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Trump tells GM: Stop 'wasting time', build ventilators to address coronavirus

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

In his mindset, they're Communists. I mean, to him, Bernie Sanders is a Communist.

There's a fair few in these parts can't get past the notion of the "ChiComs' too.


Funny because six months ago they were all extolling the virtues of Vietnam. Nowt so queer as folk as we say in rural Yorkshire.


Like it or lump it, the expertise on controlling Covid19 is in China now. Eat some humble pie Donny and dont choke on it.

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1 hour ago, rvaviator said:

Well they do have some manufacturing experience ... ???? ... Can you imagine T asking for help from China ? .. Would not look to good for him would it ...

Exactly. if I was an investigative reporter it would be an interesting assignment to track down what interaction, if any, there was by the trump administration with China regards this matter and what role politics played.

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The disruption in the global supply chain will immensely hinder the manufacturing of the ventilators. Some of supply of crucial parts such as hoses, valves, motors and electronics come from China. GM will have to source for parts in US and have them manufacture at equal speed and at a higher prices or import them from China with higher tariffs. All said this will take time even if GM geared up in record time to manufacture. 

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Don Mega said:

The plastic molded bits will take 8 to 12 weeks for off tool samples (after months of design and engineering), another 4 to 6 weeks till production.


And Made in China !!

Keep up please. Far faster with 3D printing.

  • Haha 1

Didn't Trump say that America would be open again by Easter ??   All talk and tears !  Now he is spitting the dummy cos the ventilators aren't ready. Last week he didn't want them.

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41 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

What has happened to Ivanka and Jared, no sign of them for a longtime. They hunkered down in a penthouse somewhere?


I heard they are flat out in the design studio working on a new ventilator....Bludgers that they are


6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Maybe if you're manufacturing a few of the same items. But for large scale industrial manufacture, 3D printing is far from being competitive in terms of speed.


You may be right. However, what happens if there are plenty of 3D's available?

I had a lesson in this when I visited Japan some years ago. Working in a Western laboratory, one standard item is a gas chromatograph. Maybe one has about 6 - 10 different tasks for it. That means one is changing columns, detectors, gas type and flow, and temperature programs for each task allocated. A complete PITA.

The Japanese went about the problem differently. They had 5 or 6 gas chromatographs lined up, each dedicated to one task. They never had to faff around setting a test up, just operated the instruments until they broke down. Which happened extremely rarely, because gas chromatographs have no moving parts apart from the push buttons on the front.

It may have been a lot more expensive in terms of capital cost, but I'll bet the system paid for itself when it came down to reliability and labor cost.

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3 hours ago, bristolboy said:


After being called out on Twitter by U.S. President Donald Trump, Ford Motor said it’s “pulling out all the stops” to build ventilators and other devices needed to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.


Ford is already delivering tens of thousands of face shields to hospitals and police, Mark Truby, the automaker’s vice president of communications, said in a tweet. He wrote Ford also is “working flat-out” with General Electric to produce ventilators and 3M to boost production of air-purifying respirators in a partnership announced three days ago.



It should have been a corporate partnership invoked TWO MONTHS ago, not three days ago. But we have Trump's inaction to thank for that.


But now that he's finally invoked the DPA for real, perhaps the feds should commandeer Mar-A-Lago for use as a COVID patients' hospital facility, and meanwhile, let's erect some field hospitals on the grounds of Trump's golf courses.....  Now THAT would be a presidential thing to do, not the sleazy, scummy, do-nothing performance he's shown thus far.


  • Haha 1
6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


It should have been a corporate partnership invoked TWO MONTHS ago, not three days ago. But we have Trump's inaction to thank for that.


But now that he's finally invoked the DPA for real, perhaps the feds should commandeer Mar-A-Lago for use as a COVID patients' hospital facility, and meanwhile, let's erect some field hospitals on the grounds of Trump's golf courses.....  Now THAT would be a presidential thing to do, not the sleazy, scummy, do-nothing performance he's shown thus far.


Correct of course. But I was just pointing out the Nyezhov's grasp of the facts was a bit infirm. Ford hasn't yet begun to manufacture ventilators. So using Ford as a cudgel to beat up on GM, as he did, is clearly invalid.

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GM plans to make 10,000 a month with a goal of 200,000 total. That's 20 months. That doesn't sound like they really expect all this to be over by summer. As these respirators can be used many times, I suspect they are planning for millions of patients. And that's just GM. 


Recently, I read a esponse from a veteran who trained as Respiratory Tech (?). It's a 2-yeas' training and the manpower is the bottleneck, not the machines. Gas lines, ICU nurses etc.


The machines alone will be pointless! And New York has only 1,500 ICU beds. Cuomo's "30,000 machines won't help one bit.


www.lewrockwell.com - a few days ago. 

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12 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

China is supplying medical supplies to Europe and Africa including ventilators and is taking the global leadership role while Trumps’s America is playing catch up and failing in leadership protecting even his own country. 

Is this promoting the Belt and Road initatives ?? Or am I being cynical?


16 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

China is supplying medical supplies to Europe and Africa including ventilators and is taking the global leadership role while Trumps’s America is playing catch up and failing in leadership protecting even his own country. 


Thanks. Very good article.

Actually, It's not only about European countries. China will be the only country able to help African countries and other developing countries, while Western countries will be overwhelmed by the pandemic.

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Just now, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


The U.S. under Trump is begging CV testing kits from South Korea, and based on the news earlier this week, Trump also apparently has been reaching out to China's dictator to help the U.S.  A sad, pitiful state of affairs for the U.S. under Trump. His version of MAGA means the U.S. unable to care for its own people and having to beg other countries for help... MAGA!!!

he better check them out if coming from China or he could have same problem as Spain with faulty ones




Spain returns faulty Covid-19 test kits bought from China; had 30% success rate

  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The U.S. under Trump is begging CV testing kits from South Korea, and based on the news earlier this week, Trump also apparently has been reaching out to China's dictator to help the U.S.  A sad, pitiful state of affairs for the U.S. under Trump. His version of MAGA means the U.S. unable to care for its own people and having to beg other countries for help... MAGA!!!

The health systems of most countries have been woefully underfunded, under resourced over many years in favour of military build ups, and other ways to kill each other, economies not geared for life.

8 hours ago, exparte said:

Trump is totally in the right. Capitalism takes a back seat in times of National Emergency.

He only cares if he loses votes. The dumb man doesn't have a clue what is involved to change from making cars to ventilators.


Every day, it's a new low for the guy.... There's just no bottom to the depth of his vanity hell-hole:





Trump, rejecting blame, warns governors to be 'appreciative'

WASHINGTON (AP) — After days of pleading from the nation’s governors, President Donald Trump took steps Friday to expand the federal government’s role in helping produce critically needed supplies to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Yet the president rejected any criticism for the federal government's response to a ballooning public health crisis that a month ago he predicted would be over by now.


“We have done a hell of a job," Trump told reporters Friday, as he sent an ominous message to state and local leaders who have been urging the federal government to do more to save lives. “If they don’t treat you right, I don't call,” Trump said, shortly after telling reporters: “I want them to be appreciative.”


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And more from the Trump hit parade courtesy of the Associated Press:




One month after predicting the U.S. was days away from being “close to zero” coronavirus cases, Trump in recent days had increasingly tried to shift the blame to state and local leaders as the spread tops more than 100,000 cases nationwide.


In a Thursday night interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Trump declared that Washington Gov. Jay Inslee “should be doing more” and “shouldn't be relying on the federal government.” He dismissed New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s requests for additional ventilators to keep patients alive, saying, “I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000” of the devices."




  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, candide said:

That's the quickest way to get ventilators as they now have an unused production capacity that they built during the epidemc in China. European countries such as Spain and France have already placed large orders.

However, it would not make Trump look good, right?

Has a potential to be really damaging to the trump administration in 11/20 - let's see if the MSM allocate resources for investigation and what the outcome will be.

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