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Thailand reports 32 new coronavirus cases, no new deaths


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3 hours ago, pantsonfire said:

I dont understand how Thailand can be so low in comparison to other asian countries like Singapore for instance.  Social Gatherings still take place and people then gather round at friends place for parties.  I totally dont understand how the numbers can be so low.  There were Thai KTV that were secretly opened for business but had to book in advance to go.  Please help me explain?

Singapore did very well at first, but their recent big jump in cases is pretty much all down to migrant worker camps with a large amount of people living very close together. They still only have 11 deaths, compared to Thailands 47

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7 hours ago, Guderian said:

Have a gander at why Japan and Singapore have recently lost control of the virus. It basically comes down to not being restrictive enough about the protective measures in the first place, or else relaxing them when you thought you were fairly safe. Put that with all the stories saying that catching C19 doesn't confer immunity to it, and this virus isn't going anywhere but up until we have a vaccine.  

Singapore had it under control or thought they did until the cases from the imported worker dorms broke out an area of infection they totally missed.

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That number 32 is useless without the total number who were tested included with it. For example is it 32 out of 100? or 32 out of 1000?, 32 out of 32?, etc, etc. A little more investigative reporting would go a long way to increase the credibility of this rag.

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10 hours ago, offset said:

What does testing prove it will show no more deaths only how many people have it at this time it not show how many people have had the virus

Testing alone will not do anything - unless its on front line staff. If its linked to tracing and isolating then it can form an important part of managing the situation. Until a vaccine is found, all that can be done is to try to reduce the number of infections to a level that doesn't overwhelm the hospitals.

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6 hours ago, pantsonfire said:

Whats not to say Thailand dont have the same but just undetected or declared?

They do, but as always numbers can be manipulated to show or say what you like..

They quote low infection rates but openly states it has 666,000 PUI [people under investigation]

ie, they have symptoms but have been told to go home and self isolate.

Why you may ask, simple, they can't cope with what they have now in hospital.. easier to tell them to go home, isolate and take medication.



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8 hours ago, cheapcanuck said:

That number 32 is useless without the total number who were tested included with it. For example is it 32 out of 100? or 32 out of 1000?, 32 out of 32?, etc, etc. A little more investigative reporting would go a long way to increase the credibility of this rag.

Thailand does narrative not reporting reporting is banned,thats the problem believing the news anywhere here.

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23 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

They do, but as always numbers can be manipulated to show or say what you like..

They quote low infection rates but openly states it has 666,000 PUI [people under investigation]

ie, they have symptoms but have been told to go home and self isolate.

Why you may ask, simple, they can't cope with what they have now in hospital.. easier to tell them to go home, isolate and take medication.



They control they numbers to say to the world Thailand is the best in the world at handling the outbreak pure and simple also they hope by saying that the tourists will believe Thailand doesn't have a virus problem as Thailand won't have any money left and they will be desperate for tourist dollars.

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18 hours ago, Greg O said:

We have no way to make that determination without widespread testing and publishing the numbers of positives vs negatives. How long are we willing to wait for the "experts" to save us from total and complete destruction ? The ineptness of the governments and health officials turned world leaders is mind numbing and mind boggling. 

Agree wholeheartedly, need facts to make decisions.

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59 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

They control they numbers to say to the world Thailand is the best in the world at handling the outbreak pure and simple also they hope by saying that the tourists will believe Thailand doesn't have a virus problem as Thailand won't have any money left and they will be desperate for tourist dollars.

I'm just waiting for the flights to re-open and borders relaxed...

T.A.T will be begging the Chinese tours to return.

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18 hours ago, pantsonfire said:

It isnt. Imagine UK had 30 cases per day.  it be like almost business as usual.   Doesnt make sense at all to me.  The reason why they have a curfew and such lock measures is because they dont know the REAL numbers.  They are unsure so this is to protect it.

Another possibility is that they have a good sense of what the real numbers are. That data I've said we need (the total number of deaths in Thailand per month and up to date) isn't public and available to us. But, the MOPH here has it. So, they may not know the specific number of infected. But, they do know whether there are a lot of increased numbers of deaths in the first quarter of this year. I think that's why we have the current measures.

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