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Stephen King attacks axing of Woody Allen book

By Edward Helmore



Woody Allen’s memoir, Apropos of Nothing, was dropped by Hachette after a staff walkout. Photograph: Javier Etxezarreta/EPA


Author Stephen King has hit out at publisher Hachette over its decision to drop publication of Woody Allen’s memoir after a protest from his son, the author Ronan Farrow, prompted a walkout of staff at the publishing group’s New York office last Thursday.


“The Hachette decision to drop the Woody Allen book makes me very uneasy,” King, the horror writer, said on Twitter. “It’s not him; I don’t give a damn about Mr Allen. It’s who gets muzzled next that worries me.”


In Britain, Hachette’s decision was branded “worrying for writers and for readers” by Jo Glanville, the former director of writers’ group English PEN and award-winning editor of Index on Censorship.


“I am always afraid when a mob, however small and well-read, exercises power without any accountability, process or redress. That frightens me much more than the prospect of Woody Allen’s autobiography hitting the bookstores,” she writes in the Observer online this weekend.


Full Story: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/mar/08/stephen-kings-attacks-axing-woody-allen-memoir


Is this another incident of blacklisting?? Any association with pedophilia, true or not, without a preponderance of evidence= a burning at the stake. I do not endorse any anti-social behavior, but we have to watch how far things go. The atmosphere gets so heated that it is possible to destroy someone simply by spreading accusations.  In Woody's Allen's case, are they apolled by his behaviour or worried about their business? I suspect the latter.


When people suspect their child or children have been violated, do the parents go to the police first or to their lawyer? This idea of allowing people to sign agreements for cash settlements with no legal action in the court system raises my suspicions. 




Woody has been investigates and exonerated many times.

All this is driven by a one barmy ex-lover, who just won't let go.

Can you imagine how bad it would have been, if he'd ever let her once sleep in his home?

Or even worse married her?

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Here's to Steven King - I don't like his books but I applaud him for being prepared to stand up for the right to publish a book about a person who has never been even tried, never mind convicted, of anything even related to pedophilia.

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Publish the book. 

If people don't want it then don't buy it. 

I mean geez OJ published a book provided details "if" he did the murders which everyone knows he did. 


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