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Up until 1700 last night my Emirates account showed confirmed flights on EK377 and EK 029
We took taxi to Swampy (from Hua Hin) at 2100 arriving just before midnight to find Emirates flights indicating 'CANCELLED' In fact, the entire huge departure board was flashing 'cancelled for 90% of the flights. No prior Text SMS or E-Mails from Emirates.
Managed to call the taxi company and get the departed driver to turnaround and come back for us.
Rang the local Emirates office. Got the 'press numbers' runaround. Asked about EK377. Synthesised voice said they have no record of flight.
I went onto the Emirates website Manage Your Booking and found an apology that the flights are 'SUSPENDED'. That is not the same as 'CANCELLED'
Did any TV travellers on these flights get prior information?
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Did you try to check-in online before departing to the airport?

Note: I know that it is not always possible with Emirates to check-in online before departure, but the attempt might have generated the 'flights not found' warning.

= = = = =

The 2nd leg of my Emirates flight to Brussels was cancelled (received an e-mail for that).  Re the first leg to Dubai, the flights are 'suspended'. 

Don't make the mistake to cancel the flight that is suspended, because in that case Emirates will afterwards not provide you with a refund or voucher.

Note: It seems that a refund will not incur the full price you paid for the flights (taxes will be withheld), but Emirates seems to provide full-cost vouchers valid for 12-months for re-booking with them later.

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At these times you have to use as many sources as possible.

The Emirates shutdown was quite big news.

Sure no excuse that they could not inform affected passengers properly as you describe.

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I hear what you say. The problem was inconsistency. HAving 'suspended' my flights for 48 hours they then were reinstated. They have my contact details and they are up to date yet I had no prior warning. I was not completely surprised at the 'cancellation' because the COVID situation is dynamic.


Anyway, I rang Emirates BKK office this morning and got through easily but the agent fudged even under direct questioning. He said that they have shut-down flights for 14 days effective 25 March and I asked why their website contradicts this.


Best I could get was to look at their website daily and, when I see flights moving, to ring and get a rebooking! If you pen the website now there is no banner stating all flights are suspended/cancelled in fact it just invites you to book for flights.????

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30 minutes ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

If you pen the website now there is no banner stating all flights are suspended/cancelled in fact it just invites you to book for flights.

At the top of the home page every time I go to the site recently.


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