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my girlfriend wants gold


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39 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


isn't that about the average salary for an office lady in bangkok with a decent job?

No.  Most of them make about 12,000b a month if that.  The employers here exploit all of them, especially the women.  

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2 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Gold is her pension, the rest is just living expenses.  Either understand  that or ditch her, but if you ditch her, it's not her fault for asking, its yours for not understanding the 'deal' in a Thai Farang relationship.    She is just being normal. I had a 'deal' with my wife for the first 10 years of our relationship, until she qualified for half my pension when I died.  Each year I would buy her one item of 1 Baht gold on her birthday, or upgrade one, 1 Baht item to a 2 Baht item. It worked out well for us both.  We both own that gold now and trade it as we require. 

1 bath gold once in a while for birthday Christmas or so , is far of from 150/200 k gold ….in one chop …..

What if she see this as a final goodbye payment  …. never had a thought for that ….a finale squeeze before looking (or having already ) replacement boyfriend …?

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A friend's company bought a house for his "manager," to live in near HH.  She has seven relatives living there.  She is a "nice" girl, of course, but she sure does know lower Sukhumvit well.

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10 minutes ago, Chrysaora said:

No.  Most of them make about 12,000b a month if that.  The employers here exploit all of them, especially the women.  

well, i didn't know that.  mine was making 20k plus end of year bonus, some of her friends working for banks doing collections are making up to 30k.

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You been so far very generous for her. Likely she been talking to some bar girl friends and they tend to brag amongst eachother..

Anyway before i tell u how to handle this what’s her and ur age and what was her last job and her education?


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1 hour ago, connda said:

Yeah baby!  It's a buyers market!!!  Tons of available, slightly used merchandise.  You should be like a kid in a candy store.  

His only problem is that he's in his home country not Thailand. Utube videos are no substitute. He is long distancing his relationship.

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Of course she is asking and will ask for things.  Did she ever work?  Does she have any job skills, and substantial education?  If she is thinking about the future, well just getting living expenses along the way as gifts doesn't do that

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OP, the answer to your question also depends on why did you come from Turkey to Thailand, how did you meet your gf? What is the age gap between both of you? How do you communicate with each other? You mention that "never understand the love of thais", so how many thai girls have you been in a relationship with and then left them? It could also be quite possible that you are the dodgy one and she wants to be careful as you may use and discard her?

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1 hour ago, Enzian said:

OK, I'm going through the same right now, and she's half my age and I could write a book on all I've done for her these past five years, and yes she has returned value. They want SECURITY, whatever that means in any particular case, and in my case I could not take the step of marriage. I just drew the line finally when she asked me to cover a family emergency which did not seem appropriate from my western point of view. So it may be over, we're separated, no legal chains, I've never bet more than I was willing to lose. It hurts, a little. Suffer and move on; or don't.

Nothing ever lasts forever

Everybody wants to rule the world

(Tears for Fears)


Sad story and sorry for you.


However, some girls will play hard at first and when they cannot find another sponsor, they will do anything to get back together with you.


You have already seen the true color, sure it is painful, but being broke is painful too.


Plenty of good women in Thailand, you have nothing to worry about.

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When I was a young, single and hansum man back in the day, I always found the phrase "my OTHER girlfriend has never asked for gold" gets to the heart of the matter fairly quickly. Good luck to you. And store sharp objects safely away. 

Addendum: the heart of the matter appears to be money in your situation. Which is fair enough. But like everything in life, give what you comfortably can without sacrificing your happiness. If someone loves you, they will understand. 

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6 minutes ago, Andrew23 said:



6 minutes ago, Andrew23 said:
7 minutes ago, Andrew23 said:

Just give her whatever she wants until such expense is not too significant for you. And don't overestimate your "food, dentist & good accommodations"

She wants gold,only gold she,d get off me would be a golden shower,just pay as you go and love them and leave them.


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1 hour ago, at15 said:

Its never been love. Lets just get the obvious out of the way first. Laughable to think otherwise. Right now you are under a test. With the time you have spent away from each other she now believes her value is high enough to achieve a better man than you. Hence the financial test of a 150-200k gold purchase. She knows this is not a big deal for you money wise, you said it yourself. If you do not cough up this money you will fail and be written off as stingy. She will be moving on soon once your next target is locked in. If you do cough up the 150-200k baht then you move on to the next stage, which as you said will be cars, houses, land, etc. It will be a constant progression like this, and she will not stop until you are buried under the ground. 

Good reply,give her the Spanish archer.

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