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Lawmakers propose special sitting of parliament to consider student protests


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1 hour ago, holy cow cm said:

For one, this government won't leave as they worked hard to rig and take the election.

For two, FFP will never be reinstated unless pigs can fly. I surmise the court not being officially administering will be swept under the carpet like the Big guy not administering the proper oath.

For three, the Constitution will never be rewritten the way anyone out of the military and elite league wants it. It will just be adjusted again to their liking.

For four, how would they use the new armored personnel carriers if they did everything above board. The reality is the military will not let itself be downgraded, and even all lip service talk of doing it by the big cheese a couple of days ago is just hot air promises. Same as he said quite a few time he had no desire to be PM.


So, my question is, how would or could they ever listen and compromise as they are so above everyone and everything? These students in their eyes are blasphemous. What would they do that is of equal character? Send in soldiers of the same age to talk eye to gun with them?

I just hope these lawmakers watch videos of Hong Kong riots that are mainly student base. Students can make changes that the lawmakers wont like.

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1 minute ago, legend49 said:

I just hope these lawmakers watch videos of Hong Kong riots that are mainly student base. Students can make changes that the lawmakers wont like.

Yeah, but as the conspiracy goes, they will probably use the virus to quell the demonstrations supposedly how HK is being dealt with.

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22 minutes ago, MaxLee said:

Will be immediately rejected by the military RIGGED rulers..... Simple as that..... 


Not necessarily. Parliament calls emergency sitting. concerns about public order and safety etc.


Special powers needed etc etc.


Deja vu

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Students and citizens propose you allow western observers next election and you don't stand over election booths. Votes counted by academics Not you. And keep  your dirty old noses out of politics. You are finished and should be charged with treason.

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10 hours ago, bangkokfrog said:

Seems to me to be all for show and indicate that those making the proposal are totally out of touch. The students views are already plainly known, so is their assigned "role" going to be to work with legislators to get rid of the legislators they are working with and hold new democratic elections?

The goal is to waste time so that the movement loses energy.  Nobody knows how to waste time like a politician.

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You're f@#*ed. The Emperor's new clothes and all that.


“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”


Only two ways this is gonna go - the Thammasat way or the other way.


Do I give a monkey's, no. But I will get out the popcorn and observe with interest. Ain't my fight. I'm with you morally kids, mostly these things end in disaster though. Hobbes had a point.

Edited by nausea
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What a joke. People easy forget how "p" delt with protests before. May 2010, 6 unarmed protesters shot dead at the temple (one person shot bead who was laying on the ground). Not one single person held accountable oh sorry the nurse who witnessed it was persecuted and charged then disappeared and never heard from again. That is how they little p deals with unarmed civilians. Makes me sick. 

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