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Thailand extends alcohol ban, health ministry says some measures could be eased


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9 minutes ago, marvin1950 said:

Does anybody know if the alcohol ban was extended in the Nongkai Province from April 20 to April 30?


Isn't up to each Provincial Governor to decide?

I was planning a drive over to Nong Khai province today, I think that it is not worth going now.

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3 hours ago, Pungdo said:

Do tell, I have a lot of back problems, I stopped outside my normal massage place on the darkside a few days ago after I saw the front door open, I was told straight up, no way, I asked can I get someone to come to my house and got the same response ???? A PM would suffice if you know of somewhere over here.

Go into the city and drive/walk around, there are a few descretly open.

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19 minutes ago, Toshiba66 said:

The area with the highest population is always going to have higher numbers of the virus in general. You shouldn't punish people living in Bangkok for that.

New York is a fine example of that but if you want to buy a beer after work and have a relax at home there you still can.

Let's not forget not everyone in Bangkok is retired sitting on their <deleted> all day waiting for beer o'clock to roll around.

Nothing about this virus has changed in 14 days.

What has changed is our freedom to buy a few beers and enjoy them at home sensibly.

And let's not forget that not everyone buys a few beers and goes home and enjoys them sensibly. It is the ones that cannot do that that spoils it for everyone else. If people could control themselves with the alcohol then the restrictions would not be needed. It is not only in Thailand that people cannot control themselves with the lock down restrictions and just go and flaunt them so the honest person must pay the price because of the idiots. To those who want a massage, by all means go and find a shop that is open illegally and have the masseuse rub their corona virus infected hands on your body and pass the virus onto you because you do not know who they massaged before you. This is the reason that massage shops were one of the first closed.

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59 minutes ago, Adiudon said:

I was planning a drive over to Nong Khai province today, I think that it is not worth going now.

They've gone til the end of the month across the board now.

To scared of losing face to the main nincompoop

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Banning of alcohol during the Songkran period did have some logic. I'm sure if the beer and whisky had been available there would have been a few parties everywhere, which is what the Government don't want right now for fear of spreading the Covid19 virus. However continuing past that point doesn't seem logical. "The extension of the alcohol ban will help control the spread of the coronavirus by discouraging social gatherings, said Pongsakorn Kwanmuang, spokesman for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration" So on May 1st everybody (that drinks) will go into their local shop buy their favorite tipple and have a nice evening? By this logic they should just ban alcohol until the pandemic is over, or run its course. Could be a long time!!


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15 hours ago, Metapod said:

So we are going to get <deleted> over in Bangkok and be shutdown for May also?



The whole handling of this emergency has been a complete muck up by the Thai Govt., They should look at how Australia is doing it, and maybe learn something.  Also they should forget about all those unneeded expensive military toys, Submarines, Tanks, Attack Helicopters, Small arms etc and spend the money on the poorer section of the population.

Edited by Huckenfell
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15 hours ago, Captain_Bob said:

"alcohol ban will help control the spread of the coronavirus by discouraging social gatherings" 

That only applies to people who require company in order to enjoy a drink, while millions worldwide now just want to sip a few, bored at home watching movies and licking the cat's butt ???? 

I like drink beer while watching films. Not sure about the cat though - wouldn't it's tail obscure your view of the screen, or have you taught it to lie on its side?

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15 hours ago, ripstanley said:

It appears that the Nation news is very old. This has been known to people who visit places like Tops and Marko many hours ago

Yes Stanley. I thought so too. Ive known for a while. What seems to have happened is the Provinces out of sync have extended to 30 th. Including Udon Thani who extended from 20 to 30 on the 19th ????????

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Sex will be banned next, they will install cameras in everyones house to make sure they dont get up to mischeif.

I managed to get 2 bottles of whiskey but had to pay above the usual price for it.

just go to the neighbouring villages they are making a killing with alcohol sales. Police rarely go there.


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4 hours ago, jesimps said:

With a 25 point lead everyone would concede the league to us if it wasn't for the relegation and promotion battles. Realistically, we won the league ages ago, even if officially we didn't. You puddings who support the so-called rivals ought to be ashamed of your teams for allowing us to build up this massive lead so early in the season. Abandoning the season is the only way we aren't going to win it.

Real football supporters know that Liverpool are the deserving champions. And i am a SAINTS supporter, good luck and well done to them. p.s. now that the transferred players are all settled down, can we have out Tea Lady back, because you took everything else.

Edited by Huckenfell
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24 minutes ago, Huckenfell said:

The whole handling of this emergency has been a complete muck up by the Thai Govt., They should look at how Australia is doing it, and maybe learn something.  Also they should forget about all those unneeded expensive military toys, Submarines, Tanks, Attack Helicopters, Small arms etc and spend the money on the poorer section of the population.

Todays numbers are 19 new infected and 1 death.....why extend anything....Just watched the news and yet they want to keep it up it sounds like

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4 hours ago, Pungdo said:

Do tell, I have a lot of back problems, I stopped outside my normal massage place on the darkside a few days ago after I saw the front door open, I was told straight up, no way, I asked can I get someone to come to my house and got the same response ???? A PM would suffice if you know of somewhere over here.

I had exactly the same experience .  My regular lady had closed shop so I went along to where there are many , I can only think ladies live there as just looking in the door got CLOSED  response .

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16 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

All I need to know is when can I get covered from head to toe in oil again??? 

im going into withdrawal here ????

...get your missus to rub some goose fat onya.

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1 hour ago, Toshiba66 said:

The area with the highest population is always going to have higher numbers of the virus in general. You shouldn't punish people living in Bangkok for that.

I'm not punishing people in Bangkok, yes it is the largest province, yes it has the largest population and yes it accumulated the highest infection rate, thus it must be treated accordingly.

If you open up Bangkok along with other provinces in a like-minded way the infection rate will climb again in a second wave, as other countries have found out.

There can be a national policy to re-start businesses as infection rates allow, but these must be carried out on a case by case basis and not on sheer numbers. 

When infection numbers in Bangkok show it's safe, that is the only time to do it, not when it's zero 500 kilometers away in a different province.

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