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Thailand announces another fall in new COVID-19 cases


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27 minutes ago, Yadon Toploy said:

A PR firm has been hired and caught blatantly lying about the amounts of people being tested in Thailand. 




What is interesting is the Thai Government has denied hiring them, so who would spend the money?


I wonder if the PR lackeys post here? I can think of a few posters who are on every thread with the same nonsense giving misdirection and unproven facts about the outbreak...

The last two days the number of cases has increased but the total test numbers per Worldmeters hasn't changed at 71,860. I'd like to see how many tests are done a day

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1 hour ago, madmitch said:

Are other countries looking at Thailand's figures and wondering how the figures are so low?


If you think about it, Thailand should be an absolute hotbed for the dissemination of the virus:


Flights from Wuhan continuing until Wuhan itself closed its airport;

Flights from overseas, including China, still arriving until very recently;

A population that is generally loathe to observe rules and regulations;

Minimal social distancing;

People living several to a household, not to forget the corrugated iron villages occupied by migrant workers;

Public hospitals where you expect to come out with a disease, even if you enter in perfect health;

An early lack of decisiveness from the Government and totally confusing messages from  the health ministry (and a useless health minister who has all but disappeared from sight);

Completely different provincial approaches whereby some still have shopping malls open and others are in full lockdown.


I could probably go on.


So why is this virus just not infecting many people here? Heat and humidity? Face masks? Natural immunity? Lack of testing and analysis of tests?


Other southeast Asian countries are also not suffering like in Europe and America.


It just seems odd.



A diet high in phytochemicals? They must eat more raw vegetables (and weeds) than in any other country on the planet.

Edited by tropo
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7 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

Would it be relatively easy to hide a 7.5% increase in hospital deaths in Thailand? 


If monthly deaths in Thailand have increased 10% in the last three months then that would mean an extra 15k have died. If 25% of people die at home rather than in hospitals (my assumption), then an extra 15k deaths would only represent a 7.5% increase in hospital business. Seems like that could be ignored/hidden.

This conspiracy theory would require that all Thai hospitals remain silent about a fudging of numbers....highly inlikely in Thailand, a highly politically charged invironment.


I believe the Thai death toll.


All countries numbers are skewed on virus totals but the death toll is hard to hide unless you are China. 

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2 minutes ago, Buffy Frobisher said:

Without naming them because I rely on them for treatment of a chronic health issue, one of Bangkok's biggest private hospitals has a negative-pressure wing full of Covid-19 patients, and the ICU full to the brim too. And they're apparently just overflow from the big government hospitals where it is even worse. Even my specialist said he was worried about my safety there because "Bangkok's full of it and you're safer not coming out". I tend not to believe the official numbers at all, and I dread to think how dire it is upcountry where people will be dying at home withot ever going near a regional hospital.

Name the hospital... no one is tracking you.

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48 minutes ago, nemo38 said:

In the UK, they are predicting many times the COVID death count, which is padded with people who were already old and ill, in dead caused by the lockdown




Sweden is doing OK without destroying their economy. Of course, there was an instant backlash from countries where leaders have harmed the country in response to a flu.


Most people don't yet understand the long term damage the lock down will cause world wide. They can't weigh the cost of the shutdown against lives lost to the Coronaflu. Societies have become overly emotional.




"Response to a flu" - what an asinine comment. Several multitudes more deadly and infectious. Covering all areas of the population, unlike flu, which typically is mainly fatal for elderly and the young.


Attitudes like that are why this will continue to be a huge problem, till successful drugs and a vaccine are available.


Economies will recover, dead people won't.


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3 minutes ago, Enoon said:


You're being told nothing.


Any Thai who tries to tell you anything will have their legs broken.


Do you and the others have absolutely no idea how it works here....and in Cambodia..... and Laos and Burma?



How works here? I really don't know.

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1 hour ago, chrisinth said:

If these numbers and the trend remains downward, are correct that is indeed great news. However, IMO, the greater threat will be as stated by the doctor above, will be when the travel restrictions are lifted.


Although probably months ahead, the transition between the self isolation/curfew/travel restricted situation that we are currently in and back to normal, needs to be done correctly. This will take a lot of time. 

Will be at the very least this time next year and probably later before borders can reopen. Needs to be totally eradicated worldwide first and that vaccine is good to go

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18 minutes ago, Solidpoo said:

they done 71k test, thats almost the same as Singapore which has a population of 6milion 

When the number of tests completed jumped from 22k to 72k, zero new positive cases were added. So, a reasonable person would conclude that while those tests might have been performed, the results weren't counted. And, it was explained that those tests weren't counted because they were done outside the two official labs. So, if you say we did more tests but we won't tell you at all if any were positive, then you really can't count those as additional tests since the only purpose of a test is to determine if it's positive or not. That's the only reason to do a test. 

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20 minutes ago, smedly said:

The whole world should learn from this


Don't test then you won't have to report confirmed cases, just basically hide them - well done Thailand 


While Thailand lags behind the whole world in confirmed cases they also lag behind massively on actual testing - and no, a temperature check is not a test

A temerature check is indeed a test, especially when they are being done everywhere. It is a test for temperature. Not for virus, but never the less it can identify a person with one symptom. Nothing to be scoffed at. While NYC was telling citizens you need no mask ride the trains......


Thailands trains had virtually all in masks and had temp checks and sanitizer for use prior to boarding.


Am I impressed? Yep

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5 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

When the number of tests completed jumped from 22k to 72k, zero new positive cases were added. So, a reasonable person would conclude that while those tests might have been performed, the results weren't counted. And, it was explained that those tests weren't counted because they were done outside the two official labs. So, if you say we did more tests but we won't tell you at all if any were positive, then you really can't count those as additional tests since the only purpose of a test is to determine if it's positive or not. That's the only reason to do a test. 

Antibodies present is also very useful to know.

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