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Return to Europe ....or not?

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I cant be only one with this dilemma...


so, my story is i spend 6 months of the year here (playing golf is why im here) and i have for the last 7 years.


Before Covid 19 really broke out i was seriously considering staying a few months more. But things are now very different. 


I just cant decide whether to go back to UK or not? I dont 'want' to as such, no real pressing need for me to be there, no work or family committments, someone can take care of my property. But there's nothing to do here as well as there


-The bigger concern is 24/7 curfews in Thailand v UK

-Flying home is a risk in itself.

-fight could be cancelled/overbooked

- flights out could be grounded for months

-Insurance- i can get here in Thai should i stay

- Cases/deaths are way lower in Thai than almost all of Europe

-where is 'safer'?


Anyone else had these thoughts and would like to share the Pros & Cons?


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1 minute ago, madmen said:

Those that don't have insurance should go home if they can , it's a no brainer , could you imagine the bill after a couple of weeks in ICU?

Lockdowns will continue to get tighter here.. Slowly but surely

Agreed, i wouldnt even contemplate staying *without* insurance that includes covid 19, not a chance

but with it , im really torn as to what to do

ideally stick around and see what happens, hope that UK assist with flights out if things get dodgy


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On another post on here this morning news item reported private hospitals told to treat everyone for free claim if have insurance, but if not, still treated, maybe i miss read it ? seems too good to be true.

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22 minutes ago, thecolonel said:

yes feel same way, hence dilemma. The one thing that would make me leave here is if things got dodgy and i dont mean the virus. I mean being a farang and being' mistreated' simply because of it


And i do have an opportunity to fly , well i do at the moment anyway, thats another concern ie that option may be taken off the table


as an aside i ran my own business from aged 26 and made big decisions quickly every day

since turning 50 Im sh@t at making decisions, because i consider all factors ....old age hahaha

I was here in 'difficult' times (red and yellows) and never felt in anyway threatened...

I remember i was sitting outside a bar on Sukhumvit drinking a beer with friends and 'fully equipped' military vehicles were going  down the road! 


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25 minutes ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

I was here in 'difficult' times (red and yellows) and never felt in anyway threatened...

I remember i was sitting outside a bar on Sukhumvit drinking a beer with friends and 'fully equipped' military vehicles were going  down the road! 


Thanks Bill, its reassuring to hear such stories....

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Thanks for your post. I’m in exactly the same situation: go or stay.

i usually go back to the UK in April anyway (I like the springtime and welcome the cooler weather when it’s at its hottest in Bkk) and Christmas (to see family and escape the awful jingles and muzak everywhere). I have a flight booked this week but don’t fancy a crowded aircraft. Also Bkk seems calm compared with what’s going on in the UK. Cannot seem to decide. It’s not an easy call.



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1 hour ago, Tanoshi said:

Look at it another way.


How many in Europe would feel safer in Thailand ……… quite a lot.

Lower infection rates.

Lower death rates.

No panic buying and queuing for essentials at the supermarkets.

You can at least take exercise whilst maintaining social distancing, due to the better climate.


Going back to Europe at the moment would be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.


You can get very cheap Insurance to cover Covid in Thailand. 850 baht covers 100,000 in medical bills and 1,000,000 in the event of death to a beneficiary.

Thanks Tanoshi, good idea to look at it in reverse! Any links to that Insurance you mention, thanks

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1 hour ago, Tanoshi said:



You can get very cheap Insurance to cover Covid in Thailand. 850 baht covers 100,000 in medical bills and 1,000,000 in the event of death to a beneficiary.

Please enlighten me where I can get insurance for 850baht to cover covid?  I am 65 and have prediabetes so I can only get accident insurance and nothing else.


In response to the OP I would say stay here.  It is still possible to meet up with friends, food is easily available and although I am very cavalier about my health and don't worry I would be extremely concerned about being on a plane with 350+ other people.

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Stay here until the epidemic is over, and comply with the local public health advice. If you go now, you pose risk to yourself and the others in the UK (indeed, anywhere). So stay here, practice social distancing, and if possible enjoy time on the beach, in the nature, parks or some other nice spots accessible to you (while they remain open). 


Longer term, well I don't know now... This 6 months here, 6 month there looks attractive. But may be a bit dodgy logistically. Also I would think on the UK ordinary residence requirements if you are abroad for a longer time, as this my impact your pension,NHS treatment, tax, state benefits. etc (this is for those not in retirement yet, and financially somewhat uncertain).


We still do not know how exactly the C-19 situation will impact longer term the global, and the UK and Thai economies in particular. But the current prognosis is not that optimistic... What the cost of living and moreover, the quality of life, will be? For Thailand, for example, will the environment become much more polluted? unhealthy/bad quality/bad choice of food? more sub-standard/run-down infrastructure, increased cost of living-particularly for foreigners? more unfair/costly/difficult visa procedures (for longer than a month stay)? radicalisation of politics due to citizens' unrest?.... All this due to a general lack of funds in the post-C19 world. UK might not be much more better off (just think of the Brexit consequences on the top of C19), but it does have a better "baseline" economy to start....Anyway, this is only one possibility, skewed to the "negative", gloomy  outlook. There may be more positive developments just as well. Hardly it will stay "neutral". Time will tell.


I suppose my point is that these are very uncertain times (one might argue it has always been like that... but I'd say now is even more so) and I'd keep my options open and regularly review them. I'd say the key now is to ensure you can retain/build flexibility, a capacity for a quick change and adaptability. Today Thailand, tomorrow UK, the day after somewhere else, if needs be. A "partisan fight" in life, rather than some principled and inflexible, once-for-ever decisions. This approach is costly though, but such is the time...and favours building of an inner, psychological, peace/stability... 


Anyways, good luck and stay in (or keep building) a positive spirit! Keep calm, chin up and carry on! ????

Edited by McArie
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11 hours ago, treetops said:
13 hours ago, Sambotte said:

Risks in Thailand are possible, but risks in traveling are pretty certains. Flight canceled, hours in airport, promiscuity with so many people, immigration, fatigue, costs, forced quarantines, etc. etc.

You must have much more fun than me when travelling, or did you mean proximity?

I've certainly never had that much fun at an airport or at immigration... 

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