price of Bitcoin and most of cryptocurrencies is a function of hype and FOMO (fear of missing out). 


Here are two good articles, that I would challenge you to refute. 







sorry man I am not a native english speaker, I do my best but obviously here I failed to express my point accurately, went a bit too fast there. Obviously If I put money into something I expect the value to increase over time, now there is always a risk, and the risk is high in this case. that was my point.


I meant to say "And if one study Bitcoin in full" instead of "And if you study Bitcoin in full", I did not meant you personally since you obviously displayed very good knowledge on the matter previously, my bad.

Again, I did not mean to undermine you or anything in my post, sorry if you took it that way. It was merely a way to point out there is strong ground to bitcoin.


I still strongly disagree with your statement that the average investor should not invest in bitcoin, everyone should learn to take risk as early as possible, that kind of approach only makes the average person only more ignorant by not trying, it's all a matter how much and managing risks.

but that just my personal opinion.


You are the extreme opposite of what you denounce ... both are utterly stupid ihmo.


Good luck with your crusade gainst bitcoin, you are going to need it.



Rule # 1 of investing is do not invest in something you do not understand.

Is bitcoin really an investment? One invests in a share or bond to derive income. Seems to me one puts money into bitcoin in the hope of a capital gain.

I'll leave bitcoin to people smarter than me, because I do not understand it, and see a lot of red flags.

37 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

One invests in a share or bond to derive income.


And it is the anticipated level of income that provides a basis for determining a share or bond's current value.


Bitcoin and gold provide no income, and as such the value is purely arbitrary.  Speculation, not investment.

1 hour ago, Oxx said:


And it is the anticipated level of income that provides a basis for determining a share or bond's current value.


Bitcoin and gold provide no income, and as such the value is purely arbitrary.  Speculation, not investment.

In the case of gold bullion, data suggests you are wrong in saying it's a speculative investment,  Gold supporters (which includes Central Banks, who now can count their increasing gold holdings as Tier 1 assets) see the physical metal as a store of value  ie.  a safe refuge to preserve value




Well the value of bitcoin is derived from its fundamental properties :

- open source

- decentralized

- censorship-resistant

- borderless

- peer to peer


Bitcoin literally cannot be stopped or controlled by anyone or any government, and everyone can use it without any discrimination whatsoever.

it takes 12 to 24 words to memorize to secure your bitcoin account and you can cross any border with your bitcoin without being stolen by anyone, try to do that with cash or gold or anything else ...


Bitcoin is now 10 years old, with no history of it being hacked, yet it is worth billions so the incentive for hackers is gigantic.


Add to that a fix monetary policy, the amount of bitcoin being created is set to be cut in half every 4 years for a total of 24 millions bitcoins maximum in the year 2140.

Opposed to that the US dollars whose money supply keep increasing like candy, guess where this is going ?


Do you homerwork and you will see it's a really good investment and so far history did not disappoint if you hold long term.


The Bitcoin boat sailed a few years ago.....some made shedloads in a few months, millions more lost and are still in debt to this day...leave well alone.

  • Like 2
7 hours ago, digibum said:

Bro, you need to stop.  You're just parroting the Bitcoin BS. 

Hey kido how about you grow the hell up and focus on the argument and the topic and quit you childish bully behaviour ? Otherwise go choke on you belt moron.

16 minutes ago, digibum said:


I have responded in great detail to everything you've said.  If Bitcoin can't stand up to what I've said, maybe it's not the great investment you claim it is. 

well next time maybe try that without getting personal and trying to pick up a fight or whatever that is ? maybe ?

I am just a single individual investor trying to make money and discussing investment online in an open and peaceful way, not some kind of zealot trying to convert non believers as you have been portraying me.


who do you think has time to read that kind of monstrous wall of text ?


Now this kind of beg the question, why does one as to put so much effort and energy to go against bitcoin and crypto in general ? This is typically what one do to hold onto a belief.

if anything that gets me more confident than ever in my investment in bitcoin. What I highlighted earlier about bitcoin wasn't an opinion but actual facts.

45 minutes ago, digibum said:


I have responded in great detail to everything you've said.  If Bitcoin can't stand up to what I've said, maybe it's not the great investment you claim it is. 

Ummm...where to begin.  First, I want to thank you for explaining (in all your previous posts) so rationally and simply what I have wanted (needed?) to hear for so long.  I have had people try to get me to buy bitcoin but when I tell them that I don’t understand it (I don’t have the smarts to even understand the concept of blockchain) and am not interested, the insults start.  It just seems kinda fishy the way it’s touted.

If you don’t mind...I’d like to further delve into the subject of investing vs speculation.  I do have a BS in Economics but frankly...I find it to be fairly worthless.


You mentioned gold.  I do own some, but I don’t see it as an investment or as speculation.  It was purely an emotional purchase based on someone’s recommendation who I considered to be one of those crazy genius types.  I bought it after selling my house in 2005 when I saw what was coming down the line due to all the Neg-am liars loans (stated income).  However....I can’t even understand my own rationale for owning it (don’t have any plans to sell) beyond thinking “if it’s good enough for central banks to hoard, maybe I should have some too”.


I guess I don’t really have any specific question, but would rather just hear your general opinion with regards to it.


Thanks again.


I have a question about bitcoin which I've never really had an answer to.


But first let me say I believe (without knowing much economics) that a fiat currency like the USD has intrinsic value in that it is supported by the full faith and credit blah blah of the US Govt. or something along those lines. Which means to my mind that as long as the US doesn't collapse into a heap the value of the USD stays. For the converse see Zimbabwe.


So where does bitcoin derive its value? There's no government or asset behind it (which is claimed to be a good thing). Seems to me that it's kind of like artwork, which is worth as much or little as people care to bid.


I would love to know the answer.


Btw, to the OP: if you are looking to speculate that's your business, good luck and have fun and I wish you success. On the other hand, if you're looking for a reasonably safe long-term investment I would strongly recommend a broad market index fund.


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