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Govt will impose 24-hour curfew if Covid-19 situation does not improve


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3 hours ago, 7fish said:

jeez, i could post links all day, how about you get off ur ass and do some inquiring yourself instead of feeding of msm fear porn





think about it, these government actions are supposed to be about saving lives right? And what kind of casualty figures do you think we are looking at as a result  of the ensuing global financial meltdown, shops aren't just closing where I live, they are gone, not coming back. Have you seen what happens in a depression? And this to save us from the seasonal flu?

Actually I am on the same page as you, look back through my comments. The quote that you replied to was actually sent to AssieBob18, I dont know why you thought that my post was directed at you? Anyway I am agreeing with your stance, so lets put that in the past.

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Total lockdown, Just wonder how it could work when most Thais living in urban and city areas live in apartment blocks or condos consisting of one room with on-suit. without a freezer and just may be have something to cook on?   

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2 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

The models (professional model - which tend to be fairly accurate) indicate that without any mitigation - the US at the end of this outbreak would have 1.2 million deaths. 

The models, (simulations) are only as accurate as the input data, and as we saw with the climate change models which predicted we'd all be dead by 2015, are often flawed.

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On 4/3/2020 at 3:05 PM, z42 said:

How does a 24 hour curfew work? How are people supposed to get food and other essential items? rious question

France has been doing this for 2 weeks and just announced another 2 weeks of voluntary "house arrest". If the gendarmes catch you breaking the rules you get a hefty fine apparently. Many have been fined already.


Up here in the sticks where I live people are still out and about and just 2 days ago in neighbouring village a wedding with considerable number of guests. That aside it seems quieter and there are no village markets at the moment. Mom & Pop shops doing quite well. The one I use has hand sanitizer asks that you wear mask and has the cash desk distanced with tape. Guess they are trying! Can still get in to Makro, Big C. Tesco in town but only for food and essentials. Masks must be worn, temperature taken, hand sanitiser before allowed in. 

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2 hours ago, Lissos said:

I always find it amusing how subscribers to these alternative theories (event 201 is a genuine exercise, but the notion that what we see now is that continuing) always see themselves as smugly exempt from whatever they claim is going on. It's always "they" (usually referred to as Sheeple) and "You", as if adherance to certain theories makes one free. One of the propogators of this mind set is David Icke, currently pulling in the views about how all the current mitigation measures are an excuse to bring in a fascist world order, and ridiculing the public like he does, while obediently staying at home (the elephant in the room). He's just as subject to whatever is going on, as anyone else, as are his followers.

of course I'm subject to whats going on, as far as I'm aware there is no opt out button, your post seems to be more about some personal issue,perhaps you should seek help

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My wife, stupid does as stupid is, says that until the government orders her not to and deploys the police and army to enforce she will carry on as normal. I fear that is all too common round here.


Pointing out that she is utterly dependent on me financially and if I were to get it, become seriously ill, perhaps die,  would leave her penniless, short and longer term, doesn't change the attitude.



 I love her to bits but this all pervasive casual attitude to life over the 8 years of our relationship has not encouraged me to make arrangements for her should such an event occur. She will have , already has, a house,  a 7 year old car, some gold to sell ....a motorbike of course. That's about it. Currently I have no assets in Thailand. And no, her family are not rich! But I'm sure she will manage.


Harsh? No doubt I'll get plenty of comments!!


But, and before anyone else says it,  perhaps she has a plan? Of course I wouldn't be around to find out ????

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53 minutes ago, jimn said:

Actually I am on the same page as you, look back through my comments. The quote that you replied to was actually sent to AssieBob18, I dont know why you thought that my post was directed at you? Anyway I am agreeing with your stance, so lets put that in the past.

apologies, no harm done. I'm not in Thailand at the moment, I came back to uk just for a break and missed the window to get back,, still have my place there though and I'm in regular comms with my Thai neighbors who keep me updated with whats happening in the community. London is a very strange place at the moment but a lot of people are waking up and switching off from the fear porn.

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:


Anti-parasitic drug kills COVID-19 in lab.




Yes, I read about this too. For those who have had pets/farm animals which have been treated for parasites may already be familiar with the drug in the news, Ivermectin. It has been around for quite some years now and is one of a family of similar medicines. The original medicine was discovered in a strain of Streptomyces bacteria and its main side effect is that in high dosage, can cause neuro- related problems. It has the effect of reducing the parasites ability to latch on to would be host cells. What I hadn't realised was that it is also being used in HIV (and others) research so my guess is that's where the idea for a Sars 2 virus test came from.

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7 hours ago, billd766 said:

It might not be hard to do for you, but you are not a Thai living on a daily wage or even no wage at all now.



You obviously have the money and storage space, most Thais do not.



Most Thai people we saw in Makro were buying much more than us. Many had two carts stacked!

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3 minutes ago, elektrified said:

Most Thai people we saw in Makro were buying much more than us. Many had two carts stacked!

I have read several of your comments, and you really don't seem to understand anything whatsoever about Thailand do you. Most Thai people do not shop in Makro. The Thai people that shop there are either restaurant owners, or women married to foreign men. You should try and have a proper look at the Thai way of life, instead of cocooning yourself in your 'foreign economy' mentality.

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1 hour ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Curfews are by their very nature, difficult to enforce, and any benefits from them difficult to establish. However, there are much better things the government could be doing. They could start by instructing all private hospitals to offer free Covid-19 testing to anyone that walks in and asks for it. This could be refunded at cost price plus an admin charge to these hospitals by the government.


The only way to try and fight the spread of a pandemic, is by testing as many of the population as humanly possible, and putting those testing positive into proper isolation (not the self-a couple of mates might drop round later for a beer type of isolation)


I received an email from Bangkok hospital Hua Hin yesterday, having been a patient in the past, offering me a virus test for between 6,500 and 10,500 Baht. This is obscene, and is something that the government could change tomorrow with the stroke of a pen.


It has been proven time and time again that the best way to fight a pandemic is by testing as many as possible, and isolating positive cases.

Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 12.47.37 PM.png

Finally a guy who understands it. Lockdowns etc are very short term manageable. Don't get fooled by Chinese success. Their population in the main will comply. They are used to it. 

In some western countries that has limited tenure. I'm Oz. We currently have VERY tough rules and fines. All states blocked borders. Max gathering TWO. Even in own home. That excludes family of course.

Also specific 16 reasons to be outside.

This can last for max couple months, then people rebel.

Back to the post I quote...AU is in top few countries testing numbers per head (granted population only 25mil). The testing is the thing and followed up by self isolation. Going to a hospital would overwhelm capacity very quickly.

In some countries including AU they now have drive through test. In my city Melb 5 mill they are testing well over 1000+ per day. I don't imagine Thai is up to that.

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6 minutes ago, Stokakrishna said:

Why would bankers need to get out of house at night?

Why not look at some of the earlier Posts I made, and you will see why they work at night


Edited by ThailandRyan
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6 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Why not look at some of the earlier Posts I made, and you will see why they work at night

He has asked a perfectly reasonable question. We all know that banking happens 24/7 worldwide, but this is conducted online, so why would any banker in Thailand need to be wandering the streets between 10pm and 4am in order to facilitate online banking. You have dismissed a perfectly reasonable question rather than answer it 

Edited by Eloquent pilgrim
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36 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Finally a guy who understands it. Lockdowns etc are very short term manageable. Don't get fooled by Chinese success. Their population in the main will comply. They are used to it. 

In some western countries that has limited tenure. I'm Oz. We currently have VERY tough rules and fines. All states blocked borders. Max gathering TWO. Even in own home. That excludes family of course.

Also specific 16 reasons to be outside.

This can last for max couple months, then people rebel.

Back to the post I quote...AU is in top few countries testing numbers per head (granted population only 25mil). The testing is the thing and followed up by self isolation. Going to a hospital would overwhelm capacity very quickly.

In some countries including AU they now have drive through test. In my city Melb 5 mill they are testing well over 1000+ per day. I don't imagine Thai is up to that.

What you are neglecting to say is AU is a first world country with the infrastructure and means to do things as you suggest. Thailand is a third world country with neither the infrastructure or the means to do 100's of thousands of tests.

All the local Thai's I know don't like the PM or the Government but all are happy to follow the restrictions imposed or about to be imposed "maybe".  This thread has given a great insight into nothing TBH.

Someone even believes all the transactions in the worlds banking are done devoid of human workers ????????????

Edited by fourpack
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4 hours ago, mindfulness said:

Another idiot comments it is a Flu related virus with a fancy name. Back in the Day of Spanish Flu pandemic humans didn’t provide fancy names like Span.Vid 18 


ITS FLU, a differing strain but it’s still flu, with a fancy spin on its Contemporary Name by some creative ego decision maker !! 

Back in 1918 all they new to any great extent is that there was that there were particles that could be filtered.  If the symptoms were the same, they would classify it as the same... they would have no knowledge of the details of RNA or virus themselves to properly classify them.  It is only in modern times that we were able to look at it and know it was the flu, we had to dig up dead bodies to find out it was the H1N1 Influenza virus.  As such, they would have a hard time figuring out if they were the same or different if some or all of the standard symptoms were the same.  In fact the Spanish Flu was only known as the Spanish flu since both the Allies and the Central powers made dissemination of the Flu at the time classified.  The only place openly reporting on the effects of the pandemic within it's borders was Spain, which was neutral at the time...  More than likely we can thank America for that one ????.  Flu = influenza virus


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8 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

He has asked a perfectly reasonable question. We all know that banking happens 24/7 worldwide, but this is conducted online, so why would any banker in Thailand need to be wandering the streets between 10pm and 4am in order to facilitate online banking. You have dismissed a perfectly reasonable question rather than answer it 

And pray tell how would they get to work and home again if the hours they worked were in between the curfew hours. Think outside of the box.....dont be a part of the problem be a solution.

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6 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Let the beatings of the TVF Dinosaur Typing pool when they disobey the 24 hour curfew begin! ????

Well, we all know that we are like a million monkeys typing at the keyboard and every once in a while we come up with a reasonable idea of what might work in Thailand... but then the other time we might come up with the complete works of Shakespeare ????

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5 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

And pray tell how would they get to work and home again if the hours they worked were in between the curfew hours. Think outside of the box.....dont be a part of the problem be a solution.

What on earth are you talking about; are you feeling okay, seriously ??


The curfew we are talking about is between 10pm and 4am. Please tell me what bank in Thailand is open between these hours. and pathetic cliches like "don't be a part of the problem, be a solution" speak volumes about you 

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On 4/3/2020 at 8:52 AM, webfact said:

a curfew from 10pm to 4am was imposed after it was found people were still leaving their houses, leading to a rising trend in Covid-19 cases.

So how the hell is a 10-4 curfew supposed to deter people leaving their houses during the day? 10-4 is the time that people are least likely to leave their homes!!! Lord give me strength!!!

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14 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

So how the hell is a 10-4 curfew supposed to deter people leaving their houses during the day? 10-4 is the time that people are least likely to leave their homes!!! Lord give me strength!!!


the government is indecisive and yet wants to bee seen to be doing something, hence the drip drip approach to virus prevention policies. more confident governments make clear decisions, communicate them effectively and have resources in place to manage and ensure they are complied with.

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24 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

So how the hell is a 10-4 curfew supposed to deter people leaving their houses during the day? 10-4 is the time that people are least likely to leave their homes!!! Lord give me strength!!!

Well, I think it was a move that they were familiar with that they wanted to enact again ... so they would be seen as acting decisively... it was more or less a do nothing change.  It however did eliminate my favourite window for restocking stuff I can buy at the Tesco Mini...  no one in the store at 2am except the staff restocking.

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42 minutes ago, connda said:

And this is the reason such a measure wouldn't works. 


I saw pictures of the quarantine -- and if that was what was available -- no wonder people returning were not co-operating...  (i.e. concrete floor in a large building with tents).

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1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

Finally a guy who understands it. Lockdowns etc are very short term manageable. Don't get fooled by Chinese success. Their population in the main will comply. They are used to it. 

In some western countries that has limited tenure. I'm Oz. We currently have VERY tough rules and fines. All states blocked borders. Max gathering TWO. Even in own home. That excludes family of course.

Also specific 16 reasons to be outside.

This can last for max couple months, then people rebel.

Back to the post I quote...AU is in top few countries testing numbers per head (granted population only 25mil). The testing is the thing and followed up by self isolation. Going to a hospital would overwhelm capacity very quickly.

In some countries including AU they now have drive through test. In my city Melb 5 mill they are testing well over 1000+ per day. I don't imagine Thai is up to that.

A couple months 'should' be all that is necessary before it can eased.  Reduce R0 to near 0 and by removing the opportunity to spread and the active cases crater.  It should allow the laggard countries to get their act in gear with respect to testing and tracing.  At that point you might need to reinstate from time to time smaller areas of containment and have somewhat lesser restrictions. 

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