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Trump suspends all travel from Europe to the United States to fight coronavirus

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


I put it to you that was not his address.....but the frenzied dissection and panic mongering 

that followed after the liberal media pundits went to work.

Bahaha, Wall Street types fall for whatever liberals tell them.haha haha haha.


Would have nothing to do with the appearance of a president so clearly out of his depth. 

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why are most country's smaller and poorer testing more people now than the usa 

why the people in usa are not screaming at the govt?

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18 minutes ago, URMySunshine said:

There's so much circulation in the US and elsewhere now that community transfer is by far the biggest route for new infections. Travel bans only really work way back when the viral pool is very small and you have a chance to whack-a-mole the few you can track and trace. The US is less than 10 days with an explosions in cases and subsequently impact on ER. As is the UK.

I understand the point but still consider that we are still early in the game. The virus is still capable of jumping around by travel into currently unaffected areas. The USA is huge country with many international airports.


Travel within the USA, is no doubt moving it now across further distance then country to country within Europe.


Never the less, I still have no fear of this virus, and don't feel any worry or need for panic. Nor do I have any reason to lambast Governments around the world like my own, or the Government of Thailand. I consider myself reasonably safe.

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7 minutes ago, URMySunshine said:

Because other countries look after the health of their people better. It's called socialized healthcare - after WW2 my parent's generation in the Uk voted in huge numbers for a socialist government who delivered it. And we regard this as a fundamental human right and not the right to bear guns. 

Your health care system developed out of a neccessity of large quantities of children having to be shipped across country to avoid bombing raids. Which created a health structure that aided that effort.


No slight against the American 2nd Ammendment is really neccessary here is it? Our laws have no effect on your way of life.



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7 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

I understand the point but still consider that we are still early in the game. The virus is still capable of jumping around by travel into currently unaffected areas. The USA is huge country with many international airports.


Travel within the USA, is no doubt moving it now across further distance then country to country within Europe.


Never the less, I still have no fear of this virus, and don't feel any worry or need for panic. Nor do I have any reason to lambast Governments around the world like my own, or the Government of Thailand. I consider myself reasonably safe.

You appear to be a fit healthy youngish man and as such you will have a very low risk of any life threatening illness. Many others will be less fortunate sadly. 

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5 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Your health care system developed out of a neccessity of large quantities of children having to be shipped across country to avoid bombing raids. Which created a health structure that aided that effort.


No slight against the American 2nd Ammendment is really neccessary here is it? Our laws have no effect on your way of life.



Your laws remind us as to how lucky we are to have effectively banned gun ownership in the UK. But the Constitutional right was to protect a developing country from restless natives and the old country of perfidious Anglos and as such was vital at a certain point in your countries history. Anyway back on topic....

  • Confused 1
5 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Personally, as an American, I do not consider any European as an ally, nor do I believe in the continuation of NATO.


Europeans should keep this spreading American sentiment toward them in mind. We listen to your continued displeasure, and as I said many feel no sense of brotherhood with those who despise us so.


There is no foe that Europeans protect the United States from. No alliance is neccessary.

I'll give Trump one thing he has correctly identified how much a weasel Boris is - 



3 hours ago, sanemax said:

No, you are wrong 

The CDC is still open and it has not been closed own 

Wow, you are just not paying attention. If this were school, you would be suspended. We are not even discussing the CDC. Get with the program, please.

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9 minutes ago, URMySunshine said:

Your laws remind us as to how lucky we are to have effectively banned gun ownership in the UK. But the Constitutional right was to protect a developing country from restless natives and the old country of perfidious Anglos and as such was vital at a certain point in your countries history. Anyway back on topic....

I will refrain from commenting on the current state, or future state of the United Kingdom, other then to say I wish you good luck. God Save The Queen!


A troll post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

2 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

First the CDC reports primary mode of transmission is person to person from close contact:




Transmission from objects, and then to self through touching face is still unknown as is how long survival of virus is on surfaces. Never the less  this is by far a minor mode. 

Many articles on this, here is one:




You should not spread disinformation soley for the sake of argument sir.


2 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

First the CDC reports primary mode of transmission is person to person from close contact:




Transmission from objects, and then to self through touching face is still unknown as is how long survival of virus is on surfaces. Never the less  this is by far a minor mode. 

Many articles on this, here is one:




You should not spread disinformation soley for the sake of argument sir.

Your contention is viruses need a human carrier to cross a border.


Even if you are correct that viruses spread from surfaces/objects is a minor means of spread, it still invalidates the assertion that the virus can only cross borders with humans.

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2 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

I understand the point but still consider that we are still early in the game. The virus is still capable of jumping around by travel into currently unaffected areas. The USA is huge country with many international airports.


Travel within the USA, is no doubt moving it now across further distance then country to country within Europe.


Never the less, I still have no fear of this virus, and don't feel any worry or need for panic. Nor do I have any reason to lambast Governments around the world like my own, or the Government of Thailand. I consider myself reasonably safe.

Stay lucky.

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Not only is the development of a vaccine that is for the exclusive use of one nation reprehensible, but it begs the question "would you have any confidence in a vaccine that was the result of a Trump (Art of the Deal) ham handed intercession"? The only thing you could be confident of is that he or his family will try to profit from it.



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3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Which is why virtually every economically developed country in the world has better and cheaper health care than the USA? Because of bombing raids?

Diet, exercise, government regulations, lawsuit abuse are significant factors. Oh and in other countries, it's probably about health care. In the US, our hacks see it as a power grab. So there's that. Now, tell me about all the success the US government has had in lowering the cost of anything.

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51 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Hmmmm...I dunno man...you sure talk a lot.

Lets look at the bodies Trump had nothing to do with shall we?

The WHO.....very well staffed...what have they achieved besides 

talking and more talking....refusing to acknowledge the situation.


What has the well staffed health department in the UK achieved?



This pandemic is a result of unprecedented global movement

and connectedness....and the conflict between economic inetrests

vs public health interests.


To make it sound like a bloated CDC department would have halted the 

progress of the disease is not only misleading, ideologically and morally bankrupt

as well as uber dishonest.


Go wash your hands.

You won't learn much if you don't read... and I don't mean just the headlines plus a paragraph or two.


You mention WHO and UK but they are not relevant to a discussion about US policy which was in no way dependent upon their efforts.


You're right about the global connectedness making this pandemic so fast moving.  The speed of transmission is the main cause of global health care shortages. Even small missteps in the early stages of a nation's response can lead to catastrophe when growth is exponential such as in this pandemic.  There were many such missteps in USA's (and other nations, of course) initial reaction/preparation. 


The National Security Council group that this administration removed were not in the CDC and not once did I use the word "halted".

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7 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Diet, exercise, government regulations, lawsuit abuse are significant factors. Oh and in other countries, it's probably about health care. In the US, our hacks see it as a power grab. So there's that. Now, tell me about all the success the US government has had in lowering the cost of anything.

Zero effort by the current administration has lead to no success.  Also, the costs that are saved are not simple to show.  Reducing ER visits by decreasing the number of un-insured is a cost saving not easily represented.

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12 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

Oh  don't mind Boris. He talks straight. I won't fault him for telling my President he disagrees. Shoots from the hip. Just like Trump.

Shoots from the hip alright. Straight into the nations collective foot...

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Get a grip Trump supporters, Obama has been gone 1151 days, and you still want to blame him for everything that has gone wrong since then 


1151 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.

Or 3 years, 1 month, 25 days excluding the end date.

Or 37 month, 25 days excluding the end date.

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24 minutes ago, Chiphigh said:

No, all we want is to be treated with the same amount of deference, which will never happen. 

Sorry, there is no "right" to deference.  There is an endless supply, but still it does need to be earned.  At least your last phrase does make sense.

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