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Covid-19 death rate in Thailand averages 0.97 per cent

Jonathan Fairfield

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There are different strains around of Covid , 1 being more deadly then the other . Many countries in Europe seem to have the more deadly strain , since death rate Spain / Italy / France / Belgium / Netherlands / UK / ...  now around 10% . While others in Europe ( and world ) got very low death rate . I take Europe as example since all countries next to each other , and healthcare / counting / measures taken are more or less same ( yes i know , not all the same ) . Is this the case also i Thailand , idk , but i expect it is like that , otherwise the hospitals would already be overwhelmed or have deaths everywhere , even if they not counted as Covid .

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1 hour ago, sezze said:

There are different strains around of Covid , 1 being more deadly then the other . Many countries in Europe seem to have the more deadly strain , since death rate Spain / Italy / France / Belgium / Netherlands / UK

I really do hope that this is incorrect. It would raise the question as to how two strains appeared at the same time from the (possibly) same wet market in Wuhan. Maybe the virus mutates on long-haul flights!


When the crisis is over and international scientists complete a full investigation into all aspects of this pandemic I sincerely hope that the variations in the infection rates in various continents is found to be due to to previous exposure to similar corona-type viruses in the past in places like Asia or, perhaps, other existing resistance such as the Asians' relative immunity to malaria. The possibility that developed nations were somehow 'seeded' with a more virulent strain of the virus would raise questions that I, for one, really don't want to contemplate. 

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Eventually the death rate will tell us a fair bit.  

Unless they are covering that up too.

Many countries aren't testing enough.  There simply aren't enough on earth, so no conspiracy theory here.  

Time will tell if it's multiplying like crazy or isn't.  Hope it's the latter.  

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33 minutes ago, sezze said:



Tested nrs are now included if the country gives out the official nr . Australia is not nr 1 , in fact not nr 10 either , at 11650/1million .


The nrs to look out for are the amount of deaths , this year vs other years .  I just have read that Netherlands last week of March had 3892 deaths , which is roughly 1000 more then other years same period . 2 days before i have read about France , and i think there was also increase of about 20-25% extra deaths . Those deaths are all deaths , including corona / flu / accidents / heart attack .... , counted or not counted as Covid is nice for statistics , and to learn something from them , but the real amount of deaths is this nr to look out for .

Interesting point of view.


As an aside, and hypothetically speaking of course, if I was living in a country full of undisciplined people where the health system was likely to be swamped with Covid-19 cases, would it be better to deliberately expose oneself to the virus early to get treatment when ICU beds, ventilators, etc. are more likely to be available? Just wondering!

Edited by bangkokfrog
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7 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

The data showed that most of them also carried diabetes (50 per cent of cases), high blood pressure (35 per cent), chronic kidney disease (15 per cent), dyslipidemia (15 per cent), besides heart disease, chronic lung disease, tuberculosis, and cancer.

So of the 20 deceased, 10 had pre-existing conditions which is a basically a death sentence if your unlucky enough to get Covid-19.


Not good news for those of us who have pre-existing condition/s.


7 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

close contact (2)

Not going anywhere and not allowing any visitors


7 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

travelling abroad (5)

Highly unlikely for at least a year


Just got to stay in as much as possible and wait for a vaccine, i.e. if it will give us (those with pre-existing conditions) a break to go back to a normal life.



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56 minutes ago, bangkokfrog said:

Interesting point of view.


As an aside, and hypothetically speaking of course, if I was living in a country full of undisciplined people where the health system was likely to be swamped with Covid-19 cases, would it be better to deliberately expose oneself to the virus early to get treatment when ICU beds, ventilators, etc. are more likely to be available? Just wondering!

An interesting point - Expose yourself early... Either you are ok, or if not ok, you have access to ICU / Respirator etc  as the healthcare system is not yet overwhelmed. 


Another view point: 

You have a bowl which contains 100 M&M’s. 10 of them will make you quite unwell (strong flu symptoms), 1 of them will kill you.


Would you gamble and take one M&M ?







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1 hour ago, sniggie said:

I really do hope that this is incorrect. It would raise the question as to how two strains appeared at the same time from the (possibly) same wet market in Wuhan. Maybe the virus mutates on long-haul flights!


When the crisis is over and international scientists complete a full investigation into all aspects of this pandemic I sincerely hope that the variations in the infection rates in various continents is found to be due to to previous exposure to similar corona-type viruses in the past in places like Asia or, perhaps, other existing resistance such as the Asians' relative immunity to malaria. The possibility that developed nations were somehow 'seeded' with a more virulent strain of the virus would raise questions that I, for one, really don't want to contemplate. 


This is mentioned already multiple times , you can look on internet about the different strains around . Apparently , there are now many more strains around also , due to slight mutations . Mutation grade however does appear to be low according to scientists ( which is a good thing for finding long working vaccin ) . They do not have to be appeared at the same time , as mutations happen all the time , same like new virus breakouts happen 365 days a year . Most of the time luckily they are harmless and even if not so harmless , it is 1 person only infected . This time the virus made a few lucky streaks , getting the right mutation in the right place ( busy place , multimillion city ) and having a high spread rate . When it was under control in China , some hospital in Italy made a mistake ( could have happened everywhere and was bound to happen ) to get the secondary outbreak in holiday season in wintersports area . This way it spread easy all over Europe and also to US .

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Just got to stay in as much as possible and wait for a vaccine, i.e. if it will give us (those with pre-existing conditions) a break to go back to a normal life.

You planning to not go out for 2 years?


Well, if it works for you...


Remember, there's another peak estimated in autumn, the way I see it is, either you get it in April, or you get it whenever you finally get bored and get out of the house.


Mental health is equally important, some jump off balconies in some cases, which has quite a predictable outcome.

Edited by lkv
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45 minutes ago, lkv said:

Remember, there's another peak estimated in autumn, the way I see it is, either you get it in April, or you get it whenever you finally get bored and get out of the house.

You could get it again. How long any immunity may last is a complete unknown. It could only be a few months if you only get a mild case first time round. 

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6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

An interesting point - Expose yourself early... Either you are ok, or if not ok, you have access to ICU / Respirator etc  as the healthcare system is not yet overwhelmed. 


Another view point: 

You have a bowl which contains 100 M&M’s. 10 of them will make you quite unwell (strong flu symptoms), 1 of them will kill you.


Would you gamble and take one M&M ?

Depends how you look at it. If I eat an M&M NOW, there is a 1% chance that it will kill me. If leave it to later and there are no ICU facilities available, there will be a 10% chance that I will die. Just as well I am not a gambling frog.

Edited by bangkokfrog
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5 hours ago, lkv said:

You planning to not go out for 2 years?


Well, if it works for you...


Remember, there's another peak estimated in autumn, the way I see it is, either you get it in April, or you get it whenever you finally get bored and get out of the house.


Mental health is equally important, some jump off balconies in some cases, which has quite a predictable outcome.

Perhaps you didn't understand, a pre-existing condition with Covid-19 is death, so one has to avoid it if one wants to live, fortunately for me, I planned my retirement well and built a very big house which is also nicely isolated so is cool throughout the day and I have enjoyed being in it 24/7 90% of my time here since 2015.


Bored I am not, I have a gym, Netflix, a wife who I enjoy company with, kids that keep us busy, internet and I like doing the odd job around the place, so if I feel bored, they I can go for a drive.


I didn't work all my life to not enjoy the fruits of my labor by allowing a virus take me out early, i.e. if I can keep out of it's path until a vaccine arrives, be it 2, 3, 4, 5 years for that matter.


In the meantime I will enjoy my mornings sitting on the front porch taking in that not so fresh air for a few years yet.

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1 m&m will kill you only if you are pretty much one foot in the grave already... and if not Corona virus it could well be the flu or another minor issue that is the last straw that breaks the camels back and takes you out

Unfair as that is ... charles darwin got it right.....some of us were always destined to have unequal bites at life.... die early from cancer or knocked over by a bus....

Corona is a nasty little virus but unfortunately it has been hitch-hiked/ used by politics modern media social media and those individuals companies and  countries pushing things untenable under normal everyday living...

But korea.... most tested country.....people get your head out your bums.... western countries are not leaders in testing or control...they are reaping from the seeds they have sown....health systems not coping because of privatisation or incompetent management... I use NZ as an example where in the last 30 years administration staff in the public free hospitals have increased  to three times number of doctors and nurses.... how the hell can you justify that number of paper shufflers...... anyways korea... go look at their stats.... use your brain and decimate the knowledge from the bs..people relax unless you live a highrisk lifestyle you gonna be ok or just plain unlucky or one of the unfortunates..

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