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Thailand plans to close schools, bars and theatres to curb coronavirus - spokeswoman


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3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

It wouldn't have made much difference and WHO advise not to issue travel bans.  The US did it - but it didn't do them much good.  A global pandemic can't be prevented by travel bans.

These days you can even catch it over the internet????

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3 hours ago, tlandtday said:


It's never too late, but  I see where you're coming from, 6 weeks ago would have been better.

But thousands traveling on mass transport systems just isn't a good idea. Stop any mass gatherings, large groups, or event venues.
Unless you want to be like Italy, one month okay it's only flu then BOOM!

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The government will also ask the cabinet to consider closing of universities, schools, international schools, boxing arenas, cock fighting arenas, bars and theatre nationwide to curb the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, she said

Then let me suggest closing immigration offices filled with foreigners from al over the world would be also a good idea to curb the spread of the coronavirus outbreak ...????

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3 hours ago, URMySunshine said:

I fear Thailand is on the brink of revolution. Hopefully it will be a people's one. Lancet saying a real mortality rate of 5%. Basically SARS + pandemic which is off the scale of 'bad'. 



Strange how the leader of the free world, one President Trump, is prepared to go on record as saying it’s less than 1% without any scientific evidence at all.


Oh wait, that’s not strange at all.

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2 hours ago, ParkerN said:

Let's get real, closing schools? where will the kids go? Playing with their mates on streets and vacant blocks. Or riding their parents'motorcycles (sans crash hats).



Thai schools are already shut for holidays. This news release is referring to international schools. I don't think parents dropping 500,000THB - 1,000,000THB per year on school fees are letting that happen. 


The international school where I work in Bangkok will be doing remote / online learning from Wednesday. Students are expected to be following exactly the same timetable as they would throughout the school day and will have live lessons taught online. The only exceptions are PE and swimming. If the students aren't online at 8am and then submitting work throughout each day then that is treated as an absence and must be provided with a clear reason.


Tomorrow we will be going through everything with the students and then Wednesday it starts most likely until the end of the term in early April. The only issue I can foresee is how easy this is to implement for early years students. Thankfully I don't teach that age range. 

Edited by BobbyL
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2 hours ago, Shoeless Joe said:

Steady tiger you'll be giving yourself a heart attack! Aren't the Thai government only proposing to do what other countries are already doing? I don't see you railing against them...take a chill pill man!

shoeless, you don't see me going off on other (ussa) countries because this is a thai forum, and I'm being mild here.

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5 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

It wouldn't have made much difference and WHO advise not to issue travel bans.  The US did it - but it didn't do them much good.  A global pandemic can't be prevented by travel bans.


It can't be prevented, but it can be slowed down to allow development of vaccines and stockpiling the goodies necessary to test and treat the victims.

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5 hours ago, Ian Nagle said:

Thailands response... No more cock fighting. That will fix the problem for sure.

Most "chicken boxing" as she who must be obeyed refers to it seems to be a pretty informal affair. My Father in Law occasionally takes me as a source of Samsong and soda for him and his mates. I go in the spirit of domestic harmony. I can't see edicts from Bangkok having much effect.

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8 hours ago, Ketyo said:

"The government will also ask the cabinet to consider closing of universities, schools, international schools, boxing arenas, cock fighting arenas, bars and theatre nationwide to curb the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, she said."


The stupid UK health spokesman said they weren't banning sporting events because stadiums are big and the virus only transmits between people who are together in confined spaces. What a moron.


Is cockfighting not already banned?


Yep. In other words, the government doesn't want the responsibility of all the moronic football supporters having to throw their copy football shirts away and try to figure out what else to do on a Saturday arvo. Can't have that, nossir. Duh. So everyone in UK has to accept a greater risk of infection so Boris can think what a great guy he is instead of being a bumbling idiot who can't work out how to use a comb or tuck his shirt in.


Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of people... grrr.



Edited by ParkerN
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24 minutes ago, ParkerN said:


Yep. In other words, the government doesn't want the responsibility of all the moronic football supporters having to throw their copy football shirts away and try to figure out what else to do on a Saturday arvo. Can't have that, nossir. Duh. So everyone in UK has to accept a greater risk of infection so Boris can think what a great guy he is instead of being a bumbling idiot who can't work out how to use a comb or tuck his shirt in.


Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of people... grrr.



All football in the UK has been suspended; elite level last week. You need to check what you say before posting.

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16 hours ago, glennb6 said:

what comes next? limit discussion on the WuFlu terror? make it illegal to contradict the party line? armed soldiers on the streets? (wait, they already did that before). censorship of the internet? an increase in VAT to cover the losses of govt revenues from shutting everything down?


If they keep playing this game and the economy tanks because of it, I would not be surprised at all when there is a revolt against the current regime. Killing peoples livelyhoods and income comes with high risk of consequences. Wait a few months and see.

Economies are tanking now. Do you think any country can be properly shielded from it by taking action? The economy will tank here because its customers and suppliers are tanking; Chinese industrial output is down 13% and retail spending is down 20%. US stock markets are basically back to when cheeto-jesus took charge. Thailand is a link in a chain with heavy dependence on its up and down-stream markets for both manufacturing and tourism.


The singular goal of all restrictive actions around the world are to 'flatten the curve'. The number of people who will be infected will not change in total, but with a lower and longer curve, resources will not run out as the number of concurrent patients will be lower. It's a simple goal often complicated by the combination of the ignorance and obstinacy of the unwashed masses and conspiracy theory nuts.

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I would like to see the Bars stay open to stop the "Spreaders" returning to the Villages.


Not that the "Spreaders" have any Viral Disease now?


4: And the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. She held in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. 

5: On her forehead a mysterious name was written: Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth. 

6: I could see that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and of the witnesses for Jesus. And I was utterly amazed at the sight of her.…

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On 3/16/2020 at 4:17 PM, tlandtday said:


I guess better late than never and a harbinger of how serious it is.


I doubt many will miss theatre too much with the National tweeter Panto and of course teh endless Lakorn

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4 hours ago, SAINT THOMAS said:

I would like to see the Bars stay open to stop the "Spreaders" returning to the Villages.


Not that the "Spreaders" have any Viral Disease now?


4: And the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. She held in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. 

5: On her forehead a mysterious name was written: Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth. 

6: I could see that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and of the witnesses for Jesus. And I was utterly amazed at the sight of her.…

can you tell us about the locusts - what are you going to do 


we are your followers guide us, we await your divine message 


BTW how is the short selling going on the big markets - how many trillions have they made these last 2 weeks

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On 3/17/2020 at 3:11 AM, ParkerN said:


Yep. In other words, the government doesn't want the responsibility of all the moronic football supporters having to throw their copy football shirts away and try to figure out what else to do on a Saturday arvo. Can't have that, nossir. Duh. So everyone in UK has to accept a greater risk of infection so Boris can think what a great guy he is instead of being a bumbling idiot who can't work out how to use a comb or tuck his shirt in.


Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of people... grrr.



Atleast the bumbling idiot tells the truth about the real figures of infections why labour party supporters (idiiots) try to make political gain.

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