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Australian, usa expats, what is your plan?


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9 hours ago, tifino said:

in alignment with the smarttraveller adviceupdates through the last week...

- reconsider travel...

- do not travel

- if you are overseas...pack up and come home





It seems to be the federal government is focused on the economy, and in a bit of a bind after their never-ending criticism of the other side's (successful) economic stimulus during the GFC.  The <deleted>-off states that run the hospitals and must try to keep people alive are getting frustrated over the lack of federal leadership.    


Italy has frightened the <deleted> out of everyone - the hospitals are overwhelmed, they don't have enough ICU ventilator resources.  Ambulance staff are having to decide who goes to hospital, who stays home to drown in their own phlegm.  Australia is battling to "flatten the curve" so the hospitals don't get overwhelmed.  With the number if IC beds we have and the % of infected needing one, I think we cross the line at around 45,000 infections.  We're at 1400 and that is doubling about every three days...  


Countries are turning their car manufacturing to produce ventilators.  But that idiot Joe Hockey allowed our vehicle manufacturing industry to die.  

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i feel safer here in Thailand.  America cannot get it's act together.  too much bipartisan bickering and an insane leader.  will stick it out here.  you have to remember that one of the reasons America made it through WW2 was that it was fought by a generation that was galvanized by the Great Depression.  i really don't believe that the current generation has what it takes.  just too soft.

Edited by malibukid
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Hmm, uhm my plan, tough question let’s see here. I know we’re going to stay where we are and keep going on with our life. No reason not to lol. I hope it doesn’t drop again because of the virus. It started improving before the virus so probably not but governments stimulating their economies might have something to do with this progress it’s almost back up to 33 baht to the USD again I haven’t seen the USD doing this well in Thailand in ten years. So hell yeah I’m stayin in Thailand you’d have to be crazy to leave now. And leaving now would only cause even more craziness and unrest.

Just stay put, take reasonable precautions, and it’ll blow over eventually they always do I know this one is scarier than usual because of it’s incubation period but we’ll get through it so the answer is KEEP MOVING FORWARD! I love that quote it’s my favorite inspirational quote. From Rocky 6. 


Edited by JimLuce
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19 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I'm staying in Thailand. I have food, money for a year, and my GF will look after me. I can isolate in my condo or at her village.

If I went back to Australia now, I'd be standing in line for food and toilet rolls.

And I'll be in 14 days self isolation starting Wednesday after the Thai wife and I leave tomorrow. Daughter had stocked the cupboards and fridges for us in Oz. Wife bought a large multi roll pack of dunny rolls to take with us!

I finish the 14 days home detention in Thailand today and will be heading from Isaan to Bangkok very soon. QANTAS are still flying today and hopefully will be tomorrow when we are booked to fly.

Worst case, if the flight gets cancelled or whatever, drive back to Isaan and wait it out.

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3 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

And I'll be in 14 days self isolation starting Wednesday after the Thai wife and I leave tomorrow. Daughter had stocked the cupboards and fridges for us in Oz.

I finish the 14 days home detention in Thailand today and will be heading from Isaan to Bangkok very soon. QANTAS are still flying today and hopefully will be tomorrow when we are booked to fly.

Worst case, if the flight gets cancelled or whatever, drive back to Isaan and wait it out.

 Qantas ?What happened to Thai Airways ...

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Living in the rice fields, 40 kilometers outside of Chiang Mai, I got two kids, and a third one due to be born in 6 weeks.


Go back to America? For what? So I can live broke? Under martial law and civil unrest and people raiding the <deleted> out of supermarkets?


In my little quiet Rice Town, I just wash my hands, wear my mask and go to 7 and get coffee like normal,  and then go back home to my laptop and write books.


 I got to renew my non-imm O Visa extension for retirement in May.

I don't think it'll be a problem.


 If it is then, I'll try and swing a dependent Visa based on having my daughter born here a year and months ago.


If that fails then I'll be a media celebrity on an extended stay at Chiang Mai airport while there's no flights.


Really I could give a <deleted> less what happens because I'm 54 years old and I'm a combat veteran of the Iran-Iraq war.


  America has been effectively destroyed economically and socially and politically.


I Will Survive wherever I go, until I don't, and I've already lived my full life.


Three kids total, this is my third marriage, ( twice to Americans) ( 1 to a college-educated, frugal, smart Thai woman). I'm not going to have a fourth marriage.


Today the baht exchange rate for USD went to 32 and something.


 I told my lady we're going to be getting 6000 Baht per month extra.


 it took me 5 minutes to explain to her why that was true because she doesn't understand International money exchange rates, she works with Agriculture and animal diseases.


 But then she immediately said "Just keep it in the bank... don't spend it! We can buy a whole bunch of rice for that!" and I agreed.


If the dollar goes to 0 through deflation then I'm pretty screwed.


 at that point all bets are off, but I don't see that happening.


oh, I think it's becoming obviously apparent that the u.s. leadership from the White House is sadly lacking and as May 1st arrives I'm sure there's going to be 44000 cases in America.


But I'm staying here in Thailand as long as I can.  




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On 3/22/2020 at 8:16 AM, kokesaat said:

TP in Thailand?  Who needs it?  Once you learn the secrets of the bidet, you'll use a fraction of the paper you used to use.  We're currently in the US....and apparently much longer than we expected to stay.  Our daughter doesn't have a bidet...naturally.  But I'm going to install one for her and start the conversion.

You don’t need to install a bidet....you can buy a bum gun like here at a good plumbing supply store....if they are open....and a few minutes to install. I installed one in my California home about ten years ago.

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I prefer it here. As for living in fear of Thai people.....be careful of what you create. I feel much safer here than in the US as the incompetent leads the country lying the days away with what a great job he is doing. Pathetic. 
I prefer being surrounded by the love of my family here. My wife and the kids are smart and we are being very careful with social distancing and keeping ourselves entertained. Those who have big concerns or fears need to do what is best for them and peace of mind. Stay smart and safe people. And may your God bless you.

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I am flying back to Perth on 26 April with Thai Airways.


I went to Penang in February to get a 1 year marriage visa and they would only give me 90 days. So I planned to go to Savannakhet in May. This looks too risky now, so I gave up!


I might come back. I don't know.

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17 minutes ago, mserror said:

I am flying back to Perth on 26 April with Thai Airways.


I went to Penang in February to get a 1 year marriage visa and they would only give me 90 days. So I planned to go to Savannakhet in May. This looks too risky now, so I gave up!


I might come back. I don't know.

What did they charge you and what mention of cancellation if any if I could ask?

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2 hours ago, JimLuce said:

Hmm, uhm my plan, tough question let’s see here. I know we’re going to stay where we are and keep going on with our life. No reason not to lol. I hope it doesn’t drop again because of the virus. It started improving before the virus so probably not but governments stimulating their economies might have something to do with this progress it’s almost back up to 33 baht to the USD again I haven’t seen the USD doing this well in Thailand in ten years. So hell yeah I’m stayin in Thailand you’d have to be crazy to leave now. And leaving now would only cause even more craziness and unrest.

Just stay put, take reasonable precautions, and it’ll blow over eventually they always do I know this one is scarier than usual because of it’s incubation period but we’ll get through it so the answer is KEEP MOVING FORWARD! I love that quote it’s my favorite inspirational quote. From Rocky 6. 


You haven't seen the US dollar do well in years! Australian dollars holders envy you people.Our dollar was worth more than yours 7 years ago and the exchange rate for baht reached 35 baht. Now you get about 19 bahy ir 57 cents. You have it easy.

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4 minutes ago, Spock said:

You haven't seen the US dollar do well in years! Australian dollars holders envy you people.Our dollar was worth more than yours 7 years ago and the exchange rate for baht reached 35 baht. Now you get about 19 bahy ir 57 cents. You have it easy.

I just checked it again yes! 33 baht now! I said do this well in ten years to be exact. Oh yeah and you know a friend was telling me about that the AUD, I’m really sorry it’s not getting better along with the GBP and USD. 


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we have had a number of clients travel back to Australia to try and avoid the 14 day quarantine.  They more than not want to take their partner.  If They have a temporary visa chances are you sill not be able to board a fight, If you can find one.  Many airlines have cancelled lights.  You need to contact the department and see if you visa will allow you entry.  I have had clients on a temporary visa denied approval. If you married you might have a case to travel. if you are not you best option is to stay in Thailand,  The main concern is the exchange rate the Australian Dollar having lost 10% of its value since March 9.  This is causing stress for those who are in Thailand on a marriage visa.  It is a ever changing fluid situation.  I would like to think that the authorities will allow visa holders to travel if they have a medical test and the all clear.  But this is not the case at the moment. It is a watch, wait and see. Each case if different.  I am tryng to get the Australian government to suspend or close down the VFS Global Bio Metric data centres.  These are a serious risk to the public health and safety and the possible transmission of the COVID-19 Virus.  It it outdated and unnecessary and MUST be reviewed.  Australia has a moral obligation to act. 

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10 minutes ago, Spock said:

You haven't seen the US dollar do well in years! Australian dollars holders envy you people.Our dollar was worth more than yours 7 years ago and the exchange rate for baht reached 35 baht. Now you get about 19 bahy ir 57 cents. You have it easy.

I’m not rubbing it in man I’m sorry I really do hope things get better for Australian expats to. I’m just saying don’t panic and flee because that’s what leads to civil unrest is mass panic and hysteria. It’s important to be calm now. We don’t wanna start seeing riots at airports or something because that’s where we are heading. 

Edited by JimLuce
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I moved here after retiring to be with my Thai wife.  I have a much more comfortable life here than I would have back in the states.  There are very few countries that are effectively controlling the virus.  Here in Chiang Rai it is nice and quiet without the bus loads of tourists around.  

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Your chances are as good here (given the current rate of infections around the world) in your home, condo etc as anywhere, with ... short 'carefully planned' trips for food and filtered water, if distancing can be achieved then outings for walks or other exercise.

The notion that somehow you'll be safer in your own country is not a realistic thinking. Take a good look at the ridiculous measures taken by Morrison government and you'll see that Australia is a disaster about to happen if other countries experiences are anything to go by!


With infection rates rising in the US and other nations rapidly, social responses are similar to countries where infection arrived and took hold earlier i.e. governments 'hoping for the best and downplaying', people refusing to self isolate, ignoring the seriousness of the situation e.g. Spring Break in Florida where tens of thousands of people have travelled from across the US to mass congregate and have very close contact with complete strangers. Imagine that say 5 people in this annual migratory activity are infectious and then do the math as an addition to the known current infection rates and clusters, Australia still not closing schools, allowing sporting events to continue!


You're going to travel (more than likely right through the path of transmission - multiple times! to get home - then perhaps infect those you love!)

Does this sound like a sane, intelligent, caring action for those you love and your country?


If you're here wear masks, stay at least 2 metres from other people. Clean hands (a lot if you go out) before going to food stalls, after touching any door handles - ANYTHING - before you enter the condo building area. 

I change my clothes every time I return and wash them as soon as I step inside the door and I don't let them touch anything but go straight into the washer. I then go straight to the basin and warm wash my hands and forearms thoroughly. 

Before opening food once taken out of plastic bags prior to eating wipe down containers, tabletop, wash hands again then open and eat.

Disinfect all benches tables where any objects have come into the home as soon as you've unpacked food and before opening the food.

I wipe down all packets of things bought before putting them away with mild disinfectant.

Leave shoes outside and regularly wash then in a bucket of disinfectant as well. 

Disinfect external door handles regularly. 


I worked a lot in medical environments in the last 30 years so I've training and experience with clinical hygiene and infection control.


Travelling (anywhere) is a serious, serious upscaling of risk of exposure, and transmission to your home country in the process thus endangering the lives of your fellow countryfolk, should you be exposed and contract.

I would suggest that for the sake of others rather than what you as an individual want is precience here. Look at the history of transmission and the answer to travel is obvious to me.


If you were to contract this virus and end up dying (you'll do is in an isolation tent or hood completely alone except for medical staff - no family will be allowed near you for ages prior to, or after death) alone so being in your country won't make a pinch of difference. 

If you get Covid 19 and progress from mild symptoms (still highly contagious) to pneumonia (which is what this virus does rapidly hence its danger as opposed to flu viruses) then it's highly likely (until a vaccine is developed), and if you are in the most vulnerable groups, you stand a high chance of dying (given current stats on this virus) no matter where you are.

As far as Visas etc are concerned I think it's not unreasonable, (even the silly Thai system) will make allowances without penalty for those here and if closing of borders happens then they'll surely forgo any penalties and simply adjust and allow etc when travel becomes possible. If funds are a problem then I'd also suggest asking friends, relatives etc to 'wire you' money rather than travel because your funds are low. Move to a cheaper hotel, airbnb etc. to make life easier of your a tourist, or speak to the hotel about assistance with costs. 

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17 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

As far as Visas etc are concerned I think it's not unreasonable, (even the silly Thai system) will make allowances without penalty for those here and if closing of borders happens then they'll surely forgo any penalties and simply adjust and allow etc when travel becomes possible. 


It feels like this is the biggest issue many are facing here, reading a bunch of different threads it seems most people would rather stay put than jump on a plane. Here's hoping immigration comes through for everyone

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I am not sure what my plan is at the moment:

My SE tourist visa expires April 15 when I had a flight back to Australia. I changed that flight to March 28 last Thursday but today I have an email from Jetstar saying the flight is cancelled and they cannot give me another flight. They just give out a voucher to be reused etc etc.

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On 3/22/2020 at 6:43 AM, Snow Leopard said:

I think society will break down in the western world first. No food in the shops, No cash in the ATM's. At this point revolution would break out quickly and flat screen TV's would be the first thing to be liberated. 

Put me down for a 75 inch oled by the end of April????

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