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Anutin says he has no ill feeling towards foreigners, denies posting ‘dirty westerners’ Tweet


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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

The false security of more testing was pointed out by Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the Whitehouse's Coronavirus Task Force who stressed that the result of that test is only valid at the time of that test. If you test negative, that only means that you probably haven't been exposed yet.


Keep washing your hands.

Hooray! Someone finally spotted the elephant in the room. You can test negative while busy being infected by the nurse testing you. Unless you're gasping like a chainsmoker and sweating like a paedophile in Toys'rUs it's complete waste of time, money and resources.


That's how PUI works. It's a fork in the road to infected or take paracetomol.

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3 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

While it would be easy to agree with you 100% I am guessing some mask supplies are filtering through to hospitals.  Even the corrupt and greedy aren't stupid enough to cut of supplieS altogether. 

Would you bet good money on that? 

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I predicted this news story would come out within 1-2 days. Obvious attempt at damage control.


That being said "maybe" someone else posted these comments, but they sure sound like him. I don't know what to believe anymore.

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1 hour ago, connda said:

Just saying he's not responsible for what his staff posts simply doesn't fly, nor is it believable given his prior record of racist rants.

On the contrary, this exact strategy is a tried and tested device for dealing with all sorts of situations, especially if technology is involved.


The Thai mantra: 'Whatever works is good'.



Edited by ParkerN
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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

I guess it would be simpler not to post racial epithets at all. Or maybe not. Tough call, huh?

Plenty to be found on here but I'm told that's ok 'cos racism doesn't matter if it's anonymous.


Apparently his slurs are more important. I beg to differ. Dish it out, be ready to take it.

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3 hours ago, ubon farang said:

Personally i dont care what people call me if it makes them feel better. But knowing the mentality of Thais by him saying what he did might cause some Thais to start finger pointing and taking matters in their own hands about these "dirty foreigners." Come on we are living in a country where they still believe in Ghosts on a grand scale

My thoughts exactly. I have the feeling, given the poor quality of education in this country, the poor masses will take what he said at face value and could start attacking western foreigners.


On the other hand, we're probably still reasonably safe hanging out in areas popular with expats and tourists (even if there are currently few of the latter) since these areas also tend to be where the better educated, more affluent Thais who abhor this kind of behavior hang out and reside. In other words, downtown Bangkok may be a better place to be right now than some small village in Isarn.

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1 hour ago, KhunFred said:

What a masterpiece of lying and covering of the hindquarters.

Well, Prayuth and Prawit aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the box so it'll likely be accepted by them; especially if Anutin has a couple of friends who will say they believe him... Thai politics are just awesome...

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1 hour ago, Traubert said:

Plenty to be found on here but I'm told that's ok 'cos racism doesn't matter if it's anonymous.


Apparently his slurs are more important. I beg to differ. Dish it out, be ready to take it.


Good thoughts, but not how it works in the RDZ (Reality Distortion Zone). Sadly.



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2 hours ago, brommers said:

Anutin is nothing but a coward who hides behind excuses. He did not know, he did not post, he does not know who wrote it, it is a site maintained by others. Any excuse to pass the buck. But in this day & age such obfuscation does not work. He is the effin Minister and he is responsible for his department and all that it does.


The fact that Prayut has not in any way uttered a condemnation about the words posted by Anutin and/or his cohorts clearly shows that he agrees that it is dirty farangs who come here to escape their infected countries. Let me remind him that a Brit was infected here and took it back to the UK, but no one talked about dirty Thai, and that not one Thai case of Covid 19 has been traced to a farang.


Anutin might have said that he has no problems with farangs but it should be noted that neither he nor the so called elected Prime Minister have not retracted the statements.


It is time for farangs to hit back at this racism and unjustified accusations. There are many more locations in the world where holidays can be taken. I have personally contacted major tourism bodies and operators to show them what this country thinks of their clients. It is time to rise up against being ripped off, slandered and denigrated.



Impeach and teach him a lesson

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4 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

While it would be easy to agree with you 100% I am guessing some mask supplies are filtering through to hospitals.  Even the corrupt and greedy aren't stupid enough to cut of supplieS altogether. 

Oh yes they are

Driven by pure greed, Corruption and theft of any kind have no boundaries.

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53 minutes ago, drbeach said:

I predicted this news story would come out within 1-2 days. Obvious attempt at damage control.


That being said "maybe" someone else posted these comments, but they sure sound like him. I don't know what to believe anymore.

Nothing from the government and b*gger-all from elsewhere.. 

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