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Thai Girls Slitting Their Wrists


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ok i have been out and about and i notice that thai girls cut their wrists(one or both of them), I mean is it cause

#1 do they need attention?

#2 They do it cause they have money problems?

#3 if they want to die , why do they pretend they want to but not do it, just to show off?

#4 is it a game?

#5 are they on drugs?

#6 mental disorder?

#7 should I avoid them?

#8 How can i help them even if i dont speak thai?

ok i dont understand the thai mentality but please give me some advice on how to deal with it, other then this i did notice maby asian peolpe do this just curious , thx guys......

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Rapid form of drug ingestion without the need for one of those filthy disease spreading syringes

........... as witnessed in a dodgy (rapidly dumped) girl I once new

drug users .......... idiots one and all !

Edited by sinom
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I dont know where you've seen this, but i've never come across it. It's certainly not noticeable in my environment.

If you see it in bars, i'd say the reason they do it is self-evident.

compassion :o

Actually, I'm curious about this. Is this something OTHER TVers have noticed. I can't say I've come across it at all. I would have thought the reasons people do it here is no different to the reasons other nationalities do it; usually either self-loathing or attention-seeking, or a combination of the two.

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Again going back to my single days in Thailand and dating Thai women, it struck me then and I have had no reason to change my view that very many Thai women are emotionaly fragile, I've known some I believe to be seriously emotionaly damaged. (and I'm not talking about women working the bars).

I am quite certain it is this emotional fagility that gives rise to self harm.

Also if you look at self harm in young people 'social and family pressure' seems to play a huge part in self harm. Young People and Self Harm

I really can't imagine any group subjected to more social and family pressure than Thai women.

Advice on Self Harm you might find helpful

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thank you for the information guys, I know what to do now, its a sad world out there indeed, Thailand is showing me alot I didnt know about before, and it will educate everyone to becareful in their relashonships.

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A laid back Thai Barmen (A former monk!) on Koh Tao who had a very wayward thai girlfriend (its not always the thai guy who strays!) did tell me it goes on. He said his girlfriend ran into a room (following an argument about her desiring another man) and was on the verge of doing the wrist cutting when he stopped her just in time.

I asked her in front of him why she tried to cut herself and she said (as far as I could interpret) that it was because she had to take her anger and pent up emotion out on something.

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It's common amongst young girls of many nationalities. I've known & worked with British girls that do/did it. From what they have told me, self harm is a way of releasing the pressure (anger/frustration/self-loathing/hurt/whatever...) that they feel inside but feel they can't express to others without (the fear of) being condemned. They actually feel a great sense of relief when they see their own blood flowing; it's like a release. I guess it could be similar to how a bulimic feels when she vomits; a sense of getting the pressure & nastiness out.

All of the girls I've known who have done it (Brits & one Thai) have been highly intelligent, but not always well-educated, and sensitive. Some have had disrupted childhoods due to parental break-ups or other trauma. I think all of them were the sort of people who would keep their feelings under wraps, rather than confront others - hence the release when they self-harmed.

They are not crazy. Many do not want to talk about it, so it might be a good idea to wait & see if the girl(s) you are talking about bring the subject up themselves, OP. Counselling can help, but I don't know how realistic an option that is here.

Edit - add comma

Edited by November Rain
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i just saw the movie sunshine and he did it the from wrist to lenthways towards his muscle and heart and he died, but anyway you can die i assume as long as you lose enough blood, the thai girls that i seen a few do it across the wrist about 1-20 slashes , depending on how crazy they are, and some are light some are deep scars or wounds.

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Who knows.... I find that kind of weakness to be distasteful in any nationality of girl. And I have seen it commonly in the States too, mostly middle upper class whites, though a smattering of black ones too. Though NO Were have I seen it more prominent in women then in Cambodia... It's hard to find a girl there that doesn't have a scar or 2 on the wrists.

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Oh for goodness sake! These girls are not slitting their wrists. Not in the way you lot mean. They are self-harming. They have no intention of killing themselves.

The girl in post #10 does not seem to be a typical self-harmer. I would assume she was either seriously attempting suicide (unlikely), crying for help or simply attention seeking or trying to force an issue/make her BF feel bad.

The only similarity is self harm is often done on the arms. It is also done on the legs & stomach, but these are easier to hide, even in a hot climate like this. They cut themselves as a form of release. It releases tension. They have emotional problems in the same way an anorexic or a bulimic or an addict (drugs, alcohol) has emotional problems. They have a compulsion to perform a certain type of behaviour (cutting in this case) in order to relieve tension within themselves. It is a problem, obviously, but it's not attempted suicide.

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Yes Ive seen many bar girls with cut wrists, (cut crossways) often as many as 20 shallow cuts, of all the girls I have seen like this not one of them would ever give an answer to why did you do that, even girls that I got to know well, I have known one girl cut like this about 5 years and still no answer ? I think it is all the reasons quoted above but do tend to think it is used by some more livewire types as a way of getting drugs into the blod quickly.

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Can't say it's common at all in my experience, and I've examined a lot of wrists.

I've 'heard' of two girls doing it (without killing themselves). One was a girl working at a gent's club -typical relationship problem type stuff... the guy wanted to end it and was doing so by slowly cutting off the money supply- and the other a plain jane country girl whose folks were for some reason dead set against her getting a college education (she ended up putting herself through school while working in my cousin's company).


edit: make it three girls. A girl I was seeing on and off in my early 20's here threatened that she was cutting her wrist over the phone. That was the end of that relationship. She didn't go through with it because she rung me up a few years later out of the blue.

Edited by Heng
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Bendix lives in the most cleansed and sterile environment of any expat in Thailand. He is happy about all recent visa and other developments here. He lives the perfect life and prays for the day that he can reside here alone with only other perfect beings like himself. We should all now bow down and kiss the man's feet and proclaim that we ourselves are not worthy. After that, we must all leave Thailand forever so he can live here in peace and harmony in his pristine world

as for the slit wrists, I have seen this over and over again in my 6 years here. Very recently I saw a 25ish girl who had literally hunderds of slits up and down her arm! I suspect that she is or was a drug user of some sort. There was an enormous drug use problem among younger Thais prior to the government's drug war of 2002-2003. Of course, Bendix knows nothing about this. He lives in a vacuum. Bendix for Thai president. He will advocate ignorance and apathy for all

Edited by Beavis and Butthead
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ok i have been out and about and i notice that thai girls cut their wrists(one or both of them), I mean is it cause

#1 do they need attention?

#2 They do it cause they have money problems?

#3 if they want to die , why do they pretend they want to but not do it, just to show off?

#4 is it a game?

#5 are they on drugs?

#6 mental disorder?

#7 should I avoid them?

#8 How can i help them even if i dont speak thai?

ok i dont understand the thai mentality but please give me some advice on how to deal with it, other then this i did notice maby asian peolpe do this just curious , thx guys......

Not only thai girls. A lot of chinese girls do too. I think it is not unusual for young people to harm themselves when they get upset. They stop when they grow older.

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ok i have been out and about and i notice that thai girls cut their wrists(one or both of them), I mean is it cause

#1 do they need attention?

#2 They do it cause they have money problems?

#3 if they want to die , why do they pretend they want to but not do it, just to show off?

#4 is it a game?

#5 are they on drugs?

#6 mental disorder?

#7 should I avoid them?

#8 How can i help them even if i dont speak thai?

ok i dont understand the thai mentality but please give me some advice on how to deal with it, other then this i did notice maby asian peolpe do this just curious , thx guys......

For questions 1 to 7 the answer is basically YES.

For question 8, the girls you will meet not speaking Thai who have cut their wrists, will speak English. Sure, sure. How or If you can help them at all, beats me. Instant relief comes in the form of cash. For longer term solutions... check elsewhere :o

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i would read november rain's post. self inflicted harm is a cause of relieving stress for MANY people.

but there is plenty who just does it for attention. but when you see someone with more than 1 it's just a sign that they have no other methods of expressing anger so they hurt themselves.

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