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"While the virus itself can pass through most masks, the virus can't travel on its own.

It has to hitch a ride on droplets from a cough or sneeze... and THOSE DROPLETS can NOT pass through most masks, making the wearing of them, and the maintenance of a social distance quite an effective measure to insure the flatten of the contagion curve."


Be honest, in the past year, now many times has someone coughed/sneezed on or at you within two meters or so? For me, I can't think of any instance, but maybe one. In fact, I can't think of many instances of even seeing someone cough or sneeze anywhere near me (besides the obvious Chiang Mai Fresh Air Hack). 

How many times in the past year have YOU coughed/sneezed on or at someone within two meters or so of you? That I am sure of: zero. (Not only bad hygiene, but impolite.)


So yes, I understand the Folk reasoning here, but the instances of this happening are extraordinarily rare. It's like taking insurance for lightning striking you. Could it happen? Yes. Is it likely? No, in the extreme. 


As for John Carpenter's IT('s the coronavirus!) "we could all be hidden carriers," theory, while no doubt there are some pre-symptomatic transmissions, all the reports of this are spotty and anecdotal. It's nearly impossible to trace an unseen vector as an actual cause. If this were in fact an actual issue, the UK and US would be telling all people to mask-up. They aren't. 


If people were coughing and sneezing all over the place, and if the cases here in Thailand were multiplying at a startling rate, I'd agree. But none of that is happening. 

But if you want to wear a mask, knock yourself out. Feed the panic. By all means. 


(Hey, 75% of the cases in Phuket are FARANGS! You know where this is going....)



Chiang Mai Cabin Fever Breakout. Late morning Rimping, Ping river branch, shopping and pharmacy stop.

People seem to be over this self-imposed isolation thing, Thai and Farang. Regular traffic, driving along the east side of the river, old lamphun Rd. Lots of people out at shops along roadside. Rimping itself was very busy, maybe not packed but close to. Rather surprised by it. Lots a farang. A couple “keenok farang”, or so two older Thai women snarked about in my aisle (grr). Just what they say when they see unmasked westerners and yes there were a few. Busy all the way back down Chang Klang after crossing the bridge. Quarantine/self imposed isolation? Didn't look like it today.


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53 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

But if you want to wear a mask, knock yourself out. Feed the panic. By all means.


If it happens that I can keep one more person safe, then it's worth the bother of my wearing a mask.

I'm not out to save the world. Just want to do my part to 'try' to keep those around me safe. Personally, I prefer that position rather than  'well, I don't believe it so <deleted>#k everyone around me.'


45 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

People seem to be over this self-imposed isolation thing, Thai and Farang. Regular traffic, driving along the east side of the river, old lamphun Rd. Lots of people out at shops along roadside. Rimping itself was very busy, maybe not packed but close to. Rather surprised by it. Lots a farang. A couple “keenok farang”, or so two older Thai women snarked about in my aisle (grr). Just what they say when they see unmasked westerners and yes there were a few. Busy all the way back down Chang Klang after crossing the bridge. Quarantine/self imposed isolation? Didn't look like it today.



I made a food run today too. Like you, I saw just about every other small shop open, busy with what looked like normal everyday business as usual. Most Thais were wearing masks, most farang I saw were not. 50% not paying attention to self-isolation. Money is more important.

Today is the last day of March. I'll be interested to see the Chiang Mai stats two weeks from today.

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"If it happens that I can keep one more person safe, then it's worth the bother of my wearing a mask."


"There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there's some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly," Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program, said at a media briefing in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday.

CNN -- March 31, 2020


WHO mask guidelines: 

-- If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection.
-- Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.


FolkGuitar is only keeping anyone safe if he is either coughing/sneezing, or caring for a suspected Wuhan Flu patient. 


My guess is that you are in neither category. 



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38 cases in Chiang Mai as of this afternoon.  With what I saw on the streets today during my food run, I'm pretty sure that number will triple very soon, and increase into the hundreds by next week.

A Pandemic is not the time for Social irresponsibility.

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Shaming foreigners because they are following the WHO guidelines doesn't seem productive. 

Thailand has NOT mandated the wearing of masks, although individual shops seem to be able to discriminate as they wish. 

Perhaps it would be better to educate the Thais in the facts about masks, rather than following their hoodoo.


You could assume you are "infected" with a flu at almost any time (or some other ailment). Wear a mask for the rest of your life to potentially save transmitting it? Are you a Jain? If I see an old naked foreigner traipsing around the old city with a mask, I'll know who it is... ????


Take a look at this horrible photo below. Notice how this irresponsible nurses are not wearing masks! In a closed airplane no less! Shame on them!


"As New York struggles to get ahead of the rapidly spreading coronavirus pandemic, makeshift hospitals and volunteer health care workers are arriving in the city to help ease the burden. Officials in the state have put out a call for more supplies and personnel, and on Friday, a fleet of health care workers from Atlanta answered that plea.

More than a dozen health care professionals boarded a Southwest Airlines flight to New York, the airline announced on Instagram, sharing a photo from the plane. Southwest employee Dayartra Etheridge snapped the photo, which showed rows and rows of passengers holding up their hands to form a heart."





5 hours ago, Trujillo said:

FolkGuitar is only keeping anyone safe if he is either coughing/sneezing, or caring for a suspected Wuhan Flu patient.


I prefer to err on the side of caution when it comes to being responsible to the people around me.

I don't know if I'm contagious or not. But when I get in an elevator with three other people, if I AM contagious, and happen to cough or sneeze, they stand a better chance if I'm wearing a mask.

Not a 100% guarantee... just a better chance. I'm willing to offer them that extra care.

I care about the people around me. I care about the Thais and farang who live in my building.

This is my community. I choose to help by being responsible for the well-being of those in my community.

What you choose to do is entirely up to you at this time. I sincerely hope that changes soon so we can slow down this Pandemic.

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  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, Trujillo said:

Shaming foreigners because they are following the WHO guidelines doesn't seem productive. 

Thailand has NOT mandated the wearing of masks, although individual shops seem to be able to discriminate as they wish. 

Perhaps it would be better to educate the Thais in the facts about masks, rather than following their hoodoo.


More like two months too late now.  Thailand’s surging Covid numbers are blamed on foreigners, and not Chinese foreigners. It is foreigners who are infecting Thais now and causing this latest surge. You missed that huh.


This is message they have been pushing since Anutin had his first hissy fit back in early February. And it is THE NARRATIVE. Any doubts t just watch the Thai news tomorrow morning, lunch or evening. You can’t miss it and its on everyday. Tonight news had dead bodies being carted out on NYC. You can bet your picture would confirm every thing they have been told. If you want to educate Thais with whatever "facts" you claim are real or what you believe        it is a moot point now. but knock yourself out.


  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Trujillo said:

Shaming foreigners because they are following the WHO guidelines doesn't seem productive. 

Thailand has NOT mandated the wearing of masks, although individual shops seem to be able to discriminate as they wish. 

Perhaps it would be better to educate the Thais in the facts about masks, rather than following their hoodoo.


You could assume you are "infected" with a flu at almost any time (or some other ailment). Wear a mask for the rest of your life to potentially save transmitting it? Are you a Jain? If I see an old naked foreigner traipsing around the old city with a mask, I'll know who it is... ????




That's an excellent point actually. The wearing of masks has not been passed into law in Thailand. 


So no real obligation to wear them. A shop owner may refuse to  let you in, his house, his rules, but otherwise it's your call.

On 3/30/2020 at 3:35 AM, BritManToo said:

How come Lazada are still allowed to deliver everything?

They don't have you sign anymore.

8 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:

The government of a country that you ask to be allowed to live within has asked you to cooperate with its efforts to reduce the spread of this disease.  They didn't ask you to live here. You have asked them for permission. Yet you refuse to go along with the guidelines they are requesting. I don't understand that.

Which is at odds with immigration's policy of forcing you to gather.



"Yet you refuse to go along with the guidelines they are requesting."


Incorrect. If the government mandates the wearing of masks as compulsory, I will. But they have not mandated that. 

Are you wearing a face shield? Why not? Err on the side of safety. If the government mandates that, I will wear one. 



50 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Which is at odds with immigration's policy of forcing you to gather.


The best is at immigration they make you take off the mask.


"Take off mask, take picture please".


The sooner all this silly mask and social distancing hysteria goes away the better. What a nonsense.

  • Sad 1

Glad to find hardware shops open.  I need to fix my toilet.


They also sell goggles if need to cover eyes to protect against corona.


Don't think HomePro, or other such big shops, are open.  Too much furniture and non-essentials.

2 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

They don't have you sign anymore.

We had two Lazada deliveries yesterday. Both drivers were wearing masks, gloves, and face shields. Both cleaned the device you sign with alcohol spray before handing it to me. It seems they are acting responsibly and looking out for their own safety.

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Not wearing masks. Not practicing Social Distancing...

This reckless disregard for human life puts hundreds, if not thousands of people at risk.

Many states in the U.S. are now arresting people for putting others at risk.

I hope that Thailand follows suit. 

If they can't act responsibly, get these people away from the rest of society.

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Happy to report that Homepro is open for business. If you call their customer service number you will get a very attractive sounding lady with very good English and smart to boot. Best to check if your product is available.


If it is you can then drive there to pick it up, They say they prefer that and delivery is not a good option for them.


But you can definitely still shop at Homepro.


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s foremost expert on infectious diseases confirmed Tuesday that the administration was actively discussing a recommendation for wide use of face masks or coverings.

“The idea of getting a much more broad, community-wide use of masks outside of the health care setting is under very active discussion at the task force,” Fauci said in an interview.


Don't wait for orders. Wear your masks now. Take responsibility for your community.

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Fish are not a big deal, but I hate to see life die for no reason. Same with pets of higher order. But Kamtieng is open as are the aquarium shops. 


Don't get caught in the weeds of an argument. 


Why are credit card purchases still allowed in shops? Rimping (which oddly has not closed off it's small electric appliance section) still has people sign with a (the same) pen and push their passwords on the same keypad as everyone else. I would think that would be far worse than breathing the same air as people in the shop. 

Of course, we all know about the studies concerning germs on coins and bills...if you are shopping, the coins and bills can change hands quite frequently. 


I'm looking at some of the shops that are open, and I have to say that if I were a shop owner that was closed, I'd be quite miffed that other shops that are clearly not essential are still open as usual. I don't think there is some overarching agency that controls this, so who patrols this? 



  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Trujillo said:

Fish are not a big deal, but I hate to see life die for no reason. Same with pets of higher order. But Kamtieng is open as are the aquarium shops. 


Don't get caught in the weeds of an argument. 


Why are credit card purchases still allowed in shops? Rimping (which oddly has not closed off it's small electric appliance section) still has people sign with a (the same) pen and push their passwords on the same keypad as everyone else. I would think that would be far worse than breathing the same air as people in the shop. 

Of course, we all know about the studies concerning germs on coins and bills...if you are shopping, the coins and bills can change hands quite frequently. 


I'm looking at some of the shops that are open, and I have to say that if I were a shop owner that was closed, I'd be quite miffed that other shops that are clearly not essential are still open as usual. I don't think there is some overarching agency that controls this, so who patrols this? 




I agree... There does need to be some sort of oversight patrolling the streets, requesting (for the moment, until the government gets on the ball and makes if law,) the non-essential businesses to close. There is no valid reason for a used-clothing shop, a shop that sells speaker cabinets, or a shop selling beads to think themselves 'essential.'  Until people begin to act responsibly to protect their own communities, this virus will continue to propagate.


Supermarkets such as Rimping are making people sanitize their hands on entry, and there are bottles of hand sanitizer on the cashier's counters that patrons can use, before and after handling either cash or credit card machines. Not totally secure, but a good step in the right direction. I'd like to think that anyone with sense has a small bottle of hand sanitizer in their pockets or purses, and uses them even more often.

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I see many construction workers working on new houses in my village as normal even though they aren't supposed to because this is a gathering of many people.

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