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So in fact, everyone is just traveling where ever they want?


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I must say Im a bit gobsmacked that people are driving all over Thailand !


We have not been allowed to cross the only 2 checkpoints we have , and they are about 2.5 kms in each direction ! 

And , for a whole month now .

No swimming in the sea , or even in resort pools.

No playing on the beach !

Compulsory masks.

No alcohol , bars or restaurants.

I sort of thought we were all the same.


And theres people driving around the country ?

I really never knew they could do that....

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On 4/28/2020 at 12:50 PM, Davo369 said:

I'm still stuck on the sofa not moved. Oooh.. I'm lying.. I went to the fridge to get some booze. Then straight back on the sofa. 

Tell ya something though when i eventually go back to work I'm gonna be fxxxked, I'm in construction 

Get one of these?



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On 4/30/2020 at 7:15 AM, PETERTHEEATER said:

Travelled up from Hua Hin to Surin yesterday in private car. Hwy 9 to BKK, East Ring Road up to Hwy 1 then to Saraburi, Hwy 2 to Hwy 24 to Prasart then Surin. Departed 0630 Arrived 1700. Total five check points only one manned, waved through, they were pulling trucks and pickups and speeders. I was surprised at heavy car traffic on Hwy 1 and 2. Traffic on Hwy 24 very light no BIB. Ate at a gas ration restaurant serving spaced tables and again at rural restaurant. Almost all folks masked. Staying at our usual hotel in Surin. Their restaurant is closed and occupancy few. Travelled ONLY to transact a property sale before return to UK.


So you traveled through Buriram on Hwy24?  I need to do something similar and heard reports they were very strict in Buriram.  Also, if you don't mind, what hotel did you stay at in Surin?  My regular in Prasat doesn't want foreigners!!!

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On 4/29/2020 at 3:33 AM, NCC1701A said:

yes and a few days ago i noticed a lot of cars now on the main highway here in Hua Hin. I was thinking where are all these people going? 


i have been avoiding the checkpoint just north of HH on the south side of the highway only because i did not want to explain that i just made a uturn a from Makro and that i live here bla bla bla.  


I understand my license plate says PKK on it and I just ASSumed I would be busted right away if I went a few kilometres further into Ratchaburi. 


Technically I can't travel to Cha Am right? I don't have a reason and it is another province. But a Thai friend called me and said look I am at the beach.   

So I wonder if the increase of traffic is the BK people travelling down to Cha Amm and Hua Hin to their holiday Condo's and to party on Cha amm beach as they did previously every Friday.

I normally live in Hua Hin but im trapped in NZ at present and have told my Thai wifes mother to stay put at our house,Im amazed that some markets are still open , my brother in law works at one big one and so does my sister in law and they seem to be ok at present.

On the other hand people travelling down from BK may b very risky for Hua Hin residents.

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