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I hate 4.3 format on a widescreen TV.


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As much as I'd like to watch some of the older TV series again like The Wire, Sopranos etc, I just can't watch them on a big widescreen TV. That format just looks so antiquated now, bit like watching a black and white silent movie.

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I'd rather have the old stuff in the original ratio and then get to choose the aspect ratio myself. In their infinite wisdom, Disney+ decided to put all the old Simpsons in widescreen instead of the original 4:3 - and it's ghastly! 

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You can stretch horizontally but all the actors become so fat :cheesy:


Yesterday stumbled upon an article about the Simpsons on Disney Plus.

They had used some cut vertical and some viewers very angry and insisting on the correct(!) 4:3 format.

A prominent example what happens with cutting:

(killing the joke!)





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31 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

You can stretch horizontally but all the actors become so fat :cheesy:

That's what I used to do when 16:9 TVs had just come out and most everything was still broadcast in 4:3

you get used to the slightly fatter people pretty quickly.

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here's a true story


±15 years ago, my dad got one of those "new" 16:9 TVs, I think it might be a plasma (can't recall now) but it has that BIG speaker base under which replaces furniture as its already easily 40+ cm off the floor and have the big behind.


I went to visit him one day and didn't know he had such a monstrosity.


he's sitting there so proud to show me his new purchase.. but me, being a Tech guy was not impressed by his supersized 1920x1080 offbrand blurry display and told him the first 15 seconds of having a look at it


ME: hey. what's wrong with it, why is the picture quality so bad?

HIM: I don't know

ME: how much did you pay for this?

HIM: $3000

ME: *having a laugh at his expense while he looks not amused*




my dad also hated 4:3, one day he had enough of it and went on his remote control and zoomed in once (maybe twice) which cut off all four sides of the TV, it was mostly left and right but also at least an inch off the top and bottom. he didn't care because he didn't know the difference.


somehow, my dad lost his remote for the TV and there was no way to reset the TV to factory defaults to reverse his change, so it's been stuck like this for 15 years and still is.


at some point I had a look on eBay to see if I could find a remote control, I found one but it was about $50 and he decided it was too expensive. so I didn't order it.



about three years ago, I wanted to surprise him by buying him a brand new 55 inch 4k Smart TV for Christmas, at the time they were $1000 or so (and a major upgrade to his monster) but I knew he would need furniture to put it on.


I got someone else to ask him questions about replacing TV and he said "Oh, I don't need a new TV mine is fine!"


so I got him a Squatty Potty for Christmas instead and saved $970

Original | Squatty Potty

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The old 4:3 tv series are now broadcasted in HD and are also beginning to show up as 720p for download. These look really brilliant.


The original 4:3 format is a must though, because that was the format the director was shooting for.


If you like slimmer actors, you can go for 14:9 zoom though. Makes all characters look fitter.

Edited by tgw
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Get some drapes fixed on the front of your wide screen TV and wind them in a bit when the format goes to 4:3. Since you have nothing else to do (obviously the case since posting on here?) why not install a motor and remote for the drapes whilst your are at it (installing the drapes that is).

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Slightly off-topic.
Recently I checked the camera settings of my smartphone (not the latest model) and realized:

4:3 = 4128*3096 pixel

And ALL other ratios are just cut off from the 4:3 resolution like 16:9 = 4128*2322.

The sensor is obviously 4:3?

So it may sound strange but now I take all pictures in 4:3 "missing nothing" with the fixed lens and then crop the pictures if desired/appropriate.



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Some people like to get worked up over stupid things like that... so now you hate M*A*S*H because they didn't make it in widescreen? I feel sorry for you...


I still have some old stuff, I am watching NYPD Blue and have no issues with having unused screen at the sides... I use Plex Media Player, and tried windowing it - but it's just better fullscreen with black bars.


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13 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I guess being cooped up with nothing else to do is freaking out some people. While the OP has a tad of my sympathy, are aspect ratios all that earth-shattering?

Of course not, but how many posts on this forum are?

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14 hours ago, ben2talk said:

Some people like to get worked up over stupid things like that... so now you hate M*A*S*H because they didn't make it in widescreen? I feel sorry for you...


I still have some old stuff, I am watching NYPD Blue and have no issues with having unused screen at the sides... I use Plex Media Player, and tried windowing it - but it's just better fullscreen with black bars.


Didn't say I hate Mash, although I doubt if I'd ever watch it again, I said I hated the format on a widescreen. Comprende the difference?

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