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Thailand tourist arrivals may drop six million this year due to coronavirus - tourism authority


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Does TAT post these numbers on the nightly news?  In Bangkok post?   The tourist numbers  are not posted In The news much here. I don't see how they can possibly forecast when this virus will cease to be an issue it may become a seasonal thing maybe the heat and humidity is a problem for transmission  but I dont think so. 

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2 hours ago, Ketyo said:

Soon they will realise that the virus doesn't transmit easily in hot countries like Thailand.

Second phase transmission is minimal and will get less as the hot season comes.

It will not get out of control. 

To hit their tourist number targets they need to.....    erm too late. 

Fake News. The World Health Organisation has advised that Coronavirus is spreading in all climates. Songkran should get the ball rolling. 




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4 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

Less is more, TAT.

Fewer hordes of Chinese, begets more western tourists with more to spend per capita.

Your evidence for this? Western tourists don't think about Chinese tourists in Thailand - they think about the tourist scams, the motorcycle accidents and the reports in their hometown newspaper about the number of tourists from their country who die while visiting Thailand

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15 hours ago, christophe75 said:

That's the beauty of this virus.


Each time.... they have to lower whatever "target" they talk about.


And then they feel compelled to "revise" the forecast.


And the month after, rince repeat.


With the proper lose of face as a bonus, of course.


I'm wondering when we will reach the point where TAT... will just stay silent ?


Their whole world of pseudo "control" and "numbers" and "savant forecasts" is falling apart.


Despite the human tragedy, there is some silver lining in this virus.


It's a powerful BS dissolvent.

Some who hold positions of power, often stand on tip-toes, engage in worthless photo ops and wear medals for good housekeeping, while ringing the  handbell of relevance.  When nothing is produced or when there is much needed silence, their tactic is to repeat more of the above

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It is not just the epidemic but also other factors (often changing visa requirements, pollution, shopping mall shooting incidents, ladyboy acid incidents, double standard price and more...) are involved loss of tourists coming here. They lost 6 million but still have 33.8 million.But losing 6 million is “not a big deal”, right? I assume everything is “101% is under control”

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

Well Singapore is just as hot and it spreads fast there.

Well actually not so fast. The numbers just don't compare to Italy, Korea and China or Iran. Germany and France have just blown past it. Maybe the ubiquitous use of aircon is responsible for the spread there. Here is what their ministry of health stated: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/coronavirus-turn-off-air-conditioners-and-open-windows-to-reduce-risk-of-being

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I came here about 30 times over 20 years as a tourist before retiring here.  If I was still a tourist, I wouldn't be coming now, I'd bide my time, see how things develop and maybe come later in the year if things die down.  There's still a good chance of catching this in the UK, but at least there you have the NHS who you could trust to do their best for you without their hands out.


I'm not considering moving back - the idea of living on a pension in the UK scares me more than the virus does - but I would not come now.


I also don't believe the projections, if you take off the "border bouncers" and business travellers, one million might be high this year.

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2 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:



If you are an arrogant man who thinks they don't need to take care of themselves and smokes cigarettes or an old coot with pre-existing conditions like CVD, diabetes, COPD and high blood pressure from eating bad food like a pig and not exercising---YOU are at risk of dying from COV-19.


Wise decision not to come to Thailand, ya <deleted>. ????

Or Italy or Iran or.......

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2 hours ago, justin case said:

you will see a spin, that thailand is contributing to less pollution because of this


they will find a way to save face


who in their right mind would go travel FOR FUN right now with the risks involved ?


I am a "tourist arrival" against my will, 5 times a year because of some stupid visa

Against your will?

Simply stop coming!! Nobody can force you to come to Thailand.

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2 hours ago, outsider said:

The baht. The virus. Whatever the cause, the downturn in the tourism industry is inevitable, in my opinion. Perhaps, during this low-traffic period, the tourism industry - everyone from the powers-that-be to front-liners - can take the opportunity to re-evaluate, re-strategise and re-launch. Ramp up on quality once again, treat tourists the way you'd treat guests in your own homes and not like ATM machines and trash, cut down on the xenophobia, racism, demographic segregation (and discrimination), cheats and scams - in short, erase the Land of Smirks and bring back the real Land of Smiles. I've always talked about a hard reset the tourism industry needs to go through. Maybe this is it. The fact of the matter is this - Thailand has lost its lustre way before the baht shot up and the virus came a-calling. It's up to you guys to emerge from this refreshed and ready to fight to be the place everybody wants to come to, or forever be in the shadow of your former self.

Whilst I agree completely they're NOT going to see it as their problem the excuse for the drop in numbers is the virus nothing they are doing is contributing to the fall, in fact before the virus took effect weren't they predicting tourist boom to highest ever level, "nothing we did guvner" once the threat is past all back as ever was.

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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

There is probably a typo in the opening post...the word "to" is missing.


It is not "tourism arrivals will go down 6 million" but "...will go down to 6 million".


I can't imagine how Thailand could lose only 6 million arrivals this year.


If I was living in Europe, I would not go on holidays in South East Asia now...not necessarily by fear of catching the virus, but by fear of finding myself caught in a quarantine because one person in the plane, or the hotel, was tested positive.


Thanks but no thanks!

If I was living in Europe I would be very,very worried. The potential for infection there has proven to be much higher than any place outside China.

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1 hour ago, Isaan sailor said:

Less is more, TAT.

Fewer hordes of Chinese, begets more western tourists with more to spend per capita.  And while we’re at it—it wouldn’t hurt to lower the Baht a bit more...

Wishful thinking in my opinion. Don't be surprised if tourism numbers plummet world wide as more countries introduce all sorts of measures to try and contain the spread of the virus. Not so much that people won't want to travel to Thailand but maybe a case of not being allowed to travel anywhere in the shirt to medium term.

Good luck to Europe with a few million from Turkey on their way.

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5 hours ago, legend49 said:

Amazing this country is all think about is tourism and how much money they can milk from them.

Considering tourism accounts for about 18-20% of GDP don't you think it's quite important for the economy?

Why do people always make comments like "milking", it's so childish.  No doubt you think tourists shouldn't be charged for stuff or the government should just neglect a massive portion of the economy to make you feel better and put millions of people out of work.

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