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How much severance am I owed for getting sacked without warning?

Ama Rylls

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I would be very grateful for some counsel.

I was let go from my company yesterday with no formal warning or one month's notice. Additionally, I was sacked 7 days (5 working days and two weekend days) after the salary cut off point. I was due to complete my full year in 2 weeks from the day I was sacked.

I was promised two months' severance, 1 month for letting me go, another 1 for no prior notice. That seems fair seeing I didn't see out the year.


Should I also be paid some form of severance for no official warning, and the 7 extra days I worked after the salary cut off point? 


Thank you for your advice.



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You are entitled to one full pay cycle of notice. 

If you are paid monthly then it's equivalent of 30 days and as you were let go 5 days into a new paycycle you are entitled to the rest of that paycycle with your 30 days starting at the end of that period. 


So two months would be the legal requirement in this case and that is what they have offered you. 


Had they terminated your employment on the last day of the month then your notice would have started immediately and you would only be entitled to 30 days. 


You didn't say why you were let go,  but of course they do need to have cause to terminate your employment.  


If you want to confirm the severance required or any other issues then contact the office of labour protection and welfare. 



They are actually really helpful. 


Edited by Abs14
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4 hours ago, crazykopite said:

You fail to mention which country you. Were employed in are we to assume you were employed in Thailand


The OP is posting in the phuket forum from a Phuket IP so presumably that is where he was employed

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1 minute ago, Inepto Cracy said:

555 watch this space. Do you need to know the full story behind this post?

Dream on Don.

You obviously know more than what the OP has posted so why don't you let us all know.


But based on whats been posted he/she is entitled to 1 month termination (assuming 30 day pay cycle and marched on with immediate effect) pay and 1 months severance.

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"""I was promised two months' severance, 1 month for letting me go, another 1 for no prior notice. That seems fair seeing I didn't see out the year""".


Other than the obvious hurt in getting fired, the company are paying you off according to the law, so be thankful for that and just take it gracefully.

You have no cause to go the labour board or a lawyer on this, as the company are being professional on your severance.


Spend it well.

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Here is a follow up question. I have been working in Thailand since 2006. In 2013 a giant multinational bought my small company. They gave me seniority based on my original start date of 2006. I can see a layoff in my future. I am wondering if they will have to pay severance based on the 2006 date or the 2013 date, and if so any guess how much that would be?

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33 minutes ago, smccolley said:

Here is a follow up question. I have been working in Thailand since 2006. In 2013 a giant multinational bought my small company. They gave me seniority based on my original start date of 2006. I can see a layoff in my future. I am wondering if they will have to pay severance based on the 2006 date or the 2013 date, and if so any guess how much that would be?

Yes, if your seniority was granfathered in you should recieve severance based in your total employment time, ie 2006.


That said, im not certain how much that will actually benefit you, I think the cut off is 10 years, but I may be wrong.




 I was in the same position, and my department was one of he first outsourced. I began work in 1999, company was bought 2009, I was laid off 2011.


Partly a a gesture to calm fears of others re unfair layoffs I recieved full stock vesting per the new employers bonus system, full severance per thai law, plus a matching of severance by the new employers.


I walked with about 3 years full salary and encouragement to discuss my fair deal.


Fears were quelled and the next round of layoffs a year later were nowhere near as generous, but did still meet thai labour requirements albeit to the letter.


Dont be afraid to take a greivance or even an inquiry to the labour board.


They rule heavy in favour of the employee if there is any sign of misconduct, a freind of mine recieved a couple million for being transferred here by a foreign company and let go when the venture went downhill due to mis management. 


Another freind recieved an additional 3 months for in inquiry into their dismissal, no warnings had been served, company was just too stupid to do it properly.



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1 hour ago, johnray said:

Nothing.  Being a foreigner you already got paid more than the other staff for 2 years.

Why post when all you can do is spout the usual nonsense and have no idea about the topic at hand.

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